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Announcement from the GGA

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New Triumvirate

This announcement is never easy, but in the interest of having a new and open govt. I will make the following announcement.

Scotchwithrocks, and Kungfuhamster, have been relieved of their duties as Triumvirate of the GGA. This decision was made after taking into consideration the actions of these two triumvirs over the last little while. I will not delve into what lead up to these decisions as i don't personally think its fair to lamb baste them in public.

Both of them have been offered the position of Elder Statesmen and the offer will not be rescinded until they have made their decisions. Should they decide they wish to leave, we wish them well and hold no ill feelings towards them.

Now onto happy times, with the opening of Two triumvirate positions i would like to welcome firstly Descepter as the newest Triumvirate, She will no doubt do great things as Triumvirate as she has already proven herself capable in the other positions she's held. Secondly as strange as this sounds i welcome back into the fold one Mr. Shaneprice. Shane has gone above and beyond to right the wrongs and has held a very pro GGA mindset in the process. I feel this is a long time overdue, welcome back shane.

With these moves in mind, we hope to continue moving forward, away from the past that's led us to this present position. Progressively making head way. The Alliance has never had a brighter future in my mind, and i can assure you there will be more announcements in the coming days. With that in mind, please feel free to continue to pm me, or either of the two new triumvirs with your questions and concerns, we can also be found on irc throughout the day and night. :)

Furthermore our embassy row is now open, please feel free to send over an ambassador to our new forums located here

Signed on behalf of the GGA:

Degenerate108, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

DeScepter, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

Shaneprice, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

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Why even bother with a triumvirate? Why not just name Degenerate emperor? How in the hell does one triumvirate vote two out of power anyways? <_<

If I remeber correctly the triumvir has to have support from the elders, regent, chancellor to remove the others from power

Edited by SubstanceAbuse
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Why even bother with a triumvirate? Why not just name Degenerate emperor? How in the hell does one triumvirate vote two out of power anyways? <_<

I was wondering the same thing myself. I would guess membership vote, however I don't think that's in the GGA charter. I may go read again just to see.

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You got rid of your only no retarded triv...


Good luck KingFuHamster :)

lol... "they got rid of their only no retarded triv"

No, no they didn't - if you only had a clue. Like I said, congrats GGA.

Edited by Carter
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