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After The War: Best Alliance to Join?


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heh forget all the rest, Join ODN and be subject to incessant trolling and criticism...what more could anyone desire :D

To join Vanguard and be responsible for the incessant trolling and criticism.

ODN sucks :awesome:

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Certainly not the New Polar Order. They're too much of a well oiled machine for my tastes, and you're probably not hard enough to join, anyways.

NpO have been impressive, I have watched the growth. However well oiled isn't just an economic envoy.

One would certianly not want to apply at Nemesis.

Reverse psychology doesn't...mmm, always work. ;)

Join OMFG. We guarantee that your e-peen will swing below your knees after a month with us

Or your handlebar mustache around your nips? XD Crazy AV!

Wait you are dutch???


You stole my line!!! Then Mogar had to come in and make me a 3rd wheel, :(.


Really the possibilities are mind boggling. It is way too early to tell, or even estimate who is going to rise. I can guarantee it will be a different BOB; but don't think anyone can call who or when someone will gain the stature the NPO has had since GWII.

Edited by Chalaskan
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Though, if you're really drunk you might end up in a bed in SSSW18's crib. That's right, we have a !@#$@#$ crib.

Little known fact. Our President actually sleeps in a crib. Though that might have something to do with his girlfriend/nanny.

But seriously it all depends what you're after. If you're after leadership opportunities and community joining a nice small comfy alliance like say Sssw18 (obligatory alliance shilling) would be a good idea. If you're looking for a well oiled machine that will grow you and know exactly what they are doing some of the larger alliances like say NpO would suit you better. But in the end it comes down to theme, environment, and people. If you're just starting out and you can find one good person to mentor you and look after you you've hit the jackpot no matter where you go.

I also don't think it matters if you join an alliance that has been victorious or defeated. In fact a badly defeated alliance that is implementing an aggressive rebuilding program might actually be an ideal situation for some nations.

As for the political situation no one knows what the sides will be for the next war. And ideally you should be in an alliance that is a good enough fit that you won't care whether they are destined to "win" or "lose" the next fight.

Edited by Taget
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As usual following a big war, you have the option of choosing an alliance on the losing or the winning side, or an alliance that stayed out.

If you go to an alliance on the losing side, you know who your alliance's friends really are. If you go to one on the winning side, then odds are the statistical situation of your alliance is looking a little rosier.

However, I still say you should go to an alliance which has a community that you like. It's really simple; wherever you go, your alliance might lose or win wars in the future, but the community is something that you can depend on.

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Actually Goon Order of Neutral Shoving still has like 4 members, so it's possible they might make a comeback. And probably NSO, FAN, and TDO will do the best.

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Does it really work or is it like those pills that do nothing for me. Errr, I mean, mah friends. :awesome:

They've been mutated by all the nuclear waste that's been left on our lands. We may or may not have dipped them in said nuclear waste to try and get super powers.

Some of us ended up sterile (Skull), and others can shoot lasers out of their... eyes...

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Gramlins won't take any reps. Read their Codex. I should have written one as well, but we follow similar principles.

Yeah, MHA too I hope as we usually waive reps and have a great amount of respect for iron.

I would have to say Härmlins and TOP, I mean after this war we want to be aiming to shorten the gap as much as possible between us and Sparta. We passed them before from 5 points down we will do so again :)

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There are many good alliances you could join and some GREAT alliances you could join. All in all, I'd recommend going where you have friends. And if you don't have any friends, make some and go where they are.

The best part about CN is the relationships you make both friend and 'enemy' alike. Get involved in an active alliance that takes part in the global scene. Sitting on the sidelines is boring and will lead you down the path of inactivity and deletion. Get involved and you'll have fun no matter where you land.

Also, Argent is teh seks so you should join it, but only if you are a stat whore who loves massive n00kular stockpiles and having fun.

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Well, I personally would never join an alliance where the same old people will always decide the faith of the entire alliance, and where the most promising career end is "willful follower".

Thus, I'd join a democratic alliance where you know, even if you are not in a government position, your voice will be heard nonetheless.

Of course, if you don't have the time to spare, or hate personal responsibility, I'd join any of the many alliances that offers excellent career choices as mindless drone.

That said, alliances in a difficult situation probably offer more chances to get involved than those were everything is peachy, thus Hegemony alliances surely could be interesting, NATO comes to mind, they lost, but are a nice bunch of people, and are democratic (of what I know).

Edited by shilo
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Well, I personally would never join an alliance where the same old people will always decide the faith of the entire alliance, and where the most promising career end is "willful follower".

Thus, I'd join a democratic alliance where you know, even if you are not in a government position, your voice will be heard nonetheless.

Of course, if you don't have the time to spare, or hate personal responsibility, I'd join any of the many alliances that offers excellent career choices as mindless drone.

What makes you think the voices of members aren't heard in an autocracy?

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