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Announcement from GOD/AB/Nemesis

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Thanks for all of the support from all our allies and friends during this conflict. Support and community is the name of the game. Thank you all.

*Neftyaniki provides an ample supply of fresh ice cubes so that the work of rebuilding may begin

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Not sure what you intend to show with the bible verse. Honestly I think it's one of the most poorly used and interpreted verses in the bible. I do hope people don't take it in the wrong way.

That being said, I'm glad to see our allies get peace.

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Not sure what you intend to show with the bible verse. Honestly I think it's one of the most poorly used and interpreted verses in the bible. I do hope people don't take it in the wrong way.

It does, however, confirm what the great prophet St. Stephen of Colbert said about bears.

Congratulations to all parties on an end to war. I shall now stand back and await the arrival of those who will decry this as unfair, hypocritical and so on.

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Congratulations AB, I'm glad you found peace. We're eternally grateful for your support. :)


1. All treaties with Echelon will be dissolved as of this surrender.

2. Aurora Borealis will take full responsibility for starting the war and concede defeat at the hands of GOD and Nemesis.

3. 3,000 in technology will be dealt to GOD at a rate of 100T:3M. Nations to sell will be provided in a timely matter by the Aurora Borealis government.

4. Aurora Borealis will decommission all nuclear weapons and navy vessels.

5. Aurora Borealis may remilitarize after a period of one month.

6. No aid will be given to alliances or nations engaged with the Karma coalition; including information, financial, military or spy operations.

6a. No Aurora Borealis members will engage in secret foreign aid.

7. The terms will be considered expired and completed once all tech has been paid and the one month period is up.

8. Refusal or subversion of the above terms will result in continued warfare.

...this is curious.

What is GOD/Nemesis' vested interest in our treaty with AB? They've agreed to surrender and not further partake in this conflict, effectively rendering the treaty inactive for the duration of the war... why force them to cancel it?

Further, when it's quite unanimously frowned upon for a treaty to be instantly 'dissolved' at one signatory's discretion, why's it suddenly okay because a third-party says so?

There's nothing preventing them resigning one tomorrow or, if that would make you mad, in one month once all terms expire... so why even bother?

:lol1: <<< Karma

The power has gotten to them already? :mellow:

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Congrats to Aurora Borealis on finally finding some rest. Hail to your brave warriors. May you rebuild as swiftly as you fought valiantly.

Long Live Aurora Borealis!

Thanks, Syn. I'll be looking for you and Avalon to achieve your objective soon, good luck.

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If I had more time I'd reply to the point raised by Matthew, however I will save it for later, as it stands.

Good luck to AB on rebuliding.

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Members and esteemed government of Aurora Borealis,

On behalf of Echelon, I'd like to thank-you all for the trying and difficult war you've fought alongside us. Though we no longer hold a piece of paper between us, our bond runs far deeper than any treaty could define. Echelon owes you a debt that can never be fully repaid (drinks are on the house for life!)

To the Order of Darkness and Nemesis, thank-you for allowing this to happen. While I resolutely believe your continuation of the war was punitive in nature and served no strategic purpose, you have my thanks for coming to the peace table and ending this front of the war.

Xiphosis )):

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