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ARES Announcement

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See this is another thing I can't stand in debating in this forum. People seem to like to say you have bad logic or that you are stupid without telling you why they think that way. It's pathetic. Stop doing it. If you feel he is wrong tell him why.

What I don't get is why these alliances that are declaring for "friends" don't have treaties with their "friends". What? The !@#$ has to hit the fan before you realize that they might be worth fighting with? I don;t think "they're my friends so I'm attacking you is a good enough reason." Anyone can say that about anyone. That is why there is supposed to be treaties between real friends. To prevent this sort of shameless bandwagoning.

So by your logic, you can't have friends you'd fight for without having a treaty with them?

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69 NS, No Alliance, and a big mouth. Looks like someone learned about curbstomp on the receiving end.
ad hominem attacks do nothing to weaken my point; rad is still just as pathetic as they were before you decided to attack my character instead of my argument
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I don't believe ARES mentioned the war would be nuclear, while SyndicateINC is already threatening to use Avalon's mighty 58 nukes, most of which are possessed by nations in peace mode. I'm not attacking Avalon personally whatsoever, I actually have respect for 'em.

RAD asked for help, ARES helped them. ARES isn't full strength, as they are extended in many fronts, if Avalon nukes ARES then The Syndicate nukes Avalon via our MDoAP with ARES. Any questions?

Yes, Avalon has a question. When did we give the impression that we cared?

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I wonder how many alliances who believe in this friends>paper kick would actually get rid of all their paper? I want to see one of them do it. I don't believe anyone of them would. They know better. They just need something to cry out when it is convenient for them.

"We are bandwagoning....How do we cover it up?"

"Yell out friends>paper! lol"

"Yeah that's it. Then they'll think we mean it and we can keep our honor!"

"Yeah! lol."

That's what it looks like you know. So come on with it. I wanna see those backing up this practice drop all of their treaties. If they don't then they are full of it.

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I'd assume it already does.

This is the first war that I recall non-treaty bandwagoning not only happening, but being supported and encouraged.

Heck, before so many nations got involved on both sides pulling MHA into it, they were going to attack alliances that did this very thing to NPO.

I guess it's part of the brave new world that Bob has become.

But some of these alliances will be on the wrong side of it someday. Maybe they'll handle it as well as NEW and Avalon did and merely say "bring it on!"

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Good luck, ARES, and glad to have you here beside us.

Why do people complain about the number of alliances they are facing? You knew what you were going to face when you entered the war.

I don;t think it's the number of alliances that is the problem. Did PC expect people without treaties to TPF or whoever else you attacked to get involved?

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I'm a fan of jeight.

hakai needs to exist more

this treaty is fail

congratulations, you just broke Karma


I put my stamp of approval on this.


please read the first post over again:

ARES has always had a special relationship with RAD. It was always look but don't touch. Well, I'm here to mess that all up. They asked us for help in fighting Avalon, and so here comes the reinforcements! We have no treaty with RAD, but if you think that's going to prevent me from helping long time friends, then you don't know what ARES is all about. I hereby recognize a state of war between ARES and Avalon.
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I wonder how many alliances who believe in this friends>paper kick would actually get rid of all their paper? I want to see one of them do it. I don't believe anyone of them would. They know better. They just need something to cry out when it is convenient for them.

"We are bandwagoning....How do we cover it up?"

"Yell out friends>paper! lol"

"Yeah that's it. Then they'll think we mean it and we can keep our honor!"

"Yeah! lol."

That's what it looks like you know. So come on with it. I wanna see those backing up this practice drop all of their treaties. If they don't then they are full of it.

No my friend it works both ways. Way back when ARES was a rok protectorate, and I had many friends in BLEU. I told genesis we were going to defend them treaty or not, and we were 100% prepared to do so. Rok said no at the last minute, and being a man of my word i Joined Polar to help out. I believe many of you have now walked in my shoes in this war. Which is why no matter what Mhawk says, he did leave to join NPO, was honorable.

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This is the first war that I recall non-treaty bandwagoning not only happening, but being supported and encouraged.

Heck, before so many nations got involved on both sides pulling MHA into it, they were going to attack alliances that did this very thing to NPO.

I guess it's part of the brave new world that Bob has become.

But some of these alliances will be on the wrong side of it someday. Maybe they'll handle it as well as NEW and Avalon did and merely say "bring it on!"

I believe it happened a bit in gw1, but it's been a long time, and I'm not sure if I am remembering it correctly.

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Well, it is great to see such honorable moves by people that can't quite have a treaty even when they try and bandwagon like this. Enjoy the fight, I hear RAD needs some cash more than anything else.

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I don't understand what the discussion is all about. I said in the OP that we didn't have a treaty, yet here we are. Some call it bandwagoning, well I never heard of this alliance before tonight, and even if I did I wasn't expecting this. Friends asked, and friends recieved. That's how friendships work. What good is a piece of paper with a bunch of sigs?

To which Avalon agrees wholeheartedly. Fighting for honour is as valid as fighting for a treaty. While we try to live by the general etiquette on planet Bob, we feel too much is assigned to treaties and not to honour itself. In this particular case however we naturally disagree with ARES viewpoint, since they are supporting RAD in support of the PC NAP breaking dishnour. However while PC is bandwagoning let me make this perfectly clear:

Avalon does NOT see ARES action as bandwagoning!

Joe and I spoke today and worked out any such issues. While we thank our good and loyal friends in TPF for defending us here. Please stop labeling ARES bandwagoners as we do not feel they are. If there is issue to be taken up it is with them supporting Poison Clans gross misconduct of late. This is more important than a treaty, and that is if your ally right? In the case of ARES Avalon obviously feels negative about that. However labeling of bandwagoner on ARES could just as easily be applied to Avalon in countless cases both past and future.

Hail TPF!

Hail ARES!

Hail Avalon!

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But some of these alliances will be on the wrong side of it someday. Maybe they'll handle it as well as NEW and Avalon did and merely say "bring it on!"

NEW whined a bit though :P

To which Avalon agrees wholeheartedly. Fighting for honour is as valid as fighting for a treaty. While we try to live by the general etiquette on planet Bob, we feel too much is assigned to treaties and not to honour itself. In this particular case however we naturally disagree with ARES viewpoint, since they are supporting RAD in support of the PC NAP breaking dishnour. However while PC is bandwagoning let me make this perfectly clear:

Avalon does NOT see ARES action as bandwagoning!

Joe and I spoke today and worked out any such issues. While we thank our good and loyal friends in TPF for defending us here. Please stop labeling ARES bandwagoners as we do not feel they are. If there is issue to be taken up it is with them supporting Poison Clans gross misconduct of late. This is more important than a treaty, and that is if your ally right? In the case of ARES Avalon obviously feels negative about that. However labeling of bandwagoner on ARES could just as easily be applied to Avalon in countless cases both past and future.

Hail TPF!

Hail ARES!

Hail Avalon!

i wish i saw something like this in DF's DoW

Edited by facetten
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No my friend it works both ways. Way back when ARES was a rok protectorate, and I had many friends in BLEU. I told genesis we were going to defend them treaty or not, and we were 100% prepared to do so. Rok said no at the last minute, and being a man of my word i Joined Polar to help out. I believe many of you have now walked in my shoes in this war. Which is why no matter what Mhawk says, he did leave to join NPO, was honorable.

I was there. It was awesome.

o/ Joe


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To which Avalon agrees wholeheartedly. Fighting for honour is as valid as fighting for a treaty. While we try to live by the general etiquette on planet Bob, we feel too much is assigned to treaties and not to honour itself. In this particular case however we naturally disagree with ARES viewpoint, since they are supporting RAD in support of the PC NAP breaking dishnour. However while PC is bandwagoning let me make this perfectly clear:

Avalon does NOT see ARES action as bandwagoning!

Joe and I spoke today and worked out any such issues. While we thank our good and loyal friends in TPF for defending us here. Please stop labeling ARES bandwagoners as we do not feel they are. If there is issue to be taken up it is with them supporting Poison Clans gross misconduct of late. This is more important than a treaty, and that is if your ally right? In the case of ARES Avalon obviously feels negative about that. However labeling of bandwagoner on ARES could just as easily be applied to Avalon in countless cases both past and future.

Hail TPF!

Hail ARES!

Hail Avalon!

Very Honorable, I am glad there are people like you in CN that see things for what they are.

P.S. Bandwaggon Trolling, is Still bandwaggoning guys.

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