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    The Untouched 2
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  1. Was just able to send. Thank you
  2. Still receiving the error - This aid agreement would result in a potential rule violation due to multiple accounts and is not allowed at this time. Code #30.
  3. I am also having this issue. Barix9 (627479) to Lieutenant Yenroh (453991)
  4. [quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1328574047' post='2915692'] if you look, BTA has enough help. im sure that we can deal with this lot easily enough, no reason to turn it into a real curbstomp. [/quote] Curb stomps are the greatest form of stomps.
  5. [quote name='Rogal Dorn' timestamp='1328519961' post='2915398'] gooooo barix & BTA! [/quote] I'd have to sell off a third of my national resources just to hit one of them. Im content to sit here and watch them burn from atop my tower.
  6. [quote name='Jtkode' timestamp='1312502575' post='2772179'] By the way Barix9, shut up, there is no reason for you to talk, you sucked in ARES, nuff said. Oh by the way, you didn't have the balls to attack me because you knew that I had my allies to protect me and back me up along with the current gov't you fool. [/quote] Amazingly enough every single one of them voted to kick you out. The only reason you got back in was because I gave it back to you when I left. History speaks loudly enough that I dont have to. ARES did better both in the time myself, and joe ran it. In all aspects. You started this conversation, now you're backpeddling because you have nothing actually worth saying. If you didnt want me to speak here, you should've left me out of it. If you really want to call my loyalty into question, I helped ARES from the outside for almost a year after I left, until you removed my forums access. It was at that point I let it go, and stopped caring. Nice try though, you're still !@#$. @Bob Honestly I dont know how the conversation started, I was perfectly content to ignore this thread all together until I was called out for no reason. Edit: @Ragnarok - Out of respect for you guys, Im not gonna post in this thread anymore. I <3 my RoK peeps.
  7. [quote name='Jtkode' timestamp='1312475140' post='2771845'] First off Joe, you did not leave this alliance to me, something that you SHOULD have done, you left the alliance to Barix, a traitor to ARES, like yourself. Canceling on UINE is a very sad decision, I loved Keve like a brother, and always will, UINE gov't now is nothing like it was when I knew them, and I have known them and kept in good contact with them for the last two years on a regular basis. By the way explain your reasoning behind me being a kiss ass, I'd love to show everyone in this thread how stupid you are by debunking your ridiculous statements. 10 alliances in Karma, word Joe, word, you know what, I was going to keep fighting against SLCB, your buddy Barix, who you put in power, not me, after you left the alliance, almost ZId me for voting [size=9]NO[/size] on the peace agreement, the only time I have ever voted nay! and then guess what, because of this I left government of ARES, and do you know what Barix did, he left the alliance, to create another, and then when our other allies in Teen Titans called for our help, no one was there to answer, because of someone who YOU put in charge. And if you call me going to GOD, having a very long Q n A kissing ass, where I took a lot of criticism and hatred on my part on behalf of Barix and what he did in government, and I apologized time and again, because I should have for what happened, your a fool.[/quote] I have stayed out of this until this point, but since I just got kicked in the e-nuts for an alliance i've not been in for almost two years, here I am. First. You're quick to point the finger at me and say Im the reason ARES is !@#$, to which I reply. It's been almost two years, whats your excuse? Any leader worth a damn could've turned it around in that time. I dont claim to have done well with ARES. Infact it's one of my biggest failures during my time in the game. Though my only regret is not having disbanded it when I had the chance. ARES is now worse than ever before, and being lead by a pompus little !@#$ named Jtkode who couldnt lead his way out of a paper bag. Secondly. I never had any intention of having you ZI'd. You simply were not worth the effort. Thirdly. I left ARES because of piss poor, innactive government and membership. When I left it was an alliance of once a month players who did nothing to contribute to the well being of the alliance. Frankly, Im not willing to help an alliance that is unwilling to help itself. So before you start pointing the finger at others maybe you should ask yourself why the alliance YOU lead is !@#$, and why in the 783 Days you've been there you have not done a damn thing to make it any better. Infact, when I left ARES was well over a mil, so any idea you had of claiming to be a better leader than me goes right out the window when you see ARES current stats. In short. Go $%&@ yourself.
  8. Great new site there guys Also grats on gov
  9. o/ Burnt o/ treaties Nice to have yah round burnt
  10. [quote name='Diomede' timestamp='1292080135' post='2536381'] I'd really rather he didn't as it would mean I'd have to clean up your mess for you. [/quote] Fine Diomede, but only cause jewel <3 you.
  11. [quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1292077389' post='2536360'] [color="#FF0000"]I don't let my freinds burn. TKTB is letting one of their members burn; for you guys, it's only a convienent excuse that he resigned.[/color] [/quote] Why dont you go hang out by Hiro in the corner for irrelevant people who have no business being in this thread.
  12. [quote name='TheListener' timestamp='1292076490' post='2536352'] So you're never allowed to go visit the forums of a former alliance? interesting... [/quote] Sorry all of the alliances I was once in that I am now diplomat to, apparently your not allowed to visit old forums anymore.
  13. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1292073220' post='2536316'] Which part about this do you not understand? Ask Shuru Ask The Aut Ask IKKE I have told you I do not post logs of such chats on here for plebs pleasures. If you can't accept or understand that then that is okay. I won't cry at sleep tonight because I do not have your acceptance. [/quote] Not a single one of those people is making this claim like you are, its not their responsibility to prove it, its yours. I'll have to remember this as a defense if I ever commit a felony "Yes your honor, I have a video proving my innocence but I didnt wanna play it in court, why dont you go ask bob about it im sure he'll tell you the same thing" [quote]It's quite easy really, Forums have colours for masks, This crazy computer technology means that when you get damasked as a visitor it will go grey or some other mundane colour. This is usually noticed at the bottom of the home page in the users list for the forum. Or a quick click to view my profile and the same information is there. WOOOOOOOOW. Fancy stuff. his mask colour would have not changed thus he is still masked as a full member. or he should have realised when he sees all there internal sub forums. that visitors should not be able to see, that would also be a give away that "ohh I'm not de masked, I shouldn't go in there, I'm not technically a member" [/quote] Little known fact, about 80% of the forums out there wont let you search members if you're not logged in, so he would've likely had to log in to see if he was a member, not to mention you have to be logged in to see your profile, so how exactly do you avoid logging in as the wrong mask, to check if you have the correct mask? Go ahead, balls in your court.
  14. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1292072773' post='2536310'] lol classic you lack relevance. Not heard that one before. You have added so much to the conversation yourself. Ohh that's right, you have not. Again, I'm sorry for not plastering government logs on here to suit your needs, do some leg work and pm one of the mentioned people if you are that curious. But it's easier to come on here and make your snappy little posts that don't even address the topic. Guess what, He will get rolled, I will laugh. I would do the same if it was you, or the next guy. Just to concrete this part, I will laugh at him being rolled and I support the rolling of others. I would support myself being rolled if I was abusing my mask on a prior alliances board. He should have been damasked quicker. Mistakes happen, but the guy should have been honest and just not logged back on until his mask was changed to visitor, or whatever there mask is. [/quote] I love people who are like "I've got logs that prove such and such" and then wont post them, yet continue to vehemently assure everyone they exist. So what you are saying is that you have no proof of your statement, and just like to hear yourself type?
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