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At least I don't threaten other alliances and make myself an alliance hero while in peace mode. Go away Noob!
I was just having a look, but is it not a little hard for us to start war against you, or for you to attack us from Hippy? <_<

Our alliance may be dead soon, but by god we're going to have some fun on the way :)

REALLY? Are you Kidding me? Your entire alliance has spent the last week in Peace mode and you complained about it any time anyone pointed it out and we are already back to this!??

Peace Mode: It's only a tactic when Valhalla does it.

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What MS Said ^^

We never threatened to attack and destroy and blow things up while in peace mode. Now, This is getting pathetic, Let the battlefield settle this.

Yes please. We're waiting for you to honor your MADP with GGA.

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Yes please. We're waiting for you to honor your MADP with GGA.

One treaty at a time. Wasting resources on you at the moment isnt needed. We just need send someone round with matches to burn your paper tiger defences :)

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Yes please. We're waiting for you to honor your MADP with GGA.

I believe that's beeen answered. Valhalla will not be putting their treaty partners in NpO in a compromising position, any more than STA are going to start an offensive war. The horse is dead, and you appear more desperate to resurrect the poor thing with each post.

Telling Valhalla to honor their treaties and by proxy to compromise one of your allies in the process is hardly appropriate ally behavior, imo.

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I believe that's beeen answered. Valhalla will not be putting their treaty partners in NpO in a compromising position, any more than STA are going to start an offensive war. The horse is dead, and you appear more desperate to resurrect the poor thing with each post.

Telling Valhalla to honor their treaties and by proxy to compromise one of your allies in the process is hardly appropriate ally behavior, imo.

I love you Yavvy leave it to the womenz to see to the hart of the matter.

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I do believe that little clause allows PC to cancel it however they want.

Article 3: Cancellation

Either Party may cancel this agreement. Once one party notifies the other with their intent to cancel, the Pact stays in effect for 10 days. If either party breaks the pact, it is considered null and void.

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/me tosses some love to Toga too.. Far be it from me to not want to give every VAlhallan a kruggle ;)

Please ignore those that would goad you into dishonorable acts.. I had fun last war with Pez myself.. tossing some glow sticks back and forth. But Unfortunately for me.. my SDI was damn near invincible.. only got to catch one of 9. Don't worry Pez.. this war will be long and bloody.. you'll catch a few and toss a few as well.. no need to ask for it too soon.

Best of luck my friends.. May you collect a few casualties on the way down ;)

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That will allow them to remain in peace mode ;)

On a serious note, it's good to see you honor your treaty obligations, at least with TPF. Any thoughts on attacking the aweful lot that attacked NPO? just a thought...


My thoughts exactly

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I think you're saying words, but all I'm hearing is "I'm afraid of STA, I'm afraid of STA, I'm afraid of STA." It's ok, Toga. Soon enough, your alliance will be dead and you won't have to fear anything anymore.

I have to admit, i find statements about killing Valhalla rather amusing. We should fear death? A little education for the masses.

Quoted from the Ynglinga saga in the Heimskringla

These laws include that all the dead are to be burned on a pyre on a burial mound with their possessions, and their ashes are to be brought out to sea or buried in the earth. The dead would then arrive in Valhalla with everything that one had on their pyre, and whatever one had hidden in the ground

You are threatening to send us to where we already are? Quite amusing.

Hail Tyr

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Okay forgive me, I'm a bit behind, but is karma a bloc, or a side? Are the actual military clauses at work here?

I think it's a topic on a primary school curriculum .....

..... judging by some of the infantile posts they're making :lol:

GGA declared on all of Karma... STA is in Karma...

Heracles The Great - you're embarrassing yourself here mate - stop it :lol: ......

..... even tho you haven't won a GA yet I thought you were a decent bloke to battle with - chill mate, don't take things so seriously

On Casualties: - bring them on kids :P

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Okay forgive me, I'm a bit behind, but is karma a bloc, or a side? Are the actual military clauses at work here?

Where did this KARMA bloc get announced?

*JWConner goes in search of a KARMA bloc treaty

Nope, couldn't find one.

Apparently because one is on a side, they can attack anyone on the other side. That's the explanation I was given for Dark Templar's attack on SSSW18.

:wub: BS CB's :wub:

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