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Prince Yvl

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Everything posted by Prince Yvl

  1. They certainly didn't act like it when I was trying to fight my way through them. Oh, I guess my attack coulda returned them home, huh?
  2. [quote name='admin' date='08 February 2010 - 12:16 PM' timestamp='1265649413' post='2168831'] Which nation is this and what message are you getting on cruise missile, nuclear, and aircraft attacks? [/quote] My nation is Agnos Dei, and I'm fighting Codainia and Zodenia. It's just saying there are no tanks there when my enemy does in fact have tanks, like so: [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y186/Yvl9921/cnbug1.jpg[/IMG] He in fact had over 3000 tanks at the time of my launch.
  3. I'm fighting two wars right now. In both wars, my cruise missile, nuclear, and aircraft attacks all report that the enemy has zero tanks when that is not the case. Fortunately for my opponents, my ground attacks read the tank count quite well. This all happened about 15 minutes ago.
  4. NAAC til disbandment, NPO for about a week after, felt guilty and joined Sanctum, then GR happened and I joined them. Got bored, let my nation die, joined again under NpO for a few months, then went back to GR when I heard they were about to fight in the War of the Coalition. And I'm still there, and don't plan to leave any time soon.
  5. Uh, that was clearly hyperbole... or is it really that pressing an issue to you that you can't think twice before commenting?
  6. No, to hell with these terms. They're way too light, first of all, and leaves little impression on the NPO after reps are paid. Plus, I still hate the idea of going to war with them for another two weeks just to kick them around the way they were supposed to be in the beginning - it looks cruel, but accomplishes nothing given how massive these nations really are.
  7. I have to say, though we may be enemies, I definitely agree with you. We let OG off easy because we knew that their political stock was close to zero, and that any punishment we gave to them would just be arbitrary. Then again, we can't take chances.
  8. Another hypothetical I've been tossing around in my head - What if the 2 weeks of war were non-nuclear? Not that I don't want NPO to be completely broken and beaten, but I want this war t o come to an end already.
  9. So you tell us, Vlad: What do you think is a reasonable amount of time for NPO to be stuck repaying reps and rebuilding, given all that you (as in NPO) has done? I want to know what you would do in our shoes.
  10. Well, when you have no rational arguments, I guess that sheer volume is the only hope you have.
  11. 2 weeks of tech raiding? Bah. I like my idea of moving them all to Grey alot better, it would have the same effect.
  12. Uh, aside from the ones in alliances we're still fighting, no? Cuz I'd put money on some of them trying to get out with the others.
  13. But why would anyone leave an awesome alliance like that? Come on guys, you were so close to being sanctioned, don't give up now!
  14. Drai could have worded that better, but please, don't speak based on your feelings of rage alone. Firstly, Karma does not claim to be openly honest - we're not saints, we're, as was said a bit ago by Heinousone, a "response." But what he meant was that nobody in Karma is doing it JUST to be on top, though that's honestly debatable.
  15. That's quite an unusual opinion you have there, but please don't state it as a fact. GR prides itself not on power, but friendship and honor, just to give one example. It's quite simple-minded, honestly, to assume that power is the only thing to strive for in the world.
  16. This is actually a good post. First, lemme address the propaganda bit again. As I said earlier, I can't speak for the rest of Karma, but GR doesn't do serious propaganda, we have open discussions on past events. In any case, I believe you are mislabeling what's really going on for propaganda. All that's going on is a human mental error in many individuals at once - We see "NPO is on top" "NPO endorses EZI" "NPO wages meaningless wars" and form the conclusion that they are oppressing everyone, when it is in reality only the people that have pissed them off (which in truth isn't hard to do.) Yet, as I said earlier, though WE are not necessarily the ones being oppressed, we still see injustice for what it is, and wish to put an end to it. It's not propaganda - it's simple human thought processes. As for the numbers, you don't need to attack to support NPO and the Hegemony. When one alliance attacks, other alliances declare defensive wars, and that somehow opens the door for more allies to declare counter-defensive wars, until all of Planet Bob is engulfed in one bloodthirsty act of defense. Whether Hegemonic alliances declared due to an offensive clause or a defensive clause in a treaty, it makes no difference, because as long as someone retaliates, you're still going to join the attackers. Regarding the idea that Karma = Hegemony because we have former allies of NPO - that's just silly. The majority of Karma is made up of alliances like my own or MK which have hated NPO's style for a long time. We don't, nor will we in the near future pay homage to the alliances that helped NPO be what it is today. They don't "rule" Karma, they are but one out of many forces on our side of the war. And even if they did, we'd sooner take our chances than let things continue as they are now. And I've said it elsewhere, I'll say it here - I find it much easier to believe NPO was pissing off their allies enough for them to cancel their treaties than that everyone decided to chicken out. However, if this is what the public believes, than that's your own fault for proceeding in a way that gives them such an easy target. First, haven't you already made enough of a fool of yourself arguing semantics in this thread? Second, is it that hard to understand that they made a mistake in their organization this time, and paid for it? Please think more clearly, Karma isn't stupid - we may have differing opinions, but we're not retarded hypocrites the way you seem to see us.
  17. I wish you the best of luck, though in honesty, you'll need some big-name celebrities to compete with the NPO.
  18. http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Moldavi_Rebellion
  19. I still don't get when Karma has officially given those sorts of pre-terms. Wouldn't there have been a thread here about it? Or something in the Wiki? Without any of this, then, yes, it is unofficial, and just individual opinions.
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