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TORN Announcement

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Considering tossing their allies to the wolves is part of what got them into this mess, you'd think that the New Pacific Order would have learned to treat their allies with some dignity by now. Regardless, it's just another nail in their coffin.

Good move, TORN.

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If TORN is Judas, you know you're about to get crucified, right?

As a member of OV I'd say... TORN to little to late. Luckily my gov't disagrees it would seem, they have Ordo blood maybe that's why. o/ KFG overthrow smallwoody. :P

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This is quite the turn-around. While I'm not upset about this one, I hope certain alliances don't use this precedent and try to dodge what's coming.

MHA's announcement is much more dangerous in regards to that. I'm rather certain that TORN would have stuck by their allies if they had not felt that their allies weren't sticking by them.

Edited by Heft
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TORN, would you have stayed in this war if NPO hadn't asked for a ceasefire?

If no, you're no better than TPF.

Really WC?

I know Woody, I know most of the TORN gov and I know what the culture of TORN is. They would have fought to the end if their allies did not betray them without even thinking twice.

I don't know if you posted that out of ignorance or if you were trying to take a shot at TPF but TORN does not deserve to be the victim of Ignorance nor do they deserve to have their troubles used to take shots at unrelated alliances.

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This could not have been easy. To better days,

Sure it was easy. It was cancel on NPO and bail from the war or have your entire alliance ZId. Pretty easy if you ask me.

Wow. This really nails the the coffin shut on the NPO doesn't it?

Let's hope so.

BigWoody, you just earned my respect again. Last night I lost all faith in you guys. Good show.

Nevertheless, I agree with this. TORN has gained at least some of the respect that they lost yesterday, in my eyes.

TORN just rolled a hard 180.

:lol: That they did.

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NPO: You realize TORN was fighting this war for you, right? They went through all the trouble and you go behind their backs and try to pull off a stunt like that. When you needed to lead, you cowered in fear. Pathetic.

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