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This Week in Pacifica

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Oh well, at least you're having fun with it.

Also, I regret to inform TWiP that you'll be unable to quote from Floyd from now on. Not because we've achieved some uber counter-espionage, but because he's no longer a Trium. Though I suspect you already know this. I will try my hardest to be as interesting and quotable as he was.

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Well, he supposedly has a backlog of screenshots. I somewhat beg to differ. If he can maybe get some important ones from maybe 2 days or even a day before I might be inclined to say he's not tooting his own horn.

Will do, just as long as you give the go ahead. :rolleyes:

Ok, I get it. You aren't going on like a broken record for the hell of it - You maintain a quota of senseless posts in support of the party line, and you get to keep access to safe-listed tech sellers. Right?

Also, as per my sig. They need more Branimir.

You know, as hard as Schatt's awful writing is to stomach, I can concede that he is at least trying to keep a modicum of decency and quality in his production. Don't go and take that away from him, now.

Edited by Yubyubsan
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Ok, I get it. You aren't going on like a broken record for the hell of it - You maintain a quota of senseless posts in support of the party line, and you get to keep access to safe-listed tech sellers. Right?

You know, as hard as Schatt's awful writing is to stomach, I can concede that he is at least trying to keep a modicum of decency and quality in his production. Don't go and take that away from him, now.

No no, far from it. I didn't even realise we had such a list. If we did, I'm sure Schatt can find it for me next week when I slots open back up. :P

Also, we all know that it needs more Branimir, everyone wants Branimir. :P

Edited by Ursarkar E Creed
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I know what I want. I want screenshots closer to the release date of the next article of TWiP. Pretty please?

Why, exactly? Has there been some form of pervasive spy hunt within Pacifica during the last week that was more successful than previous attempts?

"That's the 146 thousandth unsuccessful Vox agent hunt in a row. But I have a good feeling about tomorrow!"

There was what, a 4 minute gap between the OP and the actual one? I assure you sir, I was not fooled.

Well, aren't you just as infallible as the ever-changing definition of Francoism!

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Why, exactly? Has there been some form of pervasive spy hunt within Pacifica during the last week that was more successful than previous attempts?

"That's the 146 thousandth unsuccessful Vox agent hunt in a row. But I have a good feeling about tomorrow!"

Hey, I watch Futurama too!

Well, if you felt that your alliance was being increasingly spied upon, what would you do? Chuck a blackstone and let them spy on you?

Well, aren't you just as infallible as the ever-changing definition of Francoism!

Going a bit off topic aren't we?

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The question is, "how relevant is what they are actually seeing to world affairs?" Alliance leadership assumes that at some point anything they put out to the general membership will leak. This is why mobilization alerts are always so sketchy about why a mobilization is taking place.

The continuation and proliferation of this attitude to information is Vox's main objective. They aim to dissociate 'leadership' from membership, particularly in alliances which have appointed or long-term leaders, and show the membership that their leaders trust them with nothing. By providing an alternative source of information, and by exposing the huge gap in knowledge between them and the clique of leaders, they aim to start a popular uprising – and reducing information sharing within alliances by reminding us of their spies is a key part of that.

A few high level screenshots help this cause and it is surprising that they do not produce more if they still have access – showing the proles what the Party is thinking about them is an important part of a successful incitement of rebellion.

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The continuation and proliferation of this attitude to information is Vox's main objective. They aim to dissociate 'leadership' from membership, particularly in alliances which have appointed or long-term leaders, and show the membership that their leaders trust them with nothing. By providing an alternative source of information, and by exposing the huge gap in knowledge between them and the clique of leaders, they aim to start a popular uprising – and reducing information sharing within alliances by reminding us of their spies is a key part of that.

A few high level screenshots help this cause and it is surprising that they do not produce more if they still have access – showing the proles what the Party is thinking about them is an important part of a successful incitement of rebellion.

Thing is though, is all that untrue?

If leaders no longer respect and value their members to the point of just expecting them to be there, then it is those leaders that are the enablers of such "uprisings" as you term them not Vox.

Vox isn't creating anything, they are just showing and adding a few commentaries of their own to such. Yeah they are doing such by spying and that is not condoned but they obviously do not care so condemning them on such doesn't really work.

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It's a pretty safe assumption that Vox has regular member level access to the forums of just about every large alliance on Planet Bob. Either because they have a member planted in said alliance or because there are people sympathetic to them passing them information/screen shots--same goes for some of the various bloc forums.

The question is, "how relevant is what they are actually seeing to world affairs?" Alliance leadership assumes that at some point anything they put out to the general membership will leak. This is why mobilization alerts are always so sketchy about why a mobilization is taking place.

It is ironic in a way that Schatt, and by his association with them, Vox, is fulfilling the RL role of the media on Planet Bob. Granted a slanted view, but with similar sorts of issues, including the fear that one of their undercover "reporters" will be exposed, concerns over being feed information that is inaccurate, etc.

So a golf clap for Schatt and crew. You really have created a "game within a game".

I wouldn't assume, it is your first step of underestimating your enemy. They are careful, they know what they are doing - obviously they aren't going to overload us with material, it makes your life easier and the probability of catching their spies dramatically increases. Don't be fooled, I want more information to so Schatt can prove this theory, but I'll be patient.

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Shantamantan you magnificent !@#$%^&

You'll have to come and take it, then.


I lol'ed.

Posts from the future.

I have a screenshot of the post where NPO surrenders unconditionally to Vox and Moo declares to the world the awful truth of his addiction to pancakes. It's a sordid, syrup covered affair with a happy ending. And chocolate chips.

Oh well, at least you're having fun with it.

Also, I regret to inform TWiP that you'll be unable to quote from Floyd from now on. Not because we've achieved some uber counter-espionage, but because he's no longer a Trium. Though I suspect you already know this. I will try my hardest to be as interesting and quotable as he was.

MHA has been a snoozefest lately other than the griping over the Valhalla embassy thing. Throw us a bone here, another treaty might be nice. Oh wait, nevermind. You've got that covered.

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The continuation and proliferation of this attitude to information is Vox's main objective. They aim to dissociate 'leadership' from membership, particularly in alliances which have appointed or long-term leaders, and show the membership that their leaders trust them with nothing. By providing an alternative source of information, and by exposing the huge gap in knowledge between them and the clique of leaders, they aim to start a popular uprising – and reducing information sharing within alliances by reminding us of their spies is a key part of that.

A few high level screenshots help this cause and it is surprising that they do not produce more if they still have access – showing the proles what the Party is thinking about them is an important part of a successful incitement of rebellion.

An interesting perspective which I had not considered.

Personally, I always thought Vox's intention was to:

1. Lower morale within the target alliances by creating a sense of being violated, and a sense of paranoia.

2. Undermine confidence in the leadership by proving the leaderships apparent ineptitude in finding the spy.

3. Divert resources and energy by having people expend even minuscule amounts of time and effort on "spy hunts."

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Shantamantan you magnificent !@#$%^&

I lol'ed.

I have a screenshot of the post where NPO surrenders unconditionally to Vox and Moo declares to the world the awful truth of his addiction to pancakes. It's a sordid, syrup covered affair with a happy ending. And chocolate chips.

MHA has been a snoozefest lately other than the griping over the Valhalla embassy thing. Throw us a bone here, another treaty might be nice. Oh wait, nevermind. You've got that covered.

Anti-MHA should be giving you more than enough gossip ;)

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An interesting perspective which I had not considered.

Personally, I always thought Vox's intention was to:

1. Lower morale within the target alliances by creating a sense of being violated, and a sense of paranoia.

2. Undermine confidence in the leadership by proving the leaderships apparent ineptitude in finding the spy.

3. Divert resources and energy by having people expend even minuscule amounts of time and effort on "spy hunts."

Both of you make good points.

Paranoia is a powerful weapon. I wonder how many low level members/applicants have been cut loose under suspicion of being spies when they are actually innocent?

They say ignorance is bliss... but how does the average member feel now that they are aware of their own ignorance?

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This is perhaps the most devastating issue of TWiP to date.

If it were not for Hizzys wit and the insightful musings of Bob Janova I would feel very very empty inside.

At least previous issues have provided the masses with material for stirring debate and colorful banter, culminating with last weeks multitude of, albeit off topic, issues.

Bad enough last week I was denied my pony by that, now defunct, Fleet Doctor Admiral fellow, now I need to find something to do for the next few hours to amuse myself.

Damn you Sharternaman...and your psyops.

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The point is they don't have any new screens from the tC forums. They also don't have anything other than screens that a regular member could get. So they're stuck trying to make something out of nothing. I'm fairly certain that they could find similar mundane material from any alliance's regular member areas.

I think Stumpy made a post that could clear this up well earlier in this topic.



I'm sorry if you feel left out with out the Q forums, but it is called This Week in Pacifica. Sure, Schattenmann has done a few special issues here and there, but generally, TWiP is suppose to be about Pacifica, not Q. If you really want Q screenshots so badly though, you might consider trying to talk to Electron Sponge. I hear he has another publication which has more to do with stuff outside of Pacifica and I'm sure he has access to the same spies. Maybe, if you ask nicely, plead and beg a little, offer to wash his car (with out using sponges) and even take his dog on a walk, he might put half of a Q screenshot in the next Tattler, just for you Slayer.

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Anti-MHA should be giving you more than enough gossip ;)

And he also provided us with info from a never existed infinitely improbable time, thus we beat even hizzy's idea of news from the future!

Nothing can counter our drive... :ph34r:

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So, summary of Q member posts.


Seriously stop !@#$%*ing about TWIP, no one gives a damn about you trying to spin at Vox and their relevance. If it hasn't worked for the last what? 8?9? months, why the $%&@ would it work now?

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