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MA Treaty Cancellation

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Firstly, Mongrel, I'd like to thank you for the faint taste of hostility I got from your replies. It's well appreciated in Fuhrerstaat Kanadia.

All I can say on the subject is that it doesn't matter who gave what reasons because, yes; they are probably lying. Your "Superfriends" won't be declaring war on anybody, that much is true. They are certainly not a formidable enough force to wage war on the New Pacific Order, Q or One Vision. The Citadel, to which they are increasing their proximity, can, however. It is no secret either, that the same bloc has proven time and time again to be a growing contender with 1V and the Continuum.

And suppose that, like many before them, my silly "little conspiracy theories" came true. What then? The same thing as has happened every time before with these same sort of "conspiracy theories" and "tinfoil hat rumors". After the next war is over, a year later when another one is about to break out you and your kind will be prancing around in public singing an identical tune to the one I hear from you now. :rolleyes:

First off, I'm sorry if you detected hostility, there was none intended, I'd like to think I'm above that sort of thing.

^ Cute how I can turn your own reply right back on you isn't it.

Second, what does half of the blocs you mention above have to do with this thread. Once again I invite you to take some time and concentrate when you reread this thread, and try to get some idea of the actual topic.

Finally, this little "you and your kind remark" please tell me exactly what "my kind" is all about. I've already seen you display your ignorance once here, I'd find it quite entertaining to see you go deeper into that hole by making assumptions about me.

I'll just close by mentioning once agin, it wouldn't kill you to suck it up and admit your initial post was ignorant and short-sighted, but if you'd like to keep on with this little manly display of yours, I'd probably find it more entertaining myself.

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Ironically enough, I was thinking the exact same thing.

Good luck to both parties and such.

Makes sense, really. Also, I need to hunt you down sometime soon. We're long overdue to catch up.

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As the High Chancellor emeritus goes around for another run we begin more and more to see why he is only a former High Chancellor. Another jewel by Mongrel, ladies and germs!

First off, I'm sorry if you detected hostility, there was none intended, I'd like to think I'm above that sort of thing.

^ Cute how I can turn your own reply right back on you isn't it.

A rise in the level of intelligence of your statements does not rise in correlation with the level of "cuteness" thereof.

Second, what does half of the blocs you mention above have to do with this thread. Once again I invite you to take some time and concentrate when you reread this thread, and try to get some idea of the actual topic.

That the Citadel and Superfriends are considered more and more to be growing to rival Q and 1V means absolutely nothing to you?

No one can possibly be so oblivious. I certainly would not have expected the former "High Chancellor" of Ragnarok to be such... or perhaps I held you in too high of an esteem?

Finally, this little "you and your kind remark" please tell me exactly what "my kind" is all about. I've already seen you display your ignorance once here, I'd find it quite entertaining to see you go deeper into that hole by making assumptions about me.

Yours is the kind that waltzes in on a discussion and diffuses "tin foil hat" ideas so that hails and "sad but necessary" may resume their utterance. Yours is the type that discourages critical thinking and insists that those taking things in any sense other than literally is paranoid for doing so.

I'll just close by mentioning once agin, it wouldn't kill you to suck it up and admit your initial post was ignorant and short-sighted, but if you'd like to keep on with this little manly display of yours, I'd probably find it more entertaining myself.

On the contrary; I can't imagine how I could live with myself if I were to concede to a generic broken record such as your voice.

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As the High Chancellor emeritus goes around for another run we begin more and more to see why he is only a former High Chancellor. Another jewel by Mongrel, ladies and germs!

Not that my opinion matter whatsoever but I would appriciate it if you would cease posting here now. You have come in here thrown opinions around and expected them to be agreed with by all. When they weren't, you reduced yourself to transparant insults attacking another poster thus forcing us to dismiss anything you say. Your argument may have had some merit but it has since been lost due to the attitude and tone you took. You owe Mongrel an apology though I wont hold my breath waiting for it to come, as I am certain the whole "its a pubic thread I can say what I wanna" argument is forthcoming. All I ask is that you please keep it on topic and respectful.

Thank you

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That the Citadel and Superfriends are considered more and more to be growing to rival Q and 1V means absolutely nothing to you?

Rival to do what exactly?

I mean, I keep hearing that or something like that over and over and over again but the one thing I don't hear is why either Citadel or The Superfriends would even want to be in that position (direct rival looking for confrontation.) Is it not enough to accept that sometimes alliances who's contact is less than it was might want to reevaluate it's treaties?

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Oh good, I was hoping you'd keep on with this display, rather than concede your mistakes.

As the High Chancellor emeritus goes around for another run we begin more and more to see why he is only a former High Chancellor. Another jewel by Mongrel, ladies and germs!

Congrats, you've looked at my nation, you are now qualified to right my biography. I hope every chapter keeps me laughing this much.

I guess I should tell you I might actualy take a minor insult from this if it wasn't for the fact that I resigned my Ruling council position .... whoops I shouldn't have shared that, it kind of makes you look even more ignorant from failing to belittle me.

A rise in the level of intelligence of your statements does not rise in correlation with the level of "cuteness" thereof.

This coming from you ... I must say your "cuteness" factor is rising sharply.

That the Citadel and Superfriends are considered more and more to be growing to rival Q and 1V means absolutely nothing to you?

No one can possibly be so oblivious. I certainly would not have expected the former "High Chancellor" of Ragnarok to be such... or perhaps I held you in too high of an esteem?

As far as Citadel and SF rivaling Q and 1V, I can't respond to that, else I may expose our secret plans for global domination. I am flattered to hear you once held me in high esteem, but now I feel this overwhelming sense of grief by hearing that you have lost that respect you once had. I'll have to hit the bottle real hard to get sleep tonight.

Yours is the kind that waltzes in on a discussion and diffuses "tin foil hat" ideas so that hails and "sad but necessary" may resume their utterance. Yours is the type that discourages critical thinking and insists that those taking things in any sense other than literally is paranoid for doing so.

On the contrary; I can't imagine how I could live with myself if I were to concede to a generic broken record such as your voice.

Once again you show your ignorance of who I am, but I guess I should be a bit happy to see I'm being viewed as part of the "power bloc" status quo.

Once again, it's the old I'm rubber and you're glue thing. I could just as easily call your conspiracy theories a broken record, but really I won't waste my time with using you're own arguments against you any more.

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As the High Chancellor emeritus goes around for another run we begin more and more to see why he is only a former High Chancellor. Another jewel by Mongrel, ladies and germs!

A rise in the level of intelligence of your statements does not rise in correlation with the level of "cuteness" thereof.

That the Citadel and Superfriends are considered more and more to be growing to rival Q and 1V means absolutely nothing to you?

No one can possibly be so oblivious. I certainly would not have expected the former "High Chancellor" of Ragnarok to be such... or perhaps I held you in too high of an esteem?

Yours is the kind that waltzes in on a discussion and diffuses "tin foil hat" ideas so that hails and "sad but necessary" may resume their utterance. Yours is the type that discourages critical thinking and insists that those taking things in any sense other than literally is paranoid for doing so.

On the contrary; I can't imagine how I could live with myself if I were to concede to a generic broken record such as your voice.

You're funny, I think I might even come to like you.

High Chancellor of Rok is a very esteemed position, actually. A former Emperor of Apocalypse held it once. I'm very fond of Rok's government, current and past, and they're not the idiots you seem to indicate they are. However, seeing that you seem to be new to Planet Bob, I'll ask you a few questions.

First off, there are quite a few Superfriend and Citadel alliances that aren't Monos Archein that hold treaties with NPO. If they were growing to take over the world using just those two blocs, why haven't they canceled their treaties yet? What makes you believe this isn't an isolated cancellation? I've heard this exact same rumors when Gram left Q, and nothing happened.

Secondly, besides individual treaties, there is nothing linking the two, and if we are to believe the Tattler and TWiP, there is some resistance in Citadel about changing the status quo or even seriously allying with Superfriends. So what makes you believe that political opinion is going to change any time soon?

Thirdly, what is NSO's stake if any of the above happens? They're not allied with Superfriends or Citadel, or Q for that matter. So, why are you trying to improve the silence if your alliance has no stake in the events above?

Lastly, what stake do you think NPO and MA have in both lying to you about this? I mean, maybe you'd suspect NPO for the OoO comment (but I don't think you were here then) but MA has really never said anything to indicate they'd like to conceal the fact of this cancellation. In fact, you've got the MA #2 saying he disagrees with the lack of contact reasoning of the cancellation.

So, to sum up: nothing to see here folks, go read the OP for any reasoning you might need.

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Litler, you forget about all of the individual treaties that connect all four blocs you are describing as headed for conflict. Yes, there is some drama here and there, but just because two blocs are successful and growing and another two blocs are successful and growing, does not mean those four blocs have to fight. There are too many intertwined relations and strong, long lasting friendships that are in all four.

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Litler, you forget about all of the individual treaties that connect all four blocs you are describing as headed for conflict. Yes, there is some drama here and there, but just because two blocs are successful and growing and another two blocs are successful and growing, does not mean those four blocs have to fight. There are too many intertwined relations and strong, long lasting friendships that are in all four.

Intertwined relationships can unravel faster than you can refresh the thread.

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Also, Hi Tom...looks like your back to your usual tactics...

Thanks recognizing my personal patented tactics. If I have my own special kind then I must be doing something right. :awesome:

Not that my opinion matter whatsoever but I would appriciate it if you would cease posting here now. You have come in here thrown opinions around and expected them to be agreed with by all.

I have not expected to be agreed with. Quite the opposite, actually.

If you have any jurisdiction about who can and cannot post here, I will be happy to take my leave.

When they weren't, you reduced yourself to transparant insults attacking another poster thus forcing us to dismiss anything you say. Your argument may have had some merit but it has since been lost due to the attitude and tone you took.

I didn't force you to do anything and a person's attitude cannot "invalidate" one's argument. Poor presentation can make truly ignorant people less incline to believe it but the moment you recognized that it "may have had some merit" you validated it and then admitted to outright ignoring it. Poor show indeed.

You owe Mongrel an apology though I wont hold my breath waiting for it to come, as I am certain the whole "its a pubic thread I can say what I wanna" argument is forthcoming. All I ask is that you please keep it on topic and respectful.

Only when he apologizes for the condescending tone he has taken with me as well as for continuously reminding me of my "ignorance" in his rebuttels.

I was under the impression that we were discussing the treaty cancellation and the reasons behind it. What tangent have I gone on?

As far as Citadel and SF rivaling Q and 1V, I can't respond to that, else I may expose our secret plans for global domination.

No good debate is complete without belittling and ignoring the opposition's argument I see.

Once again you show your ignorance of who I am, but I guess I should be a bit happy to see I'm being viewed as part of the "power bloc" status quo.

You are correct. I'm sorry to say that the rays of your fame have yet to shine upon me.

Once again, it's the old I'm rubber and you're glue thing. I could just as easily call your conspiracy theories a broken record, but really I won't waste my time with using you're own arguments against you any more.

Conspiracy theories. Ignorance. Are you finished?

First off, there are quite a few Superfriend and Citadel alliances that aren't Monos Archein that hold treaties with NPO. If they were growing to take over the world using just those two blocs, why haven't they canceled their treaties yet? What makes you believe this isn't an isolated cancellation? I've heard this exact same rumors when Gram left Q, and nothing happened.

I would not have expected the Gremlins to fight right after quitting. It's a long, drawn out process and you're looking at things too simplistically. Treaties don't get canceled for no reason. They never get canceled because someone has "too many". This one specific treaty with the NPO, for instance, isn't the type one just "discards" because it makes one too many treaties. Precedents were set, things have yet to change to make be believe otherwise than what I have said.

A mass cancellation doesn't happen too long before a war starts and I don't think either side is ready yet. I'm sure that when the time comes, the rest of MA's friends will follow suit.

Secondly, besides individual treaties, there is nothing linking the two, and if we are to believe the Tattler and TWiP, there is some resistance in Citadel about changing the status quo or even seriously allying with Superfriends. So what makes you believe that political opinion is going to change any time soon?

I didn't say soon, did I? Furthermore, "some resistance" is just Reyne's complaining.

Thirdly, what is NSO's stake if any of the above happens? They're not allied with Superfriends or Citadel, or Q for that matter. So, why are you trying to improve the silence if your alliance has no stake in the events above?

NSO doesn't care. Does not being connected to either side make one ineligible to comment? I suppose this is a subtle tactic to get my allies to gag me before I sally anyone else's cereal. Luckily enough, I'm done here anyway.

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Uh, isn't this thread a cancellation of a treaty with NPO? As such, I would think it has something to do with them. Or maybe I missed your point.



You certainly did miss my point. That is generally what happens when you select one sentence from amongst a lengthy discussion with another individual on a different topic and, for some nonsensical reason, choose to make a response to it.

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Thanks recognizing my personal patented tactics. If I have my own special kind then I must be doing something right. :awesome:

Actually, I despise you and your tactics. And no, I view your tactics as the same as the other folks around here who like to cause trouble in threads like this.

Edit...By the way...your missing "for" in your first sentence...

Edited by James Wilson
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If you have any jurisdiction about who can and cannot post here, I will be happy to take my leave.
You owe Mongrel an apology though I wont hold my breath waiting for it to come, as I am certain the whole "its a pubic thread I can say what I wanna" argument is forthcoming.

Wow its like I was psychic or something...

Only when he apologizes for the condescending tone he has taken with me as well as for continuously reminding me of my "ignorance" in his rebuttels.

So you have responded with a verbose version of "No U"

Edit: Removed rude comment, my apologies.

Edited by KaitlinK
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Thirdly, what is NSO's stake if any of the above happens? They're not allied with Superfriends or Citadel, or Q for that matter. So, why are you trying to improve the silence if your alliance has no stake in the events above?

NSO doesn't care. Does not being connected to either side make one ineligible to comment? I suppose this is a subtle tactic to get my allies to gag me before I sally anyone else's cereal. Luckily enough, I'm done here anyway.

But you were doing so well. :rolleyes:

We'll know if this actually leads some place other than two alliances walking in opposite directions soon enough. If so, then at least NSO will have something to do other than seem to be confused about which side it wants to be on, assuming your words are any indication.

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NSO doesn't care. Does not being connected to either side make one ineligible to comment? I suppose this is a subtle tactic to get my allies to gag me before I sally anyone else's cereal. Luckily enough, I'm done here anyway.

But you were doing so well. :rolleyes:

We'll know if this actually leads some place other than two alliances walking in opposite directions soon enough. If so, then at least NSO will have something to do other than seem to be confused about which side it wants to be on, assuming your words are any indication.

Hal, NSO does not have sides, we walk a different path.

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NSO doesn't care. Does not being connected to either side make one ineligible to comment? I suppose this is a subtle tactic to get my allies to gag me before I sally anyone else's cereal. Luckily enough, I'm done here anyway.

But you were doing so well. :rolleyes:

We'll know if this actually leads some place other than two alliances walking in opposite directions soon enough. If so, then at least NSO will have something to do other than seem to be confused about which side it wants to be on, assuming your words are any indication.

We arn't confused about "which side" to be on. We don't want to be on any "side".

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A path to where exactly, the highest bidder?

Hal, lets not bring up the past, this thread is about MA cancellng on NPO. MA can tell NPO what ever they want for reasons and come here and make lovey face while canceling but anyone with a independent mind is going to call shenanagins

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I must say that I am impressed that a relatively unknown, arguably insignificant alliance as is Monos Archein would have the resolve to cancel on the primary contenders for the position of the "best fighting force" on Bob.

Usually it's the NPO that has the sheer strength and importance to cancel treaties; not "allies" who seek their protection.

Is it then possible that the rumors are true and "lines" are, as is said, being "drawn"?

Nothing to be impressed by, they merely felt their friendship has since been bewildered, they acted upon their standards. Also, calling an alliance insignificant is redundant, not only is it offending (By not knowing this, you yourself don't pay attention to standards of conduct, I say this because it seems you attempted to play dumb), but the smallest of alliances can cause the biggest wars. ;)

Right, like you're going to take moo's response as the gospel truth. He's been a bald faced liar before, what makes you think things are different now? :rolleyes:

Moo and NPO are also the same people who wouldn't hesitate to show their anger in a cancellation treaty, they have done it before, they'd do it again if they had to.

Please don't mistake my comments on MA's "insignificance" or obscurity to be insults.

Obviously it was an insult, you know it, I know it, lets not 'play dead'.

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