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TWiP and Tattler Present: Reyne Mordigan's Greatest Hits

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Pathetic. We endure easily because we can, but we still endure. Tech scams are still tech scams, and a thief is still a thief. Liars, con-men and thieves, those are your heroes.

The funny thing is, every time I get tired of the endless combat with the thieves, the liars, the spies and the saboteurs, of which your next week's installment will likely feature someone who was all four at once, it only takes one issue of your glorification of such a scumbag that revitalizes my will to fight on, if only to spit in your face.

The NPO will never be a victim, certainly not of you.

And yet the funny thing is, you're talking about the OMG EBIL TECH SCAYAMURZ while you know 0 about it. Kind of what your side claims Schattenmann did, except you litterally know nothing about it, while Schatt may know more that he just refuses to publish at this time.

Now, before I was a tech scammer, I got sick of eating the !@#$ of those who were on top of the game and decided to go rogue. It wasn't with the hate or dislike of my friends, many actually supported me because unlike most unaligned rogues I had a decent reason. One of which that shall remain private. After being IC flamed by someone that continually changes NS in order to fight me (he must lurve me) I realized something. YOU people claim it's unfair and immoral when we steal your aid and yet YOU people funnel up to 15mil and 10,000 damn soldiers into everyone that hits us. So now, not only is it 6v1, it's 6v1 where all 6 are more than double your NS (more, at my NS, the same NS that the majority of Vox happens to fight). 15x6? 90. You have up to 90mil spread out among up to 6 targets, and when we try to level the playing field a bit with a tactic that admitedly takes a bit of intelligence to accomplish (tricking nations who's alliances you are at war with into sending you cash) you all BAAAWWWWWWWW as if I just commited a heinous OOC crime.

Before I was a thief I fought fairly. Around the time that I realized you can send more aid to those at war with me no matter how much I get, I was told by Umbrae that I would never get peace as long as he was in military command.

NPO, if you don't want so many people to be !@#$@#$ ruthless then don't !@#$@#$ give eternal warfare or "warfare as long as Moo see's fit" to so many !@#$@#$ people.

Jesus, you make your bed and then complain that it isn't comfortable. =_=

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I would now... post about the difference between... quality... and quantity, the correct identification... of "sides" and... much else, but... I am too busy... facepalming...

(40 pages? Is that your argument, the number of pages? Where are all these people "ganging up", anyway? Meh...)

Please Vox, give us a better edition next week.

I completely agree with Jerdge here. 40 pages says its fun to read and respond to al those propaganda of you and your "friends". I do not think you do any harm to Pacifica and allies with this. Probably the opposite.

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I mean, content of your post aside, are you literate TBB? English mother fu**er, do you speak it?!

The amount of unintentional comedy coming from you and Slayer in this thread is priceless.

Have to admit, I lol'd, but because both points are very true. I often times find it difficult to decipher the super-sekrit language code certain people feel the need to use when posting.

Further, the whole broken record of "lol TWiP, Vox is irrelevant", etc. is getting really old. It is repeated by certain parties in every issue that is posted. My question to those who continue to spout this: if TWiP is so awful and Vox is so irrelevant, why do you continue to read and/or post in TWiP threads? Is it a severe case of masochism? If you're bored by what you read, don't read it. Pretty simple.

Edited by Alaric the Great
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Oh my my so many responses right in a row from you kids. One would think one had touched a nerve. And you then you show me predicting that 6 ago that all Vox would be doing is still posting out of date, edited and dull information. And you think that makes me look bad? You wrote that pathetic op. You know you don't have jack. You know you can not do jack. You know all this and when ever someone points it out it sends you into a tizzy as we have just seen. And that tizzy is all you can do. Well that and post long boring out of date information. You want me to do something new? Then for the love of Admin do something, anything. Give me something to do. But, you can't can you? This is as good as it gets for Vox.

Not taking sides here, when you have to resort to calling those posting in opposition "kids" you lose any footing you might of had with the casual observer.

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Hal I think you know me well enough to know that if I think an ally is doing something stupid I tell them to stop being stupid and that I expect the same in return as far a Jerdges comments he didnt retract them because he felt they were over the line according to his last post. No I do not know exactly what was said but I do know the character of the people who said those things so I am happy to draw my conclusions from that.

You got me my clearly anti-Valhallan agenda has been exposed. Truth is I don't honestly care enough about your alliance one way or another to have an agenda but I have seen bob sanders and other Valhalla member respond to posts like Bob's with insults of cry baby or "baaaawwww" so I find it humorous to see the shoe on the other foot.

Look, we're bright people and I think we both know the score in the ballgame better than the vast majority of the people here, including a lot of those who think they know but have no clue.

Reyne Mordigan is a strong leader, doesn't mince words, and is the public face of OG on these forums. That Vox would pick on her is rather predictable. It should also be rather clear that they picked the wrong target and it's not helping their campaign to bust OG out of Citadel because they are "too Pacifician".

There is nothing to be gained by you and yours continuing to post in this thread except guilt by association. If you see me being pleasant to Schatt at all in these threads, it is because OOC he's a bright guy that couldn't seem to find the 'off' switch fast enough in his trolling, made some enemies he didn't need, and then capped it with a lesson in why there is a chain of command. I have sympathy for him. Vox Populi as a group however is and always will be the Fail Club for Men. OOC if the people associated with it are having fun, it takes all kinds to make the world spin I guess. <_<

So Bob Sanders should leave the "trolling" to the professionals and do what he does best, which is go out on the battlefield make other people wish they had never been born. Fine. But you also realize I'm going to defend him and Vahalla, particularly when I see b.s. piling up for no good reason.

Time for both of us to hit the road to another thread and leave this one to those who feel they need to try to accumulate style points. :rolleyes:

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I mean, content of your post aside, are you literate TBB? English mother fu**er, do you speak it?!

The amount of unintentional comedy coming from you and Slayer in this thread is priceless.

On the OP, while well written, the subject matter leaves my a bit distressed, in its attempt to assign the tone of a private forum to some greater meaning when morphed to a public forum. As you know all too well, my deeply beloved Schattenhamster, the tone I use in the TPF and tC forums is quite, quite different. You have of course read my posts therein, and would agree.

Oh, and hi TR & CTB! I miss you.


edit: Better Angels

Edited by OneBallMan
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It's tabloid CN. For good or ill.

This thread in particular. I'm pretty sure Schattenman's made no bones about it being anything other than the equivalent of a tabloid, so it kind of amuses me to see people getting in such a huff about it or expect it to deliver some sort of earth shattering revelation. If you want something important, look to The Tattler. If you want a laugh, read this.

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I just don't understand how people of so little relevance and people who get things so wrong draw so much attention. It is counter intuitive or someone is telling porkies.

They are so irrelevant people come on here and seem to start screaming at their top of the voices how irrelevant they are, as though the more they post it and the harder they say it, it just might come true.

The whole irrelevance argument again? Really?

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The whole irrelevance argument again? Really?

It does indeed get old.


Vox is irrelevant. Just incase you didn't read the many hundreds of posts that state the exact same thing in every thread of Vox's.

How about people define what they consider relevant?

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Given the low level of debating skills amongst the hegemonists, their definition of relevant would probably be something recursive like "not Vox".

Well, I personally always thought Vox was relevant because it actually gave me something to do rather then just "work" for the alliance. Without Vox out causing its usual mischief this world would truly be boring. I realize many of the large alliance leaders probably do not think such as they are always busy in their meetings (OOC: Skype, IRC, etc.) but for the masses the drama of this world is entirely relevant. The stories of what goes on keep up the interest of some.

So I suppose to those leaders they already know such and thus Vox is irrelevant to them but to the masses that those leaders do not inform, such may not be the case. In fact it might be a bit insulting and condescending to state such entertainment as irrelevant.

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I'll admit, I look forward to each issue of TWiP, not so much for the OP, a bit verbose and self aggrandizing for my taste (smacks of Ivy League education to me) but for the page after page of hilarity which follows. No U, No U, No U has never been so sweet.

I have dealt with Reyne on more than one occasion within the bounds of the Q Sanctum and have always found her to be polite, cordial and somewhat charming. During the course of TPF/OG treaty talks I think she even flirted a bit. ;)

The fact that all you mommas boys out there can't deal with a strong willed and opinionated female leader certainly says more about you than it does about her.

So she thinks vanguard is full of suck, so what, so do I.....'cept for that Stumpy fella, he seems ok.

Man up, or turn in the card fellas.

Truthiness is good, and in lue of a better word, denial blows.

Seems that Gramlins (ooc: how the fark do you do that two dot thing above the a ?) and TOP have little or no issues with how Citadel business is conducted within their halls, and from observing how up front and to the point they are themselves, most likely prefer it that way.

Who cares whether or not he created this environment. He is doing more to change it than you, or anyone else criticizing him about it. A man's former actions mean nothing to me, if he shows remorse and attempts to fix his mistakes. I'll give anyone a second chance, and I always have.

Cmon Foxy... If you really think Spongebob has changed you need to lie down and put a cold towel on your forehead, ur hasing da halucinashuns. His tactics may have changed but the endgame is still the same. If you are right, and for christs sake I hope you aren't, this world just died a little.

The vitriol spewed by this man fueled Great Wars, facilitated the downfall of fabled alliances, inspired almost as many, as it made cower in fear. Irrelevant, I think not. Less relevant, for the time being, perhaps. Only one has done it better and he seems to have mellowed quite a bit.

When I see Mr. Wonderful welcome back GOONS or \m/ with open arms....maybe then I will drink from the "I has changed" vat of kool aid.

I mean, content of your post aside, are you literate TBB? English mother fu**er, do you speak it?!

The amount of unintentional comedy coming from you and Slayer in this thread is priceless.

Obligatory: PC, we are coming for you...all ur rice are belong to me. Dibs on TR. :P

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I love how people I interact with the least lecture the people I interact with the most about my intentions. Here's a hint - if you haven't dealt with me on a regular basis since last year, you're probably not qualified to judge what my motivations are because to be quite honest you really have no clue.

The fact that all you mommas boys out there can't deal with a strong willed and opinionated female leader certainly says more about you than it does about her.

JBone, why does it even have to be brought up that Reyne is female? Who cares? It's not her feminine anatomy we were discussing. Words are words whether the person saying them has breasts or not. Her sex has not even been brought up to this point - although I do suppose some of the " :wub: Reyne :wub: Vox you leave her alone!" posts were a form of white-knighting.

Edited by Electron Sponge
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I love how people I interact with the least lecture the people I interact with the most about my intentions. Here's a hint - if you haven't dealt with me on a regular basis since last year, you're probably not qualified to judge what my motivations are because to be quite honest you really have no clue.

Bet I'm the exception to that rule. :P

For all this lovely banter, I am looking forward to the promised Volume II. I think perhaps it is important for everyone agruing both sides of the issue to remember, Sponge-boy has more in store and that anyone would be remiss to declare final judgement prior to all of the material being released.

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I love how people I interact with the least lecture the people I interact with the most about my intentions. Here's a hint - if you haven't dealt with me on a regular basis since last year, you're probably not qualified to judge what my motivations are because to be quite honest you really have no clue.

Yes, It has been a while, doesn't change my opinion though. Time will tell. -_-

JBone, why does it even have to be brought up that Reyne is female? Who cares? It's not her feminine anatomy we were discussing. Words are words whether the person saying them has breasts or not. Her sex has not even been brought up to this point - although I do suppose some of the " :wub: Reyne :wub: Vox you leave her alone!" posts were a form of white-knighting.


Reyne Mordigan: Not everyone's mama. Need advice on how to grow an alliance? Suck it up, punk, mama's got more important allies to troll.

...and there are several more, but I'm not wading through almost 800 posts just for you handsome. :P

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JBone, why does it even have to be brought up that Reyne is female? Who cares? It's not her feminine anatomy we were discussing. Words are words whether the person saying them has breasts or not. Her sex has not even been brought up to this point - although I do suppose some of the " :wub: Reyne :wub: Vox you leave her alone!" posts were a form of white-knighting.

Well there was that post calling her a "she-tyrant," and there seemed to be a few more that made a point of noting her gender even though it wasn't relevant to anything they were saying. I think it's fair to say that people on both sides of this thread (not all, but some) have reacted to this differently, either more hostile or more friendly than otherwise, because of her gender.

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Bet I'm the exception to that rule. :P

For all this lovely banter, I am looking forward to the promised Volume II. I think perhaps it is important for everyone agruing both sides of the issue to remember, Sponge-boy has more in store and that anyone would be remiss to declare final judgement prior to all of the material being released.

If it's more Citadel screenshots I can safely say I will not find it interesting ;)

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Well there was that post calling her a "she-tyrant," and there seemed to be a few more that made a point of noting her gender even though it wasn't relevant to anything they were saying. I think it's fair to say that people on both sides of this thread (not all, but some) have reacted to this differently, either more hostile or more friendly than otherwise, because of her gender.

Well, as JBone stated he felt she flirted with him at times during TPF/OG talks. I would say it is fair to bring up such when it is seemingly used during diplomatic talks in an effort to soften up the one you are having discussions with. I only say that because it certainly seems as if she "softened" up JBone.

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