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Announcement from the Viridian Entente

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You make me LoL.

Let your government stick to speaking on the issue.

You don't tell me when to speak.

This makes me chuckle coming from an alliance which will cancel everything to avoid having to help its allies. Please...

EDIT: misstated something.

Lame, also old. Your buddies in VE threatened an ally of ours because they asked for our help and got it. They were afraid that their lame attempt to blackmailing would fall back on them.

A mistake in misplaced hostilities was stated specifically in the apology. Perhaps maybe ohhhhhhh .... I dunno ... Would it be silly to think that perhaps the apology is related to the cancellations? ......... Nooooooo .... Silly me .....

I only pointed out how the apology never appeared in the thread where it should have, rather you could see many VE members, government as well as normal members, telling Craig how nice it was of him to apologize, not realizing that their asses were saved by him, and that they by attempting blackmail and threatening the alliance are the ones who should have apologized.

To now bring up the apology combined with the cancellation is nothing but a lame PR stunt.

Also, yes ES, you were ;)

Edited by shilo
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While kudos has to be given to VE for doing what is right by them, I think listing specific behaviours that do not reach VE's standards required of an ally in the same post as announcing treaty cancellations is pretty poor form. I think it would've taken real balls to either give specific reasons or resist the urge to allude to them and go private channels FTW.

Still, I hope this ends well.

For MHA.

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While kudos has to be given to VE for doing what is right by them, I think listing specific behaviours that do not reach VE's standards required of an ally in the same post as announcing treaty cancellations is pretty poor form. I think it would've taken real balls to either give specific reasons or resist the urge to allude to them and go private channels FTW.

Still, I hope this ends well.

For MHA.

You can't really win these days though, if you don't post reasons its pages of people asking for reasons, if you do post em its pages saying it should of been communicated in private.

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You can't really win these days though, if you don't post reasons its pages of people asking for reasons, if you do post em its pages saying it should of been communicated in private.

I wouldn't worry about what people say, just do what's right ;)

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You don't tell me when to speak.

Lame trolling, also old. Your buddies in VE threatened an ally of ours because they asked for our help and got it. They were afraid that their lame attempt to blackmailing would fall back on them.

I only pointed out how the apology never appeared in the thread where it should have, rather you could see many VE members, government as well as normal members, telling Craig how nice it was of him to apologize, not realizing that their asses were saved by him, and that they by attempting blackmail and threatening the alliance are the ones who should have apologized.

To now bring up the apology combined with the cancellation is nothing but a lame PR stunt.

Also, yes ES, you were ;)

An amicable agreement was made with INT prior to ODN getting involved. An agreement to terms lesser than original. Stresses endure. Craig becomes the sole target of aggressions from our side for said events. It becomes realized that it really wasn't his fault. The same humility he showed in a public apology is being returned - combined with a righting of the wrongs that lead to it. No PR stunt.

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Lame trolling, also old. Your buddies in VE threatened an ally of ours because they asked for our help and got it. They were afraid that their lame attempt to blackmailing would fall back on them.

How do you define asking less then owed as blackmailing? Furthermore, VE apologized for what they did to Craig - saying they where wrong there.

I don't see where my previous comment was a troll - its just history, and sadly enough for you, history proves me right.

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This makes me chuckle coming from an alliance which will cancel everything to avoid having to help its allies. Please...

EDIT: misstated something.

Yup, we canceled the INT treaty last week.


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You can't really win these days though, if you don't post reasons its pages of people asking for reasons, if you do post em its pages saying it should of been communicated in private.

You gave insult more than reason. If I were to go by your OP alone, I only have a vague idea as to what actually happened and the truth of the cancellations. One thing is certain in how to go about it, don't take pot shots at your former allies in your announcement thread. It's very unbecoming of you.

Also, if you want to see an ideal cancellation thread, take a look at IRON's thread. It was very respectful towards both parties.

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You gave insult more than reason. If I were to go by your OP alone, I only have a vague idea as to what actually happened and the truth of the cancellations. One thing is certain in how to go about it, don't take pot shots at your former allies in your announcement thread. It's very unbecoming of you.

Also, if you want to see an ideal cancellation thread, take a look at IRON's thread. It was very respectful towards both parties.

Yeah I think we could do with a lot less Continuum-brand respect. Empty words in public and a knife in your back makes for real boring times for a lot of people.

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VE beat them to the public announcement so while it was IRON's original intentions, I see VE as canceling first. This is just my opinion though...flawed as it may be.

We just aren't as fond of public qualifications on our decisions.

Good luck to VE, Hellscream :P I will always *luv* u :P

Edited by shahenshah
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An amicable agreement was made with INT prior to ODN getting involved. An agreement to terms lesser than original. Stresses endure. Craig becomes the sole target of aggressions from our side for said events. It becomes realized that it really wasn't his fault. The same humility he showed in a public apology is being returned - combined with a righting of the wrongs that lead to it. No PR stunt.

You know, if I didn't know that this wasn't the truth, it might make sense.

But as I do, I know that the cancellations are related to VE's aggressive and failed attempt of blackmailing a smaller alliance, VE then realizing a week later how stupid they were, but the allies of VE - through which VE only felt they were in the position to threaten and blackmail anyone in the first place - long since realized what an "ally" VE was, IRON reacted, and so you thought it were best to go on the offensive, post an apology so that you don't appear completely as dishonorable for the way you announced things, and then hoped for the quick PR victory.

How do you define asking less then owed as blackmailing? Furthermore, VE apologized for what they did to Craig - saying they where wrong there.

I don't see where my previous comment was a troll - its just history, and sadly enough for you, history proves me right.

You simply are not informed about what really happened, your ally is not telling you the truth, if I were you I'd ask them again to tell you what really happened.

You know what I was talking about. You guys are lucky to have allies like INT. They stick with their friends.

And we stuck with them, and for that VE wanted to attack INT. Think about that, and then go back to repeating your old stereotypes again.

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Yeah I think we could do with a lot less Continuum-brand respect. Empty words in public and a knife in your back makes for real boring times for a lot of people.

Most alliances care more about relations with other alliances than the entertainment of the average OWF lurker, I'd think.

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I think everyone (all of those involved with the sniping) could use a little timeout. Take a few minutes and think before yelling more. You were good enough friends to have a treaty for quite some time. Keep that in mind and relax the rhetoric

Don't make me come over there! I'll turn this planet around if you kids can't behave! :awesome:

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Yeah I think we could do with a lot less Continuum-brand respect. Empty words in public and a knife in your back makes for real boring times for a lot of people.

Unverifiable insults and "reasons" are worse for conducting yourself publicly, though, imo. I don't expect VE to reveal the truth of each point on their list and why they feel that way, so it's not really any more entertaining than watching a bunch of pre-schoolers mock each other in the playground.

Edited by Dr. Dan
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An amicable agreement was made with INT prior to ODN getting involved. An agreement to terms lesser than original. Stresses endure. Craig becomes the sole target of aggressions from our side for said events. It becomes realized that it really wasn't his fault. The same humility he showed in a public apology is being returned - combined with a righting of the wrongs that lead to it. No PR stunt.

Not all soloutions are amicable. Also I do not remember the original terms for the USA war, can you tell me to revive my memory?

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You know, if I didn't know that this wasn't the truth, it might make sense.

But as I do, I know that the cancellations are related to VE's aggressive and failed attempt of blackmailing a smaller alliance, VE then realizing a week later how stupid they were, but the allies of VE - through which VE only felt they were in the position to threaten and blackmail anyone in the first place - long since realized what an "ally" VE was, IRON reacted, and so you thought it were best to go on the offensive, post an apology so that you don't appear completely as dishonorable for the way you announced things, and then hoped for the quick PR victory.

Again your so far off and so full of incomplete information. Please. Do ODN a favour and shut the hell up.

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Unverifiable insults and "reasons" are worse for conducting yourself publicly, though, imo. I don't expect VE to reveal the truth of each point on their list and why they feel that way, so it's not really any more entertaining than watching a bunch of pre-schoolers mock each other in the playground.

But wouldn't that be violating this:

The Viridian Entente does not wish to be allied to those who cannot be honest, forthright, and frank with us about their intentions and reasoning.

Thereby making VE unwilling to be allied with itself?

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Most alliances care more about relations with other alliances than the entertainment of the average OWF lurker, I'd think.

No most alliances care more about their precious stats than actually, you know, doing something other than collecting them while writing new treaties to sign. Wake me when they shut the server off. Better yet, somebody take a risk or two and stop playing it like you're going to get an electric shock to the genitals if you make a mistake.

Also the average OWF lurker is also an alliance member. You seem to be forgetting that. Granted they aren't a member of an alliance you'd ever stoop so low as to give a damn about but some of us care more about the big picture than your people do.

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Not all soloutions are amicable. Also I do not remember the original terms for the USA war, can you tell me to revive my memory?

1500 tech to each Viridia and Ordo Verde. Do be done as tech deals.

Only 800 was paid to Ordo Verde prior to the deal where ODN accuses us of extortion. We settled for only 400 remaining to be paid. An balance of 300 tech shaved off the original peace terms made in JANUARY.

For the most part, nothing was paid to VE. VE asked only 800 in the deal where ODN accuses us of extortion. Shaving a couple hundred off the original peace terms made in JANUARY.

Where this comes off as extortion to anybody is far behind my understanding.

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Again your so far off and so full of incomplete information. Please. Do ODN a favour and shut the hell up.

The second time you attempt to tell me when to speak?

Are you a moderator?

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