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This Week in Pacifica

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Anarchy has nothing to do with preparation.

Uhhhh--when two nations offensively attack someone and they fail to anarchy him, and then he turns around and anarchies one of them, then yes, it has everythign to do with preparation.

That's some big talk. You claim to have access, but can only repeat tired old clichés? For shame, for shame...

It's simple fact that TBB has literally walked into every TWiP and said "I didn't bother to read this crap, but here's wha tI think about it," not cliche.

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Thus you are just being very creative to conjure some kind of a story to pertain NPO leadership as bad as you could stretch it.

Leaving Order during open warfare is always "a deal" to deal with. Because it was for NSO, the deal was not being made as big as it could have been made for the nations involved and amicable resolution was found for all involved.

I certainly hope you are right. We will see if that is the truth by watching to see how long this state of open warfare lasts with jarheads.

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Now the great red Pacifica took some time but were finaly onto me, The alliance itself is great, i dont doubt that, but i personally dont go in the political mess.

so i was like lets help the minority, i didnt mind being zi i knew the consequences well in advance.

To be quite honest I don't know why they accepted you at all seeing how ridiculous your application was. I'd personally like a shot at you myself for skipping through Polaris like you did, although it seems Pacifica can handle it fine on their own.

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So the fact that they were willing to continue to contribute to the war effort in the same manner that they would have matters not?

You are like a broken record. The solution was made exactly upon those lines offered from the leaving nations.

What part of BR regardless thinks about the act, is their right to.

NPO doesnt want a large number of nations following them to NSO.

I am sure, as it is only natural, they do not wish for that.

At the same paste, the status thing which you are so hanging on, is realy not an issue here.

The status will change and nations will be able to leave as they wish.

To use it as a method of stopping what shall be obtainable very soon, would be reasoning on a childish level. I believe that NPO leadership is not on that level as proved thus far from their results.

You are really stretching thin here.

Edited by Branimir
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You are like a broken record. The solution was made exactly upon those lines offered from the leaving nations.

What part of BR regardless thinks about the act, is their right to.

I am sure, as it is only natural, they do not wish for that.

At the same paste, the status thing which you are so hanging on, is realy not an issue here.

The status will change and nations will be able to leave as they wish.

To use it as a method of stopping what shall be obtainable very soon, would be reasoning on a childish level. I believe that NPO leadership is not on that level as proved thus far from their results.

You are really stretching thin here.

I do believe my last post would answer this post of yours as well. Feel free to keep piling on more posts though branimir. I guess that means something.

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Ejay, I'm going to disagree with you on the principle. Nations leaving while under a full war alert, even if they were not participating in the war, are deserting the alliance in a time of need unless they explicitly cleared it with their alliance first. (A general point, not just for the NPO.) We don't know for sure if Corinan and ConeBone did that, but from the posts in this thread it sounds as though they did – in which case it's fine. I think the Pacifican quoted in the OP has already stated that he later got this extra piece of information and retracted his anger ... not that that is worth publishing by Schatt of course :P

tl;dr: in this case yes (probably), in general no

Respectfully, I will disagree. Technicalities in my opinion ruin any alliance's reputation, some are favoring, some aren't. Generally, in a sense, leaving through a war can be considered treason if the situation is black in white, however I have always favored the 'each situation has its own mitigating circumstances' approach. Some situations, such as spying, is black and white. Its morally reprehensible, yes ladies and gentlemen, I used the word morals! However, in this situation, it has its own mitigating circumstances which doesn't make either Cone or Corinan a traitor, merely because this situation isn't black and white. They offered their aid and this isn't threatening Pacifica's existence. If Syz left the alliance while we were progressively fighting, lets say, PPF or another small 'alliance' which is no contest..Well, I wouldn't call him a traitor. And we certainly wouldn't attack him because we don't approach situations in this manner.

Each case has its own mitigating circumstances and I honestly feel this isn't a black and white matter.

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I do believe my last post would answer this post of yours as well. Feel free to keep piling on more posts though branimir. I guess that means something.

HO, I made my post prior noticing yours. I hope that explains and settles that.

With care and love which means something, yours



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HO, I made my post prior noticing yours. I hope that explains and settles that.

With care and love which means something, yours



Yes, it certainly does explain and settle.

All I wish to see is former comrades able to follow the path they wish to and I personally do not feel the Jarheads fight is one worthy of blocking their path with. If this state of warfare is to be as short as you state then there really is no issue at all. That is certainly what I hope for all involved.

Your statement earlier left me to believe that you think I am posting here in an effort to undermine NPO. That is absolutely wrong Branimir. I am not an enemy of the Order simply because I left. My issues there were personal ones, not with the Order as a whole.

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Ejay, I'm going to disagree with you on the principle. Nations leaving while under a full war alert, even if they were not participating in the war, are deserting the alliance in a time of need unless they explicitly cleared it with their alliance first. (A general point, not just for the NPO.) We don't know for sure if Corinan and ConeBone did that, but from the posts in this thread it sounds as though they did – in which case it's fine. I think the Pacifican quoted in the OP has already stated that he later got this extra piece of information and retracted his anger ... not that that is worth publishing by Schatt of course :P

tl;dr: in this case yes (probably), in general no

I want to ask you a question..

Would you rather have members who want to be there during times of war, or members who are forced to be there during times of war? Alliances are always better off, ALWAYS, by having members who legitimately want to be there and who aren't merely there because they feel as though they can't leave. You want members who want to be there, if they don't, let em walk.

You're better off not having them, anyway. I'll take 1 productive member who legitimately wants to be there over 10 who are forced to be there and whose sole purpose then is to pad stats.

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Are you being serious? I will assume you are and respond by pointing things out that apparently were too nuanced for you.

I am not going nuts or SHOCKED by 5 NPO member leaving--NPO is, that's why it was fun for everyone except you (who all got the joke) to read about it.

As for volume, see abive. I could write a "This Week in . . ." 20 alliances, including TPF. The fact of the matter is that writing about NPO is the most fun. If I wrote This Week in TPF it'd be you replying, mhawk repeating whatever you said, and TBB saying "I didn't read this again, but. . . "

Nice cop out for the fact that you don't have anything other than rank-and-file spies.

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My issues there were personal ones, not with the Order as a whole

I do not know what your issues are and do not take it personal when I say, I do not really care.

I am here to have some fun and to answer things, which I can, which are being raised about the Order. That is more or less all.

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Looks like Jarheads finally have the chance to deal a serious strike to the NPO, which could do more damage to Pacifica than their 400 nations in the next 12 months.

All they have to do now is to offer their unconditional surrender to NPO, and by doing so they will allow dozens(?) of NPO nations to join NSO.

It's not as if they can't declare on NPO a few days later again :lol:

/me just adding some fire to NPO resignation issue

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My gut tells me the Jarheads aren't a threat at all. They're target practice. My gut also tells me that using them as an excuse to threaten action against people that leave NPO is because the departed are expected to be needed for a war yet to come, and soon at that. That, or there is centripetal force within NPO and this is a proactive closing of the barn doors before the horses bolt into various TSO-like alliances. There's a bigger picture here, and all the pieces will fit nicely into it.

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Looks like Jarheads finally have the chance to deal a serious strike to the NPO, which could do more damage to Pacifica than their 400 nations in the next 12 months.

All they have to do now is to offer their unconditional surrender to NPO, and by doing so they will allow dozens(?) of NPO nations to join NSO.

It's not as if they can't declare on NPO a few days later again :lol:

/me just adding some fire to NPO resignation issue

I disagree. I do not now, or did I ever, believe that members of the NPO will leave in great numbers, or even noticeable numbers except to those that will blow any issue out of proportion, on all sides, for the NSO.

Quite honestly, as I was sharing with some in private earlier, I expected to maybe get 20-30 nations the first week. My stretch goal was 80 nations in two weeks. I have clearly stated that I am not here to oppose or support either "side" in the current status quo and I maintain that now. I have quietly sought friendships with some in the theoretical middle ground but I have not poached any members (although I did ask AirMe if he was being honest :P).

The NPO is the strongest alliance in the Cyberverse. I helped put it there. I am proud of that accomplishment. Those that are members of the NPO should be proud of it as well if they truly uphold the ideals on which the alliance was founded. I do not speak on those that may not. I do not expect anyone to give up a spot at the "top" to take up a spot on the bottom with me. Some have elected to do so of their own accord and I thank them but I do not believe that a state of full peace for Pacifica would amount to any large exodus to the Sith under any circumstances.

Those that operate, regardless of rank, under such a fear waste energy in my opinion.

Edited by Ivan Moldavi
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My gut tells me the Jarheads aren't a threat at all. They're target practice. My gut also tells me that using them as an excuse to threaten action against people that leave NPO is because the departed are expected to be needed for a war yet to come, and soon at that. That, or there is centripetal force within NPO and this is a proactive closing of the barn doors before the horses bolt into various TSO-like alliances. There's a bigger picture here, and all the pieces will fit nicely into it.

nonsense, there's no war coming.

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Looks like Jarheads finally have the chance to deal a serious strike to the NPO, which could do more damage to Pacifica than their 400 nations in the next 12 months.

All they have to do now is to offer their unconditional surrender to NPO, and by doing so they will allow dozens(?) of NPO nations to join NSO.

It's not as if they can't declare on NPO a few days later again :lol:

/me just adding some fire to NPO resignation issue

It's a good thought, but have you ever actually tried to get the NPO to let you surrender? It isn't easy. They prefer long curb stomps, not quick decisive victories.

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nonsense, there's no war coming.

Of course not. The various drawing of lines/rapid discussions of which way certain alliances will go/the long, drawn out conversations in IRC that describe possible scenarios, sometimes with people in high places/the rumors (unfounded) that IRCops are feeding NPO information are all conducive to a long, preserved peace.

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Of course not. The various drawing of lines/rapid discussions of which way certain alliances will go/the long, drawn out conversations in IRC that describe possible scenarios, sometimes with people in high places/the rumors (unfounded) that IRCops are feeding NPO information are all conducive to a long, preserved peace.

Why believe the rumors, anyone who knows anything in this game never blabs about it, I meant every war in this game is so difficult to have predicted.

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