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Declaration of Intent, Structure and Presence

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Good Luck my former Emperor and PCIA leader in your new endeavors!

I am starting to think of some of my "less savory" members as the Bad News Bears of CN. Kicked around, pushed into corners, possibly inept, possibly nonsociable, but they are mine now and until such time as they give me reason to doubt them I will stand by their side.

No, you are confusing those who joined you with Vox leadership. They already own the rights to that title and unlike the Bad News Bears, they won't win anything whatsoever.

Again, best wishes with NSO!

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Good Luck my former Emperor and PCIA leader in your new endeavors!

No, you are confusing those who joined you with Vox leadership. They already own the rights to that title and unlike the Bad News Bears, they won't win anything whatsoever.

Again, best wishes with NSO!

It's actually a federal crime in 86 countries to edit an Ivan Moldavi quote.

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I find it interesting that the NSO, through comments by both leadership and general membership, assert that no assistance will be rendered to member nations with existing baggage, be it ZI/PZI/etc...and are expected to handle said baggage independent of the NSO.

The mere fact that membership is granted, surely opens doors that would otherwise be nailed shut. What alliance leader could possibly view an enemy in the same light pre/post NSO affiliation?

Perhaps this is simply a unintended byproduct of the stature of its founder, Mr. Moldavi, and the plethora of famous/infamous individuals who now reside within the dark halls of the NSO, perhaps not so unintended.

Regardless of intent, this certainly alters the circumstances surrounding those who would otherwise find themselves in a state of perpetual war.

Granted it only opens doors so far, it would seem to be the responsibility of such a member to follow through and gain universal clemency.

It will be fascinating to watch this unfold.

Anything that ignites interest in this realm of ours should be welcomed....and watched closely.

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It's hilarious to read all this CN-lawering over the ZI members of the NSO... "We/they don't assist", "they/we protect from this but not from that", "their role in the alliance is this and it will be that only if another thing happens", etc...

The Casus Belli for the Woodstock Massacre was that a low-ranked and inexperienced official of the GPA mistakenly admitted as probationary "affiliate" member, for less than 24 hours, Lord Swampy, an old enemy of the NPO and of Valhalla. Now what is (was?) a GPA "affiliate"? A non-member that may be given protection against Raids, at the complete discretion of the GPA, and that has no possibility to take any political role...

NSO's ZI-listed members are certainly been given much more, and there's therefore solid precedent for several alliances to declare war against the NSO.

The difference is all political: at the time of the Woodstock Massacre there was the will to attack the GPA, as their (previously, considerable) political capital had been exhausted (for reasons and with manoeuvres that I will not utter here: I won't open that can of worms...)

At present the NSO has an evident strong political capital, which can be ascribed only to Moldavi himself. The future - mainly the fruits of this NSO adventure - will tell us what good will come from this way of spending said capital (and how long it will last).

The discussion over the nature of the status of the ZI-listed members of the NSO, as it was a matter of "right" or "wrong", is however completely silly and useless. It's quite embarassing (though amusing) to witness it.


Edited by jerdge
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It's hilarious to read all this CN-lawering over the ZI members of the NSO... "We/they don't assist", "they/we protect from this but not from that", "their role in the alliance is this and it will be that only if another thing happens", etc...

The Casus Belli for the Woodstock Massacre was that a low-ranked and inexperienced official of the GPA mistakenly admitted as probationary "affiliate" member, for less than 24 hours, Lord Swampy, an old enemy of the NPO and of Valhalla. Now what is (was?) a GPA "affiliate"? A non-member that may be given protection against Raids, at the complete discretion of the GPA, and that has no possibility to take any politcal role...

NSO's ZI-listed members are certainly been given much more, and there's therefore solid precedent for several alliances to declare war against the NSO.

The difference is all political: at the time of the Woodstock Massacre there was the will to attack the GPA, as their (previously, considerable) political capital had been exhausted (for reasons and with manoeuvres that I will not utter here: I won't open that can of worms...)

At present the NSO has an evident strong political capital, which can be ascribed only to Moldavi himself. The future - mainly the fruits of this NSO adventure - will tell us what good will come from this way of spending said capital (and how long it will last).

The discussion over the nature of the status of the ZI-listed members of the NSO, as it was a matter of "right" or "wrong", is however completely silly and useless. It's quite embarassing (though amusing) to witness it.

Different people, different rules. No surprise, no embarrasment. Good luck to your new alliance, Ivan.
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It's hilarious to read all this CN-lawering over the ZI members of the NSO... "We/they don't assist", "they/we protect from this but not from that", "their role in the alliance is this and it will be that only if another thing happens", etc...

The Casus Belli for the Woodstock Massacre was that a low-ranked and inexperienced official of the GPA mistakenly admitted as probationary "affiliate" member, for less than 24 hours, Lord Swampy, an old enemy of the NPO and of Valhalla. Now what is (was?) a GPA "affiliate"? A non-member that may be given protection against Raids, at the complete discretion of the GPA, and that has no possibility to take any political role...

NSO's ZI-listed members are certainly been given much more, and there's therefore solid precedent for several alliances to declare war against the NSO.

The difference is all political: at the time of the Woodstock Massacre there was the will to attack the GPA, as their (previously, considerable) political capital had been exhausted (for reasons and with manoeuvres that I will not utter here: I won't open that can of worms...)

At present the NSO has an evident strong political capital, which can be ascribed only to Moldavi himself. The future - mainly the fruits of this NSO adventure - will tell us what good will come from this way of spending said capital (and how long it will last).

The discussion over the nature of the status of the ZI-listed members of the NSO, as it was a matter of "right" or "wrong", is however completely silly and useless. It's quite embarassing (though amusing) to witness it.


The CB of Woodstock Massacre was just an excuse to attack and remove GPA of #1 spot. Simple like that.

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The CB of Woodstock Massacre was just an excuse to attack and remove GPA of #1 spot. Simple like that.

Okay, How am I supposed to forgive and forget when members of the orders herself constantly remind me that the Woodstock massacre was little more than a giant tech raid aimed at removing the GPA from it's #1 spot.

No one ever said CN was fair.

Good luck to the latest edition to the Orders, though I doubt they need it. :P

*edit: spelling

Edited by Jeb the Wise
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It's hilarious to read all this CN-lawering over the ZI members of the NSO... "We/they don't assist", "they/we protect from this but not from that", "their role in the alliance is this and it will be that only if another thing happens", etc...

The Casus Belli for the Woodstock Massacre was that a low-ranked and inexperienced official of the GPA mistakenly admitted as probationary "affiliate" member, for less than 24 hours, Lord Swampy, an old enemy of the NPO and of Valhalla. Now what is (was?) a GPA "affiliate"? A non-member that may be given protection against Raids, at the complete discretion of the GPA, and that has no possibility to take any political role...

NSO's ZI-listed members are certainly been given much more, and there's therefore solid precedent for several alliances to declare war against the NSO.

The difference is all political: at the time of the Woodstock Massacre there was the will to attack the GPA, as their (previously, considerable) political capital had been exhausted (for reasons and with manoeuvres that I will not utter here: I won't open that can of worms...)

At present the NSO has an evident strong political capital, which can be ascribed only to Moldavi himself. The future - mainly the fruits of this NSO adventure - will tell us what good will come from this way of spending said capital (and how long it will last).

The discussion over the nature of the status of the ZI-listed members of the NSO, as it was a matter of "right" or "wrong", is however completely silly and useless. It's quite embarassing (though amusing) to witness it.


Have I told you that I love you?

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Okay, How am I supposed to forgive and forget when members of the orders herself constantly remind me that the Woodstock massacre was little more than a giant tech raid aimed at removing the GPA from it's #1 spot.

No one ever said CN was fair.

Good luck to the latest edition to the Orders, though I doubt they need it. :P

*edit: spelling

You don't need forget, you don't need forgive also, this is how things are in CN, unhappyly. All we can do is try change that. And I was talking not as a NpO member but as an ex-GPAer.

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Okay, How am I supposed to forgive and forget when members of the orders herself constantly remind me that the Woodstock massacre was little more than a giant tech raid aimed at removing the GPA from it's #1 spot.

No one ever said CN was fair.

I don't really see people constantly reminding anyone, but if you're trying to stick your head in the sand and ignore the fact that 95% of this game runs on personal grudges, vendettas, and self-righteous BS, then you're gonna have a loooooooong day.

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The difference is all political: at the time of the Woodstock Massacre there was the will to attack the GPA, as their (previously, considerable) political capital had been exhausted (for reasons and with manoeuvres that I will not utter here: I won't open that can of worms...)

At present the NSO has an evident strong political capital, which can be ascribed only to Moldavi himself. The future - mainly the fruits of this NSO adventure - will tell us what good will come from this way of spending said capital (and how long it will last).

I think you're missing the REAL truth here -- everyone has their hands full with Jarheads. NSO is pretty much in the clear.

But seriously though, I'm not sure if you're complaining about NSO having the ability to pull something like this, or whether you're upset that people get boned for BS reasons all the time. I'd venture to say MHA plays a fairly large role in both cases, though.

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I don't really see people constantly reminding anyone, but if you're trying to stick your head in the sand and ignore the fact that 95% of this game runs on personal grudges, vendettas, and self-righteous BS, then you're gonna have a loooooooong day.

Wow... :lol:

How true.

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I don't really see people constantly reminding anyone, but if you're trying to stick your head in the sand and ignore the fact that 95% of this game runs on personal grudges, vendettas, and self-righteous BS, then you're gonna have a loooooooong day.

This statement is pretty accurate. Casus belli quite literally is nothing but a means of justifying conflict. What actually sparks conflict, however, can be and generally is something far different.

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Okay, How am I supposed to forgive and forget when members of the orders herself constantly remind me that the Woodstock massacre was little more than a giant tech raid aimed at removing the GPA from it's #1 spot.

No one ever said CN was fair.

Good luck to the latest edition to the Orders, though I doubt they need it. :P

*edit: spelling

D34th was not a member of the orders during the Woodstock Massacre.

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It's hilarious to read all this CN-lawering over the ZI members of the NSO... "We/they don't assist", "they/we protect from this but not from that", "their role in the alliance is this and it will be that only if another thing happens", etc...

The Casus Belli for the Woodstock Massacre was that a low-ranked and inexperienced official of the GPA mistakenly admitted as probationary "affiliate" member, for less than 24 hours, Lord Swampy, an old enemy of the NPO and of Valhalla. Now what is (was?) a GPA "affiliate"? A non-member that may be given protection against Raids, at the complete discretion of the GPA, and that has no possibility to take any political role...

NSO's ZI-listed members are certainly been given much more, and there's therefore solid precedent for several alliances to declare war against the NSO.

The difference is all political: at the time of the Woodstock Massacre there was the will to attack the GPA, as their (previously, considerable) political capital had been exhausted (for reasons and with manoeuvres that I will not utter here: I won't open that can of worms...)

At present the NSO has an evident strong political capital, which can be ascribed only to Moldavi himself. The future - mainly the fruits of this NSO adventure - will tell us what good will come from this way of spending said capital (and how long it will last).

The discussion over the nature of the status of the ZI-listed members of the NSO, as it was a matter of "right" or "wrong", is however completely silly and useless. It's quite embarassing (though amusing) to witness it.




Excuse me, I'm going to go die of shock.

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