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Announcement from the GGA

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The NPO couldn't just bankroll the nations they have there into unstoppable war machines? It wouldn't take much at that level.

Perhaps the NPO banking troubles are even worse than we've been reporting. If it isn't a source of tech for the elite clique at the top it doesn't matter, after all.

I suppose it's possible. But for some reason this is one time that I don't blame people for activating treaties.

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The NPO couldn't just bankroll the nations they have there into unstoppable war machines? It wouldn't take much at that level.

Why do that when we can just get our green colony meatshield and others to do the work for us? Come on Sponge, this is our standard operating procedure.

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Why do that when we can just get our green colony meatshield and others to do the work for us? Come on Sponge, this is our standard operating procedure.

Speaking of others doing the work for people, stop stealing my lines. How can the Pacifican Body Republic gnash their teeth in the Two Minutes Hate at their version of Emmanuel Goldstein if you keep saying what I am supposed to say first? Jeez man, get a clue. I am doing you a favor when I say that stuff.

That being said, I agree with you completely.

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I don't think that the New Pacific Order needs any help fighting an alliance with 1/5 of their membership and 1/210 of their total strength.

No, I think that they're pretty much set. Or is this one of those wars where it's necessary for everyone[/u] to jump in and show their self-righteousness?

If you need to ask it means you know nothing about waging war. Here is a free lesson...if a nation isn't in your strength range you cant attack it. Unless you see 200 tiny (500NS) NPO nations they cant wage war against jarheads. Dont worry you still hold the self-righteous crown they aren't trying to take it off you, they are allies answering a treaty (also something you should know)

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The NPO couldn't just bankroll the nations they have there into unstoppable war machines? It wouldn't take much at that level.

Perhaps the NPO banking troubles are even worse than we've been reporting. If it isn't a source of tech for the elite clique at the top it doesn't matter, after all.

Due to declaration ranges most of their responsive members will be far out of range and it isn't worth having people sell off their stuff to fight down. It makes sense to have GGA help out providing members to fight in the very low ranks.

They aren't the first alliance to draw allies into the war to fill in the lower ranks and give them some fun and experience. We (MK) did this in both wars against WAPA.

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Due to declaration ranges most of their responsive members will be far out of range and it isn't worth having people sell off their stuff to fight down. It makes sense to have GGA help out providing members to fight in the very low ranks.

They aren't the first alliance to draw allies into the war to fill in the lower ranks and give them some fun and experience. We (MK) did this in both wars against WAPA.

I wasn't really referring to dropping themselves down. NPO has more nations under 1000 NS than most other alliances have total nations. They also purport themselves to have the best banking system in the game (which they don't, but don't tell the Pacificans that). They should be able to drop enough cash on these small nations to make them total juggernauts at that level and wipe the floor with Jarheads.

Either NPO has a lack of imaginative leadership, a lack of active nations at the lower ranks, a distinct fear of fighting, or they're really just unable to do anything against someone that doesn't come directly against their strongest points. (ooc: Maginot Line) Then again it could be that they didn't adequately prepare for this little adventure and declared war before their logistics were in place. If that's the case the whole leadership ought to resign in shame because that's damned un-Pacifican. Actually given the length of time between when Bilrow put out a war warning to the Body Republic and the declaration of war, this is the most likely possibility.

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

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I wasn't really referring to dropping themselves down. NPO has more nations under 1000 NS than most other alliances have total nations. They also purport themselves to have the best banking system in the game (which they don't, but don't tell the Pacificans that). They should be able to drop enough cash on these small nations to make them total juggernauts at that level and wipe the floor with Jarheads.

Either NPO has a lack of imaginative leadership, a lack of active nations at the lower ranks, a distinct fear of fighting, or they're really just unable to do anything against someone that doesn't come directly against their strongest points. (ooc: Maginot Line) Then again it could be that they didn't adequately prepare for this little adventure and declared war before their logistics were in place. If that's the case the whole leadership ought to resign in shame because that's damned un-Pacifican. Actually given the length of time between when Bilrow put out a war warning to the Body Republic and the declaration of war, this is the most likely possibility.

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

The same can be said for their political practices as well. So now we can see some real consistency in the quality of NPO's leadership.

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I wasn't really referring to dropping themselves down. NPO has more nations under 1000 NS than most other alliances have total nations. They also purport themselves to have the best banking system in the game (which they don't, but don't tell the Pacificans that). They should be able to drop enough cash on these small nations to make them total juggernauts at that level and wipe the floor with Jarheads.

Either NPO has a lack of imaginative leadership, a lack of active nations at the lower ranks, a distinct fear of fighting, or they're really just unable to do anything against someone that doesn't come directly against their strongest points. (ooc: Maginot Line) Then again it could be that they didn't adequately prepare for this little adventure and declared war before their logistics were in place. If that's the case the whole leadership ought to resign in shame because that's damned un-Pacifican. Actually given the length of time between when Bilrow put out a war warning to the Body Republic and the declaration of war, this is the most likely possibility.

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

I think even a person of your experience couldn't have foreseen a 300% jump in membership in one day.

Edited by Alterego
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The planning for this wouldnt have happened overnight and I think even a person of your experience couldn't have foreseen a 300% jump in membership in one day.

As I, and others (including jarheads) have pointed out, had NPO simply contacted jarheads and asked them about this, none of this would have happened in the first place. That would have been the more responsible thing to do.

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As I, and others (including jarheads) have pointed out, had NPO simply contacted jarheads and asked them about this, none of this would have happened in the first place. That would have been the more responsible thing to do.

If there was no second plot this never would have happened.

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Yadda yadda

By calling in allies and their low-level nations, NPO is assuring they win this conflict as quickly and cost-efficiently as possible. That is certainly not a sign of poor leadership, it is not a sign of a failing bank organization, and it is not un-Pacifican. I usually enjoy reading your posts and spy-information, but this poor attempt at devaluing Pacifican military and leadership prowess is weak.

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This is pretty funny.

Yes, it is, actually, but I suspect I don't find it funny for precisely the same reasons as you.

It's funny because the enemy is extremely goofy. The instructional materials that teach how to produce a 187 NS nation are... well, they're worth their weight in electrons.

However, that said - the principle is rather sound. The propaganda being put out by this group is hostile and belies the suggestion that they're just joining for the heck of it; no, it rather more sounds like they have dreams of becoming the world's largest collection of nuclear rogues ever.

Unrealistic dreams, but that's because we're here to put a stop to it.

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Hrm. While I don't disagree with the fact that the cause of the war is justified and that GGA can do it what it wants, it's almost a bleeding shame. With the right guidance (not from a You Tube video) and cultivation, many of these members of Jarheads could be productive, if they joined the right alliance and a useful addition to the nations of Planet Bob.

Again, the NPO and GGA can do whatever they want, but PMing surrender terms (or "how do I get this to stop?") and encouraging them to go elsewhere and find their feet almost seems preferable than driving them off from their inexperience.

Best of luck to all parties.

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If there was no DoW, a second plot wouldn't have happened. If someone attacks you, it would seem logical to do what you can to defend yourself.

It seems we are at a chicken-egg impasse. Following this line of reasoning to its beginning may perhaps provide clues to the origins of the universe.

@Sir Jesus: Pacifican leadership is abysmal - they succeed in spite of it, not because of it. They're a 900 member alliance that can't even muster enough nations to fight a war against a couple hundred uninitiatied newbies? Jarheads have 222 nations with an average strength of 467. If I were the one running NPO I'd have had explicit instructions for my low-end nations to attack any three targets in Jarheads and expect copious aid from the Pacifican banking system (who would have been alerted a couple days ahead of time and would have nations ready to send out the aid). Of course I've never actually led an operation of that sort. No sir. Just a babe in the woods here. You can just continue thinking NPO is led by inspired forward thinkers. There are quite a few of us (even on your side of the fence) who know better, and who remember a time before TrotskysRevenge's administration moved away from the old Pacifican style of doing things and turned NPO into a shambling mockery of what it once was. "Oh but Sponge they're still number one!" Yeah, they are. You guys are propping them up there, not me.

Good luck Jarheads.

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I wasn't really referring to dropping themselves down. NPO has more nations under 1000 NS than most other alliances have total nations. They also purport themselves to have the best banking system in the game (which they don't, but don't tell the Pacificans that). They should be able to drop enough cash on these small nations to make them total juggernauts at that level and wipe the floor with Jarheads.

Either NPO has a lack of imaginative leadership, a lack of active nations at the lower ranks, a distinct fear of fighting, or they're really just unable to do anything against someone that doesn't come directly against their strongest points. (ooc: Maginot Line) Then again it could be that they didn't adequately prepare for this little adventure and declared war before their logistics were in place. If that's the case the whole leadership ought to resign in shame because that's damned un-Pacifican. Actually given the length of time between when Bilrow put out a war warning to the Body Republic and the declaration of war, this is the most likely possibility.

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

I'd venture to say it's what I bolded, a lack of active nations in the lower ranks. It can be very difficult for any alliance to get their small guys active, especially in a mass alliance like NPO where many small people just join for protection and aren't active at all. Active small guys tend to not stay small very long, leaving most of the inactive to fill up the ranks of the lower end, especially when you're talking about <5K NS.

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It seems we are at a chicken-egg impasse. Following this line of reasoning to its beginning may perhaps provide clues to the origins of the universe.

@Sir Jesus: Pacifican leadership is abysmal - they succeed in spite of it, not because of it. They're a 900 member alliance that can't even muster enough nations to fight a war against a couple hundred uninitiatied newbies? Jarheads have 222 nations with an average strength of 467. If I were the one running NPO I'd have had explicit instructions for my low-end nations to attack any three targets in Jarheads and expect copious aid from the Pacifican banking system (who would have been alerted a couple days ahead of time and would have nations ready to send out the aid). Of course I've never actually led an operation of that sort. No sir. Just a babe in the woods here. You can just continue thinking NPO is led by inspired forward thinkers. There are quite a few of us (even on your side of the fence) who know better, and who remember a time before TrotskysRevenge's administration moved away from the old Pacifican style of doing things and turned NPO into a shambling mockery of what it once was. "Oh but Sponge they're still number one!" Yeah, they are. You guys are propping them up there, not me.

Good luck Jarheads.

Why would we do that when our allies are dying for some action?

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Why would we do that when our allies are dying for some action?

Oh I don't know, I guess I just come from the old school where you fight your own wars and are embarrassed to have to call on an ally. Especially on something so small.

Edited by Electron Sponge
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Oh I don't know, I guess I just come from the old school where you fight your own wars and are embarrassed to have to call on an ally. Especially on something so small.

ZING! And so Electron Sponge wins the thread.

In all honesty, I can see both sides of this argument. Why not include your friends in a war that could provide valuable experience for your allies. But, if you got yourself into the mess you should get yourself out.

Not my place.

/me wanders out of the thread.

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...The propaganda being put out by this group...

I demand to see said propaganda. Also, I'd like to add my graphic talent to both sides of this conflict with fitting propaganda. I'll have pictures posted ITT by midnight tonight both in support of Jarheads, and in support of 1V the largest and most powerful alliance bloc in CN history, who has apparently tapped their full military weight to deal this minor threat a death blow.

That being said, I'll also be making pics in favor and support of the NPO! :) If Bilrow wasn't there I wouldn't, but since he is...

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