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Dark Evolution Announcement


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Citizens of Planet Bob,

Today and event took place that simply should not have. A conversation happened between Ryan_Reyes and Hunterman1043, which was completely inappropriate, and should not have happened. In a very off topic discussion, Ryan and Hunter were talking in a joking manner, and joked about posting a Declaration of War on GLOP. It was very clear to all in the channel that this was a joke, but Hunter took it completely seriously, and posted a DoW. He posted signatures of government not aware of this or even online at the time.

Hunter did NOT have my approval or coolgreen44's approval, or anyone from our war department, this was an act of pure stupidity. Neither myself nor Coolgreen44 were online at the time. I found out about this incident only around an hour ago.

Through discussion, it was found that Ryan_Reyes and Hunter were to be kicked from The Dark Evolution, with Hunter being kicked for endangering us in such a way. Hunter somehow heard about this through the grapevine.

[19:33] <~Hunter[DE]> If I'm goin down

[19:33] <~Hunter[DE]> I'm goin down shootin

He deleted our forums, in an act of complete and utter disrepect to the members of DE and the all of our allies, and has in the most cowardly way possible, gone into peacemode to await deletion.

Coolgreen44, AngryRaccoon and I apologize for the horrendous actions of this traitor, and cannot possibly express how sorry we are to GLOP for this. We will be sending aid over to GLOP in reparations for this entire inccident.


A DoW was posted against GLOP which was NOT sanctioned by ANYONE of any position to post it.

Ryan_Reyes has been kicked from the The Dark Evolution.

Hunter has been kicked from The Dark Evolution and is on our PZI list, if he ever comes out of peacemode, the coward.

DE members will refrain from posting in this thread.


Coolgreen44, Emperor

AngryRaccoon, Imperial Regent

danizduhman, Imperial Regent

Edit: I was rushed when I wrote it, sorry it was unclear in that section.

hello ello all, i am KOTIC of GLOP and Minister of External affiars. the situation has fully be resolved. and TDE and GLOP have become a bit more closer out this horride event. we can sympathize with TDE as this has happened to GLOP before and we have promised to do everything we can to help.the 2 nations that were attacked are now ready to attack ryan for his crimes. on behalf of GLOP i want to thank AngryRaccoon for getting in touch with me as soon as he found out what was going on, and for his willingness to handle this diplomaticly and politly. i also want to think halflingers form Invicta for getting incontact with me almost immediatly and for wanting to handle the situtaion as sooon as possible.

Kotic MoEA

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Logs please. And please, don't make them obviously fake.

^^ :) I luled,

And whatever DE, good for you? Next time don't put "coward" or "foolish" people into your government, if they were, I presume they were since he was given ACP access.

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yeah i know im posting...

I would like to thank Danizduhman for getting on the issue as quickly as possible, and i would like to thank Angryraccoon for contacting GLOP about the incident, and i would like to thank kotic for understanding the situation generously...

o/ DE


o/ quick negotiations

And whatever DE, good for you? Next time don't put "coward" or "foolish" people into your government, if they were, I presume they were since he was given ACP access.

he hosted the forums...

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As expected and appropriate, The Dark Evolution has ended up suffering more for this than GLOP.

I'm sad to hear about the loss of your forums though. That is not a scenario I wish upon anyone. I hope TDE takes GR's gracious offer of assistance and makes the right moves to restore their alliance and place decent leaders in position to make better decisions.

Good luck to both parties in this.

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I was shocked to hear the DoW news from DE. I am glad this has been taken care of, and I am glad this was not approved by the highest levels of DE government. I am saddened that this transpired, and I don't know why you expel Ryan Eyes go without any punishment.

Nevertheless, on the whole I am pleased by the actions of DE to rectify this.

Good luck in the future.

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^^ :) I luled,

And whatever DE, good for you? Next time don't put "coward" or "foolish" people into your government, if they were, I presume they were since he was given ACP access.

Hunterman was the owner of the DE forums, and he was the root admin. In which, that is why he was able to disable the forums.

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Hunterman was the owner of the DE forums, and he was the root admin. In which, that is why he was able to disable the forums.

Putting your forum host on perma ZI might have been the dumbest thing in the world. I'm pretty sure I'd have done the same thing. They would be his forums and you did place him on PZI. What did he have to lose?? Sounds like a crappy cover up gone terribly wrong.

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Remember folks, just because we often crack jokes about how we long for simpler times when you could attack anyone without even pretending to manufacture a casus belli, doesn't mean you can actually do it these days. Guess we all managed to fool a few people over at DE... sorry guys. Good luck fixing any issues that may have arisen over this lapse in judgment.

Edited by Penguin
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Putting your forum host on perma ZI might have been the dumbest thing in the world. I'm pretty sure I'd have done the same thing. They would be his forums and you did place him on PZI. What did he have to lose?? Sounds like a crappy cover up gone terribly wrong.

Chain of events:

1. Ryan and Hunter leave alliance

<Ryan_Reyes> <+Ryan_Reyes> Update

<Ryan_Reyes> <+Ryan_Reyes> *SECTION REMOVED* Hunter and I leave DE

<Ryan_Reyes> <+Ryan_Reyes> Not a big deal for me, I've been planning to leave for a month or so

<Ryan_Reyes> <+Ryan_Reyes> Hunter how ever has decided to quit, secretly re-roll, and wipe DE's boards.

2. Hunter deletes boards, like a total $@!

3. DE gives Hunter a sentence of PZI

Tell me the unreasonable part. Quit kicking a dog when its down and grow some freakin cajones. There is no cover-up and you are just getting your licks in because you see an opportunity.

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Putting your forum host on perma ZI might have been the dumbest thing in the world. I'm pretty sure I'd have done the same thing. They would be his forums and you did place him on PZI. What did he have to lose?? Sounds like a crappy cover up gone terribly wrong.

he was placed on pzi AFTER he deleted the forums.

Edited by elborrador
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he was placed on pzi AFTER he deleted the forums.

EDIT: Didn't notice ryan reyes post

Tell me the unreasonable part. Quit kicking a dog when its down and grow some freakin cajones. There is no cover-up and you are just getting your licks in because you see an opportunity.

When DE decides to grow up and take some initiative I'll stop. Otherwise I'll continue.


Edited by Zoomzoomzoom
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