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Issues With GOD

Kaiser Martens

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Wow 20 minutes from your post to mine for negotiations to begin and be concluded? I wouldnt be so sure on that one hon ;)

The negotiations lasted all of 5 minutes once I showed up. If even.

EDIT for Clarity: Yes Kait, the negotiations started after his post and ended before yours :P

Edited by bigwoody
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The negotiations lasted all of 5 minutes once I showed up. If even.

EDIT for Clarity: Yes Kait, the negotiations started after his post and ended before yours :P

/me notes never to let bw near any sisters or daughters...

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So it was an oversight. That doesn't mean GOD was waiting in the shadows for someone small to take Martens in so they could jump out and yell "Boo" which is what Boris implied. It just means that our system of keeping track of who has problems with who sucks. (Probably because we don't actually have one).

Is it really so bad that GOD didn't know that KM was in BDC when BDC joined CDT?

Given that Ragnarok was in CDT then, and there were questions asked about Kaiser Martens in BDC's application interview. You'd think Ragnarok leadership might have mentioned such an event to GOD, supposing they knew GOD's opinion of KM.

Interestingly, GOD might well have gotten some support from CDT for their current actions back then. But now? This does seem kindof like a tempest over a 5K peace-mode nation. Yes, ten wonders, but still...

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You attacked GOONS in a first-strike, GOD attacked back. GOD was a GOONS ally. Want to explain NV, PLUS, or the multitude of PIAT (sometimes less) allies NoV had hit us?
And GOD was also a MADP partner with Polar who, if old man Random told me right, assured Polar pre-war that neutrality was in GOD's future. Then GOD declared war on NoV.

Why did I bring this up? Is it because I seek to stir the pot and cause omg drama?


It's because the fact is totally irrelavant, aged and totally not worth fighting over. Just like the IC reasons for for P-ZIing Martens!

(Yeah also btw not touching the OOC debate with a 10 foot pole. Just a forewarning.)

The nations that went nuclear rogue were the top echelons of NoV's military staff. Kind of hard to simply eject them.
Silly Pino.

All the cool kids expel their military high command during the height of a war. B)

I personally think Slayer should butt out of this and respect the sovereignty of another alliance. You don't see GOD releasing people on TPF's ZI list and then demanding TPF let them into RIA.
To be honest, this whole sovereignty party line really reminds me of Sponge's statements to Ardus during that time when Ardus dragged him into a channel full of Polaris and VE's allies in common to talk about Chickenzilla.
If you can see our futures, though, I gotta know: will Moridin ever find true love??
Moridin's already found true love.

Namely, that incredibly sexy Fallen_Fool :ehm:


After leaving NoV, KM went to Black Defense Coalition, Nueva Vida etc......

Its been 1 and half years since UJW....you had 18 months to carry out a ZI / PZI sentence....what kept u waiting ?

Since i was MoFA / Emperor during his time in Nueva Vida, i am sure i would have heard of any requests / demands from GOD to gift wrap KM and hand him over so that they may carry out his ZI / PZI sentence. Neither BDC nor NV was approached with any such requests during his time in our respective alliances.......why ??

Oh raasaa.

Your words are so filled with logic it's absolutely delicious. :wub:

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He had Xiphosis ZI'd, not nuked, and he refused to punish the nations that apparently went against his orders and nuked a surrendering alliance, namely GOD

They nuked more than one alliance the same way. If others can move past cant you too?

edit: OOC this thread is really moving...

Edited by Alterego
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Ya know, you'd think that after eating 4 nukes from KM, and having to deal with his turtling while administering his ZI shortly after he exited peace mode, what, 2 months ago, I might have a bit of an issue with KM being let off... rightfully more than something that happened in wartime god knows how long ago (yes bad pun, not intended) amirite? And ya know what? I really could care less. Unless my memory fails me, I didn't see hide nor hair of any GOD nation either up in his junk, or PM'ing me saying, hey gj nuking the crap out of this guy who's on our epeen ZI list.

If there are 2 words for this situation they'd be Opportunistic Complacency.

Edited by Gaeta
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They nuked more than one alliance the same way. If others can move past cant you too?

edit: OOC this thread is really moving...

Agreed, This is really annoying.

NoV was nuked pre-emtpively 4-5x times more in the UJW more than the previous 7x1 wars against NoV. Anyone who still has a problem with this now is either an idiot, or extremely petty.

For the record, no one whined about this at the time. It was just war.

Subsequent wars made this "first strike nuke" issue irrelevant.

edit: the last major CN wide war established a precedent that no one needs to announce nuclear attacks beforehand. I would be happy to argue this point in private with anyone who experienced this first hand.

Edited by Samuel Houston
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Unless he ever leaves zenith. I'm having trouble reconciling this PZI, but only if we arn't afraid of getting stomped.

I think someone is just grumpy that bigwoody stole his chance to negotiate this. :P

Edited by Delta1212
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That you did. No issue there Xiphosis. However, I don't call making a guy re-roll with a nation over 1100 days old, minimal. Ending his IC character is not minimal.

The issue here is that whatever the cause of the in-game action that has you so upset, wiping the guy off PB forever isn't really a fair trade. He didn't spy, he didn't steal, he didn't attack your forums or sanction you. He nuked you during a war.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Martens...of this everyone knows...and I wanted him ZIed...but not P-ZI.

I'm already on record as saying that it's interesting to have Martens back. I remember when he jokingly applied to join the LSF, and we accepted him. He was a good sport about it, and if I recall correctly, he stayed for a couple of weeks and even gave us some pointers about how to more efficiently manage the alliance. He's a funny and charismatic guy, and that's the reason he has been so successful in this game.

...But in-game actions have in-game consequences. It seems totally reasonable that someone would demand the complete eradication of his nation -- whether or not you agree with the reasons. He played hard, and his actions inspired a lot of emotion in his adversaries. Its clear that those feelings can't be mitigated by a claim that his nation is "too old" to destroyed.

But meh, whatever. I have no horse in this race.


Edited by Comrade Craig
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When you told me what happened, I apologized. The "targeting" of you was supposed to be only IC. You don't want to forgive me...that's fine too. I didn't call you a racist...I only gave a few people chat logs of conversations you had and they drew their own conclusion. In retrospect, it was something I shouldn't have shared because the content was too controversial.

You guys are happy in Vox...Vox is still in a state of war. Many ex-Vox have gotten off the Continuum ZI-list.

As for bullying SF? How so? By expressing an opinion? If you call that bullying than you are seriously deluded. I have a lot of respect for SF and Xiphosis...I just think he's wrong in this case.

I'm sure. You don't leak logs like that if there wasn't a purpose. You purposely took them out of context to make me look bad. There is no way to spin it to make it seem like it was harmless.

And yes, I am happy in Vox. I, however, do not want to be in Vox forever. As long as people like you are in power, though, I will be in Vox, because people like you are simply unfit to control anything, because you are nothing but a bully pretending to be a knight in shining armor. You destroy entire alliances, multiple ones. The first Vox Populi, Sons of Muspel, Norden Verein, that Armenian alliance...and yet, here you are, claiming you are against driving players out of the game.

Do you see why you are a hypocrite?

He was sitting in peace mode in effective P-ZI before joining Vox. So was I. So was Starfox. So were most of us.

In fact I think you posted congratulating me on actually getting him to fight.

Actually, I was not in Perma-ZI. However, I was harassed everywhere I went, and whenever I got into government in an alliance, or had any influence, that alliance would become a target, because people refuse to forget the past. I decided I was tired of it and left, and decided to return and take a stand instead of just outright leaving.

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Actually, I was not in Perma-ZI. However, I was harassed everywhere I went, and whenever I got into government in an alliance, or had any influence, that alliance would become a target, because people refuse to forget the past. I decided I was tired of it and left, and decided to return and take a stand instead of just outright leaving.

This is rather hard. No matter how hard one may try some will always look at your past. I still have people screaming for my head and no matter how hard I try, I'll never be accepted as another new player. It's quite sad, but ignorance appears to be a very common trait still in CN.

Good luck Kaiser Martens and congragulations to Zenith and GOD on a speedy resolution. Zenith, you picked up a good guy.

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Starfox: Just because someone has done evil in the past is no reason to be rude on the occasion of their doing something good. Neither does one good deed erase a long history of foul ones, of course. But there is a time and a place.

Slayer, I salute you. You have done good this day. An entire nation has been delivered from genocide, and whatever you have done before, whatever you do after, no one will ever be able to take that away from you.


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Starfox: Just because someone has done evil in the past is no reason to be rude on the occasion of their doing something good. Neither does one good deed erase a long history of foul ones, of course. But there is a time and a place.

Slayer, I salute you. You have done good this day. An entire nation has been delivered from genocide, and whatever you have done before, whatever you do after, no one will ever be able to take that away from you.


These people have never given me a second chance. Why should I believe Slayer has turned over some sort of new leaf? He's the same Slayer he always was. He won't change. Given the chance, he'll wipe out another alliance.

Him helping Martens is something he should have done long ago, and I would say this is far, far, overdue, and he would not even be in this situation were it not for him. I don't consider it a good deed, I consider it owed to Martens after everything Slayer has put him through.

He deserves no praise. I only wish you people would open your eyes and see the moral character of this person you are hailing.

He is out of power and stuck on the porch.

He holds more than influence than you do, I'm sure. That is more important than a title.

Edited by Starfox101
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He holds more than influence than you do, I'm sure. That is more important than a title.

His coup isnt scheduled at least for another month... unless TBB has been up to no good again.

So bitter fox?

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Actually, I was not in Perma-ZI. However, I was harassed everywhere I went, and whenever I got into government in an alliance, or had any influence, that alliance would become a target, because people refuse to forget the past.

Maybe it wasn't other peoples grudges that caused you to fail each time? I mean if it was all about grufges they would have just EZI'd you the whole time. :rolleyes:

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No, TPF is not our "Co." and will not ever be our "Co." because we are honestly fighting for something, whereas they are political opportunists seizing on the opportunity to appear to be something they are not.

As King Srqt has already pointed out the blatant hypocrisy of Slayer in supporting Kaiser Martens' removal from PZI and has stated stated that while he does not deserve it, Vox does, I am going to invoke Slayer's own words and once again ask something that nobody else on this damn planet can ever dare utter:




I would like to know the revelation Slayer has had. Where in the past he would openly accuse Martens of being racist and worst, now he has rescinded that for unstated reasons. Where in the past he had nothing but acidic rhetoric and promises of "wiping out", he now says that nobody deserves that. And in the past where he said that Kaiser Martens and Nordreich were far worse than anything Vox Populi could be, now he says we deserve permanent destruction where he does not.

Man up, Slayer. Which is it?


Doitzel...anyone that knows me knows well enough that I talk about wiping out half of PB. That when I come after someone it's full guns. But that's a far cry from me wanting players (even a player as annoying as yourself) to be forced out of the game. I've been consistent on this issue throughout my time as leader. If you were objective in this case, you'd admit that TPF does not really p-ZI or e-ZI anyone. We could make an exception in your case...just because it would annoy you.

As for Martens. He was not p-zi or e-ZI by TPF...he was still considered to be in a state of war as he had not surrendered to tC. The primary issue tC had was that he reformed NoR and merged it with Vox.

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