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The OP doesn't seem to reveal much, i am sorely disappointed. Are even your spies up to the task of spying effectively, i sincerly doubt that to be honest.

Yes, revealing a major opposition bloc and NPO's outright hostility towards it is certainly nothing of note. Very astute observations.

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Incorrect. I never trusted you and repeatedly pushed for banning you from our channel. I knew you were trying extremely hard to get back in the NPO's good graces. I knew you wouldn't join, and besides, you were of very little use to us. You have a giant ego despite accomplishing nothing, and generally all of your arguments are one liners without any evidence or substance. You actually have helped us more by being against us, because it shows the true character of our enemy.

This is the worst attempt at being funny I've ever seen.

Then clearly you have not read the OP.

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You're just mad because of that one war you lost to him.

Besides, failure is better than never doing anything. The only thing you ever did, you failed at. At least Starfox has some success. You've got nothing.

I've never lost any war to Starfox and you have no idea what I've been involved in.

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I can not agree to the author's claim and as such do not really feel as he "burned" anybody, to use a slang word commonly used by the young leaders among us.

Goshderned young leaders with their hippity hop music and trampling on my lawn while they're all hopped up on their gooferballs!

NPO is in the top four blocs of the game. I can see why they would oppose another large bloc.

Why did I quote this? Cool name.

Please for the love of Admin, if you must then let me send some at least semi interesting logs. I think I heard RoK talking about tech deals once and maybe I can get some great logs on Voxs aid programs as well.... oh wait.

It's your $@!.

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I do not understand your comment, to be honest.

Tygaland has expressed a interpretation contrary of mine of previous Lysotine comments which even Lysotine didn't presented when regards to my comments of his words. He didn't deny that I was misreading them. I am just stating that, obviously enough from the content of Lysotine post and his lack of denial of my take on it, Tygaland is not conveying properly the message that one of his alliance members was saying.

This can be due to his misunderstanding of Lysotine, or due to maybe some other reason that I can not fathom.

I believe its quite a simple situation also bit off topic why i do not want to keep on entertaining it more then I did.

I hate to be picky but...

In english please?

From what I gather though, you disagree with Tygaland's position that his members should be able to speak their mind, as long as it's done respectfuly. Where in Lysotine's posts was there anything disrespectful?

Also, this thread brings inifinite lolz. It's also a good indicator, judging by the posts in this thread, of how much we have come to depend on Vox for our drama.

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I have to say, I laughed at the OP. I also laughed even more at some of the comments in this thread. Kudos to you Schattenmann, for making this utterly pointless yet hilarious thread. I look forward to reading more of your stuff.

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I hate to be picky but...

From what I gather though, you disagree with Tygaland's position that his members should be able to speak their mind, as long as it's done respectfuly. Where in Lysotine's posts was there anything disrespectful?

You gathered wrong. I was disagreeing on what he said his member meant with his post.

That issue got resolved by his member making himself more clear to me, it was only a shame it took as long as it did to clear that up.

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I have to say, I laughed at the OP. I also laughed even more at some of the comments in this thread. Kudos to you Schattenmann, for making this utterly pointless yet hilarious thread. I look forward to reading more of your stuff.

Sums up my thoughts exactly.

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wow we need more luls........can we get the TWIP twice a week?

how about a daily press release.....MORE MORE MORE

I will supply the water to make the mud....yall just supply the dirt and start slinging......

we should sell tickets to this crap......

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I love you Schattenmann.

You should join the Schattenmann fan club

You said there was nothing controversial about the post. 20 pages is currently what the thread is at.

Obviously, with 20 pages, there is much conversing about what's in the OP. A controversy doesn't always mean that all people find it extremely interesting, just interested enough to keep talking about it, which is what's happening now.

Not only is it 20 pages, if you look at the date of the OP, it was posted Yesterday, at 07:25 PM. It's only been open a bit over 24 hours and already has this many posts. 20 pages isn't impressive, 20 pages in this amount of time is. That by far says how important this information actually is.

I've never lost any war to Starfox and you have no idea what I've been involved in.

You lost GW1 to him and you know it.

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I could post a really long and verbose diatribe where I could list all your failures and state how you're almost always on the losing end of wars and have pretty much failed at everything you ever attempted, but instead I'll just say that you're the pot calling the kettle black. Less words that way.

Why don't you just do it instead of just saying you'll do it?

Anyway, I said you have a giant ego and accomplished nothing. Now, what exactly does that have to do with my failures?

Then clearly you have not read the OP.

Is this guy serious?

Edited by Starfox101
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If I may backtrack for a second:

When you post to say how meaningless a post is, it generally helps to actually refute something in it instead of attempting to jump on the troll Vox bandwagon.

I did not try to refute the OP; I am saying that the OP is in general meaningless. I mean, NPO has aid schemes about which I didn't even bother to read, and MHA had a discussion topic about a potential bloc? Forgive me if I do not scramble to my spin room to put a wool over the eyes of the masses. Also forgive me for jumping on the "Vox bandwagon," I was unaware that I was supposed to praise this despicable excuse for an alliance for spying away some insignificant piece of information obtained through spying.

Edited by Stonewall Jaxon
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By those definitions you're a spy anytime you look at anything. Good going, spy.

You do know that "those definitions" are what I quoted from your post, where you defined what spying was, I hope? :P

Oh well off I go to earn my pay, ooops I mean to play: I spy with my little eye... some thing beginning with... S!

(hint: it has to do with water and soap)

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Lysotine was finding pleasant the fact that two CN alliances got spied upon, that much is clear. Not only from the wording of Lysotine post but also with a lack of denial in a way you present it coming from him later on about the subject. Your spin on it, not really necessary as was the original comment.

I don't see where he said any such thing. The quote he replied to mentioned the new bloc forming. I didn't spin anything, I took his words on face value.

I do not know what your trying to accomplish with this,...only thing I can make out a veiled pot shoot? Oh my,...couldn't be as STA is so friendly bunch. Certainly its leader is and would know better. As such I remain at a loss of why you posted that, maybe you are confused. Its ok.

Accomplish with what? Denying we had "had our period" and reiterating our policy under which our members are free to express their opinion? I'm not sure I'm the one that is confused here.

Free expression is something that most alliances have, as does mine, but we do understand that there are consequences with every word in the way others look at us. Its unavoidable. Now you need to care enough about it, some do,...I personally do not. I am sure STA is not a hostile alliance and wishes no harm to anybody.

So, after all this jibber-jabber you agree with me, that the STA is not hostile towards anyone. Well, I guess the ride was enjoyable. We have many people in our alliance and many points of view. I don't see what Lysotine posted as insulting or a post to illicit an angry response from anyone. It was merely his opinion on the contents of a post so I fail to see why you are trying to make it more than it is. If a new bloc pleases him, well good for him.

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