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We’re All Mad(lads) Here


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Last year, under a different affiliation, the membership of Madlads Union fell victim to an unprovoked assault by the MONGOLS.

In the aftermath, the enemy admitted their actions were without justification.

Gathering allies, we sought justice, and many stood by our side, recognizing the unjust nature of the attack.

Many came to our aid, both in battle and in diplomacy, to correct this wrong.

Astoundingly, Nordreich chose a different path.

Betrayal came from those we once called friends, as Nordreich turned its back on us in our time of need.

Arrogantly, they broke our treaty, offering silence and hostility instead of aid.

Left without support, we saw their true colors as they reveled in their treachery.

Lurking in shadows, we rebuilt and restocked, preparing for retribution.

Stopping at nothing short of Nordreich's downfall, we will exact justice on the field of battle.

Madlads Union, Doom Squad and Post Grunge Supergroup declare war on Nordreich.


For Madlads Union
Comrade Sauce


For Doom Squad
Lord Hershey


For Post Grunge Supergroup
SoloRocket // Jason8 //  Serberus // masterhakai // Mistral // Xamaeron // Mochi //  Le Trou





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13 minutes ago, Bionic redhead said:

Not showing you enough sympathy to you after another alliance declared war on you is certainly a weird reason for attacking an alliance.


My man absolutely nobody has had the balls to do anything for the last two years. Would you stop complaining?

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25 minutes ago, Bionic redhead said:

Not showing you enough sympathy to you after another alliance declared war on you is certainly a weird reason for attacking an alliance.


I mean so is the CB cited by The Wolves (the same alliance that hit the present-day members of Madlads Union and UCR) against TPE about that "Beer Tax"


Also it's not "sympathy" it's that they did not honour the treaty that Nordreich had with UCR at the time and instead told them to "$%&@ off" when they approached Nordreich to ask for help against The Wolves. Madlads Union didn't forget this and are in a position to give Nordreich a reasonably deserved clapback.


It's not that weird as reasons go. So how about less complaining; more relishing in the fact someone started a fight for once- or is that now something which people are adamantly against?

Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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7 minutes ago, firingline said:


My man absolutely nobody has had the balls to do anything for the last two years. Would you stop complaining?


Can nobody think up a good reason to go to war any more? If that's the best excuse RFI can come up with then I'd rather they stick to "we're going to war because we don't like you". At least that would be honest.

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1 minute ago, Bionic redhead said:


Can nobody think up a good reason to go to war any more? If that's the best excuse RFI can come up with then I'd rather they stick to "we're going to war because we don't like you". At least that would be honest.

You would whined no matter what reason was used, lol. It's your perpetual state of being.


Fark is welcome to hit one of us if they don't like it. I, personally, have no wars and I would welcome the change of that status. So feel free.

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1 minute ago, Bionic redhead said:


Can nobody think up a good reason to go to war any more? If that's the best excuse RFI can come up with then I'd rather they stick to "we're going to war because we don't like you". At least that would be honest.


All you do is complain. You've never once done or contributed anything of your own.


RFI started a war. YOU had the opportunity to start a war - and you could've done it the way you thought proper. But you didn't. You sat there being a sniveling, whiny baby. So forgive me if I don't want to hear your critiques of those who actually went to the effort of making something happen.


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2 minutes ago, Bionic redhead said:


Can nobody think up a good reason to go to war any more? If that's the best excuse RFI can come up with then I'd rather they stick to "we're going to war because we don't like you". At least that would be honest.

Reread the OP.

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4 minutes ago, Bionic redhead said:


Can nobody think up a good reason to go to war any more? If that's the best excuse RFI can come up with then I'd rather they stick to "we're going to war because we don't like you". At least that would be honest.


I'm pretty sure "we don't like you" is an inherent part what plays into the CB cited. You know, on account of Nordreich not simply ignoring their treaty obligations to UCR but actively telling their treaty partner to "$%&@ off" when they were approached.


Also for bad CBs I refer you again to The Wolves CB against TPE which would be better understood as; "I'm bored and this is the only alliance I was able to hit without NG or NPO cancelling on me"

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2 minutes ago, Jason8 said:

Reread the OP.


Can't, sorry. I have botha.


2 minutes ago, firingline said:


All you do is complain. You've never once done or contributed anything of your own.


RFI started a war. YOU had the opportunity to start a war - and you could've done it the way you thought proper. But you didn't. You sat there being a sniveling, whiny baby. So forgive me if I don't want to hear your critiques of those who actually went to the effort of making something happen.



YOU had the opportunity to start a war - and you could've done it the way I thought proper. But you didn't. You sat there and spied on small, barely active nations while considering yourself god's gift to cybernations. So forgive me if I get confused as to why everything's on me when you made little effort to make something happen.

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