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On 3/11, the alliance rankings got All Mixed Up when Post Grunge Supergroup mercilessly and with Purpose ripped the number 12 spot from alliance Argent. First, I apologized profusely to Lowsten and his #squad, begging them not to nuke me (This would be A Beautiful Disaster, as I am extremely scared of war and don’t want the numbers on my nation to go Down). But, not wanting to be a Prisoner to my own fear and anxiety, I decided to Come Original, so I made it clear that I’ll Be Here Awhile and they had better get used to it. It was an absolute slog getting to this spot but we know Life’s Not A Race so we stayed on that #grindset and our hard work has paid off at last.


Some of those things are references to the band 311.




When I peacefully seized control of this alliance 2 years ago, my intent was to frick everything up and absolutely burn it to the ground, and I did everything I could to make that happen. So what went wrong?


Serberus and SoloRocket.


Every member of Post Grunge Supergroup has played a role in our meteoric rise, but these 2 fart knockers are absolute game-changers by every definition (even some of the more raunchy ones).


  • Part human, part machine, Serberus does not take PTO or vacation from the recruiting game, regardless of whether or not he has internet access. He does not make excuses, he gets results.
  • SoloRocket, the most charming member of the PGS British invasion, is TECHNICALLY the “trades coordinator.” While this is already the most painful and time-consuming job in cybernations, he has also been running our entire internal affairs department while many of us have been either too busy or just plain lazy.


Without these 2, we would still be ranked #75, absolutely floundering with wet pants and snotty faces. They’re the real MVP and I'm not just saying that to kiss up to Kevin Durant so he'll help get me to the finals in my fantasy basketball league.




Lastly, I want to thank God, my mom, and the TSA agent who gave me an intimate pat-down last October. Without their love, support and skilled use of their hands, we wouldn’t be here. Thank you and have a great night!





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Hakai wouldn't take the level of praise he deserves, without him pulling all the strings like a twisted puppetmaster we'd all be crawling through the mud like the drunken worms we aspire to become.


Love to you all.


Now, for my victory lap riding Bert's Dad's fat hog...

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I'm glad to see this was discovered on 3/11.  

My favorite 311 song is Come Original, followed closely by Beautiful Disaster...then maybe Down and All Mixed Up.  I didn't like their cover of The Cure's "Lovesong." The first two songs are in my Amazon Music playlist called Songs I Like, which is a playlist of around 430 songs and it's what I listen to when I'm just driving around or mowing grass or whatever.

Speaking of Post Grunge, my 73-year-old father and I were talking about music.  He mentioned he really liked Nickelback, then transitioned into getting tickets to a .38 Special concert. He was really looking forward to the show, but was disappointed because, "everyone around us stood up and was yelling and singing, and I just wanted to watch the show."  He said he'll never go to another concert like that.  I suggested that he should write sternly-worded letters to the venue and .38 Special, and then just stick to post grunge.

He also said he liked "that song that goes, 'I'm still just a rat in a cage.'"  I might buy him that double album set for his birthday.

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6 hours ago, Ninja R said:

I'm glad to see this was discovered on 3/11.  

My favorite 311 song is Come Original, followed closely by Beautiful Disaster...then maybe Down and All Mixed Up.  I didn't like their cover of The Cure's "Lovesong." The first two songs are in my Amazon Music playlist called Songs I Like, which is a playlist of around 430 songs and it's what I listen to when I'm just driving around or mowing grass or whatever.

Speaking of Post Grunge, my 73-year-old father and I were talking about music.  He mentioned he really liked Nickelback, then transitioned into getting tickets to a .38 Special concert. He was really looking forward to the show, but was disappointed because, "everyone around us stood up and was yelling and singing, and I just wanted to watch the show."  He said he'll never go to another concert like that.  I suggested that he should write sternly-worded letters to the venue and .38 Special, and then just stick to post grunge.

He also said he liked "that song that goes, 'I'm still just a rat in a cage.'"  I might buy him that double album set for his birthday.


I wanted to congratulate PGS, but I am disappointed in R's lack of "Do You Right" and "Creatures (For Awhile)" on his list of favorite 311 songs.


No congrats from me, pal.

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19 hours ago, firingline said:


One thing's for sure - you are most certainly not a serious person. 


That's !@#$@#$ gold.

Here's one now, all salty and serious. Bless. 

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1 hour ago, Not the Carlton said:

Congrats on sanctioning.  Hopefully admin et al notice before Argent passes you again.

Just wait, we'll be ready for the fresh rebrand in another year.  Post Grunge And Treaty Organization sounds like it'd be a good one. ;)



Also, 100% echo the immense appreciation and sentiment toward/for/of/about/with SoloRocket and Serberus.  Those two grind like crazy and the results speak for themselves.  

They're also fun to talk to.  Make sure to come say hi to them in Discord!

Edited by Jason8
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On 3/16/2024 at 11:22 AM, Sarkin said:

Shout-out to Serb and Solo for their work to grow the alliance!


But, even more importantly: what does this mean for the future of Argent relevancy? 

Argent shall always be relevant.


Congratulations PGS!

11 hours ago, Sabcat said:

Here's one now, all salty and serious. Bless. 

Now can you get a good swear a second time?  That’s the real test.  

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