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Red At Night, Communist's Delight


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actual footage of Jason8 over the past month


Peace, Once Again, Rules Over Planet Bob


In a protracted and harrowing 4-month conflict, The Wolves and Red Alert clashed with unwavering determination leaving a wake of untold destruction. This intense war was sparked by the Wolves' merciless raid on LFS and SWF.  In response, UCR declared war on The Wolves to valiantly defend their ally.  They were met head on by the pack of battle hungry wolves, hell bent on feasting on their corpses. While the resilience and fighting spirt displayed by UCR in the face of adversity were commendable, their struggles were compounded when they found themselves invaded by both Mongols and Non Grata.


For UCR, peace is not merely a goal, but a way of life. Their aspirations extend beyond their borders, encompassing the prosperity and well-being of their allies, PGS and GATO. This dedication to collective welfare underscores the strength of their character.


UCR stands as a bastion of unwavering pride and fortitude.  While they stand battered and torn from their run-in with The Wolves, they remain standing.  As this conflict draws to a close, it serves as a stark reminder of the intricacies and complexities that define the path to peace, and the unyielding spirit of those who champion it.

Writing credit: Lyanna Mormont and Admiral Alexander


  • When the sun sets on 9/17, it will mark the end of The Wolves vs Red Alert war.  No new wars shall be declared after this date.
  • Wars may be fought to conclusion or peace may be declared between combatants.
  • The Wolves and Red Alert agree to a six-month armistice, beginning 9/18/2023 and ending 3/18/2024.


I personally appreciate all that participated in the peace discussions.


War Stats:


Stats Credit: lilweirdward


Signed for UCR and Red Alert,

mrmarx, Premier

ComradeV, Chairman of the Communist Party

AkkenNovikov, People's Commissar of Defense

Joesph Stalin, People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs

Comrade Sauce, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs

starschwar, People's Commissar of Finance


Signed for The Wolves,

Admiral Alexander, Death
Al Bundy, Master of Death
Malakarlian, His Uncle


Signed for Jason8,

Jason8, Jason8



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Shout out to y'all for some real scorched-earth combat. Just look at the state of these alliances! Brutal.


This is a great peace agreement, by the way:

- Nice prose from Alex and Lyanna

- Clear peace terms

- Cool to include the damage stats

- A Jason sig


This was kind of a perfect war. Pretty even (compared to most wars), with The Wolves getting to indulge in some sustained combat and the commies getting to settle a grudge. It's impressive that The Wolves were able to keep up with damage dealt despite disadvantages. Their ability to punch above their weight remains remarkable and a testament to Bundy's warriors-only mentality to building an alliance.


Anyway, good luck to everyone in their rebuilding. The worst thing that can happen after a war these days is for people to use the damage as an excuse to head out the door. Don't! No matter how much damage your nation took, you can bounce back. 

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47 minutes ago, Jason8 said:

As this conflict draws to a close, it serves as a stark reminder of the intricacies and complexities that define the path to peace, and the unyielding spirit of those who champion it.


As we learned the night war was declared on the Mongols, few champion peace as much as PGSG. Sending a third of your alliance into peace mode rather than fighting the five man AA you had declared on is proof enough of that.


13 minutes ago, Sarkin said:

with The Wolves getting to indulge in some sustained combat and the commies getting to settle a grudge.


I wouldn't call UCR losing for the third time in a row "settl[ing] a grudge".


@mrmarx what happened to never agreeing to peace terms with UCR? @Wobblies what happened to all those terms you were going to impose on us? Looks like it was us dictating terms after all.



Anyway, good luck to everyone in their rebuilding. The worst thing that can happen after a war these days is for people to use the damage as an excuse to head out the door. Don't! No matter how much damage your nation took, you can bounce back. 


You could really just convey this to UCR privately, tbh. 

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Winners & Losers:


TW - Picked a fight with a much bigger alliance and won. 3-0 against UCR. Some pretty amazing feats, including a multi-month stagger on several Commies, and stabilizing control over UCR's entire lower tier so well that Bundy was able to reach up and drag Marx and a few others down to deliver beatdowns to them, too.


Non Grata - Further solidified their reputation as a loyal ally. While TW's other ally did nothing to help, and in fact actively plotted about how to use the situation in a way that was disadvantageous to TW, Non Grata stood loyally by her ally.


Red Rebel - Showed about as much heart as anybody on UCR's side; attacked repeatedly even as he was running out of cash; a consistently fun opponent.


GATO - GATO showed more life than they have in at least the last year or two. It was impressive to see multiple coordinated declares on Mongols, and I think I even saw your aid use percentage spike into the double-digits for a day or two.



Marx - Declared war on TW for a third time. Lost to TW for a third time. Threatened permanent war, then ended up largely turtling as he got his ass kicked.


UCR - Declared war with every advantage in the books, and got dismantled piece-by-piece by TW.


CLAWS - Trashed its relationship with TW (pretty "meh" about that relationship, eh?) and didn't even get the war against Non Grata they desperately wanted. 


PGS - The memes about declaring war on Mongols and immediately sending your alliance into peace mode will live for years to come. The trap didn't work. Embarrassing.


Sadcat - All that trash talk and what did we see from you at the end of the day? Nothing.


Wobblies - Took probably the longest stagger in the history of CN for an alliance that had more members than its opponents. Largely hid at low-NS to try to outcompete nations with fewer wonders, and turtled when fighting opponents with full wonders to try to make his stats look better than they were.

Edited by firingline
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39 minutes ago, kerschbs said:

The difference in offensive war count really says it all. The best fighters in UCR were staggered for literal months on end. Super impressive job Wolves, enjoy your victory.

The staggers were impressive. I've not declared a single offensive war since I didn't surrender.

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I have a confession to make. Selfishly, I saved the best and most important stats for myself to post. Thanks to @admin for making these stats possible to collect!


Alliance Casualties:



And the top 20 in casualties gained by all nations that ended the war in one of the above 5 alliances:



Congrats to The Wolves in decisively winning the most important stat of the war, in addition to all the other stats as well! You can't do much better than nearly 50 million casualties from a raid :awesome:


o7 peace in our time

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16 minutes ago, firingline said:

CLAWS - Trashed its relationship with TW (pretty "meh" about that relationship, eh?) and didn't even get the war against Non Grata they desperately wanted. 

Our latest government meeting showed overwhelming appreciation towards The Wolves. If what you say is true and TW doesn't feel the same about us, perhaps it's something Bundy's government should bring up privately so we can either work it out or be done with it, but since this is coming from you I'll just water it down to FL just being his usual ass.

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Just now, Kapleo said:

Our latest government meeting showed overwhelming appreciation towards The Wolves. If what you say is true and TW doesn't feel the same about us, perhaps it's something Bundy's government should bring up privately so we can either work it out or be done with it, but since this is coming from you I'll just water it down to FL just being his usual ass.


If you really think I'm the only one angry about the way CLAWS treated TW during this whole ordeal then you are very, very bad at reading the room. Don't pretend everything is just fine. Bundy and AA are not going to forget the way that your alliance treated them.

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1 minute ago, firingline said:


If you really think I'm the only one angry about the way CLAWS treated TW during this whole ordeal then you are very, very bad at reading the room. Don't pretend everything is just fine. Bundy and AA are not going to forget the way that your alliance treated them.

Read my previous comment, rinse and repeat until the message gets in your mostly empty head.

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Just now, Kapleo said:

Read my previous comment, rinse and repeat until the message gets in your mostly empty head.


How about you read mine? Do I need to spell it out for you? It's not 'just FL'. CLAWS clearly displayed its disregard for AA and Bundy. You came close to losing the treaty during the war, and maybe you will now that the war is over. But even if the treaty remains, Bundy and Alex are not going to forget the absolute disregard for their alliance's interests that you displayed at various points during the conflict. Character is shown when there are tough choices to be made. NG made clear they're loyal allies to TW. CLAWS made clear that they just don't care all that much.

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1 hour ago, firingline said:

Winners & Losers:


TW - Picked a fight with a much bigger alliance and won. 3-0 against UCR. Some pretty amazing feats, including a multi-month stagger on several Commies, and stabilizing control over UCR's entire lower tier so well that Bundy was able to reach up and drag Marx and a few others down to deliver beatdowns to them, too.


Non Grata - Further solidified their reputation as a loyal ally. While TW's other ally did nothing to help, and in fact actively plotted about how to use the situation in a way that was disadvantageous to TW, Non Grata stood loyally by her ally.


Red Rebel - Showed about as much heart as anybody on UCR's side; attacked repeatedly even as he was running out of cash; a consistently fun opponent.


GATO - GATO showed more life than they have in at least the last year or two. It was impressive to see multiple coordinated declares on Mongols, and I think I even saw your aid use percentage spike into the double-digits for a day or two.



Marx - Declared war on TW for a third time. Lost to TW for a third time. Threatened permanent war, then ended up largely turtling as he got his ass kicked.


UCR - Declared war with every advantage in the books, and got dismantled piece-by-piece by TW.


CLAWS - Trashed its relationship with TW (pretty "meh" about that relationship, eh?) and didn't even get the war against Non Grata they desperately wanted. 


PGS - The memes about declaring war on Mongols and immediately sending your alliance into peace mode will live for years to come. The trap didn't work. Embarrassing.


Sadcat - All that trash talk and what did we see from you at the end of the day? Nothing.


Wobblies - Took probably the longest stagger in the history of CN for an alliance that had more members than its opponents. Largely hid at low-NS to try to outcompete nations with fewer wonders, and turtled when fighting opponents with full wonders to try to make his stats look better than they were.


Whose FA are you going to meddle in next?

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4 minutes ago, cobwebbyarc6 said:


Whose FA are you going to meddle in next?


Don't try to deflect the blame for your alliance's actions onto me.


No matter my thoughts on CLAWS, that's not enough to move the needle on TW Gov's perception of you guys. You earned that with the decisions you made and the way your gov treated TW. 

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@Sabcat - Just want to say good fight man.  While post-"surrender" was a bit of a garbage shoot alliance wide, the first scrap we had was epic.  You handedly beat me when you built up after admin gave me the TE donations haha.  Still probably the most fun war I had... 


Some of the UCR folks gave me some entertainment too -- @Wobblies :D  and I appreciate how hard @bolivar tried despite being totally broke.  To the full time turtles... well you suck lol.  I blame you for letting @kerschbs retake 13th in casualties from me! 


Either way, it was fun all. 


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12 minutes ago, Admiral Alexander said:

@Sabcat - Just want to say good fight man.  While post-"surrender" was a bit of a garbage shoot alliance wide, the first scrap we had was epic.  You handedly beat me when you built up after admin gave me the TE donations haha.  Still probably the most fun war I had... 


Some of the UCR folks gave me some entertainment too -- @Wobblies :D  and I appreciate how hard @bolivar tried despite being totally broke.  To the full time turtles... well you suck lol.  I blame you for letting @kerschbs retake 13th in casualties from me! 


Either way, it was fun all. 


Always a pleasure to fight with someone who enjoys it. Good luck with the rebuild mate. 

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35 minutes ago, firingline said:

How about you read mine? 

How about I shorten it, put it in bold, italics and underlined, maybe that way your dumb ass will get the hint:

45 minutes ago, Kapleo said:

something Bundy's government should bring up privately so we can either work it out or be done with it


Edited by Kapleo
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1 minute ago, Kapleo said:


How about I shorten it, put it in bold, italics and underlined, maybe that way your dumb ass will get the hint:



Oh, believe me, TW gov has brought grievances to actual CLAWS gov privately already. I understand you may be out of the loop on that and maybe unaware that it's even been happening. That's why it's funny when you claim it's 'just FL being FL'. Perhaps you should refrain from speaking about things you're uninformed about.


Whether TW cancels on CLAWS or not is up to them. But I can assure you their dissatisfaction has been conveyed to the appropriate parties within CLAWS.

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27 minutes ago, cobwebbyarc6 said:


Whose FA are you going to meddle in next?

Don’t worry, you guys did this all on your lonesome. Whether it was honoring your allies treaties above your own, your MOFA telling the Wolves publicly he’s “meh” on them, or the general lack of support and involvement on behalf of the Wolves throughout this conflict. Claws once again shows that primarily it will always do what’s best for CLAWS.

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