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ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER: Brown BUTT Sewage Continues to Flow into the Once-Pristine NG Reservoir

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4 hours ago, Sabcat said:

There's nothing mocking about it. You're getting smashed and you've had to get NG in to bail you out. Whatever happens from now on, that's who you are, that's what wolves are. All mouth, no trousers begging for help because you bit off more than you can chew. It's pathetic. 

Hahahaha someone post a pic of Al Bundy begging for anything..... Id love to see it.... Unless its for Peg to make me some food you will not find one.....   I was really clear to both my allies (at the beginning and currently), I don't need any military support to kick the commies BUTT.... 


You just keep sitting there with no troops, no nukes, 183 levels of infra and claim your winning with that 12 billion you got there.... hahaha


Count how many wolves are turtling with no troops.... Ill help you - None..... BECAUSE YOU DONT TURTLE WHEN YOUR THE BUTT KICKER, YOU TURTLE WHEN YOU GETTING YOU BUTT KICKED.... 




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1 hour ago, firingline said:


4 of the 10 Wolves are in the top 25. Including the two youngest nations on the list...


Bundy ain't got no patience for turtling.

3* Three are in the top 25. You're on loan.


"technically I've only been a member of two alliances...I am not a member of TW >_>"

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1 hour ago, shwampy said:


Shotty work..... hahaha


FL is a lot of things, good and not so good but no one pulling Bundy's strings and everyone knows that! 


Now I know for a fact UCR has a hand up their ass... they are defiantly a puppet. 



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22 hours ago, cobwebbyarc6 said:

3* Three are in the top 25. You're on loan.


"technically I've only been a member of two alliances...I am not a member of TW >_>"


Still in TW, so it's 4 for now. 😀


2 hours ago, shwampy said:



It's ironic, because Bundy is far more blood thirsty than I am. Also, why would TW surrender when we've clearly defeated UCR? That makes no sense.



1 hour ago, Wobblies said:



The guy who's been staggered for 3 months and has resulted to cowering at low NS for months hopping on to re-affirm that his alliance is indeed winning. El oh el.




48 minutes ago, AL Bundy said:

Shotty work..... hahaha


FL is a lot of things, good and not so good but no one pulling Bundy's strings and everyone knows that! 


Now I know for a fact UCR has a hand up their ass... they are defiantly a puppet. 




Imagine being Marx and having a bunch of broke members that you let get absolutely steamrolled with no ability to rebuild, all so PGS can try to start a global lmao. Dude got played and I still don't know if he realizes it.


To confirm though - we're all very happy with Bundy's leadership. Even if I had been in charge and with the benefit of hindsight, I wouldn't change a thing. He led a small group in their total methodical defeat of an alliance three times our size. We crushed the lower tier, then reached up and started grabbing commies and dragging them down one by one. This has been one of the most fun wars I've ever been a part of.


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9 hours ago, Franz Ferdinand said:

Same reason why you are in peace mode, couldn't connect a stagger.


I should've known Franz would show up and be intentionally obtuse.


It's OK. Their MoD actually gave an honest answer:



AkkenNovikov — Today at 10:05 AM


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