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6 minutes ago, Mogar said:

Typically cancelling on an ally and then directly attacking them when you were part of the war planning is a !@#$%* action.

Well after this "ally" goes and spams NSFW Propaganda onto our discord, and is in general extremely toxic to us, not to mention their failure to uphold our treaty, they don't deserve the slightest reservations from us. 

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3 minutes ago, Suyash Adhikari said:

Well after this "ally" goes and spams NSFW Propaganda onto our discord, and is in general extremely toxic to us, not to mention their failure to uphold our treaty, they don't deserve the slightest reservations from us. 

Got any evidence of this before you canceled the treaty? Or were we supposed to sign EJ's "everyone has to be nice or get PZI'D" accords?


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10 minutes ago, The Big Bad said:


You went with Bob Sanders joke? What year is it?  What is next, Why so serious in your war declarations?  


Actually maybe. That would be funny.


5 minutes ago, The Big Bad said:


You do not treat allies the way your people treated Polar. we were tool you were trying use while barely restraining your distain for us.  NG has people I like in it.  It also has a rot in it that keeps leading it to make the same stupid choices over and over.  


Nice to know you literally have no idea what went on behind the scenes. I mean you haven't cared about this world in years, so that's not surprising, but I would maybe talk to someone other than EJ and Buuyo about the relationship between NG and Polar before acting like you know what led to the relationship being where it is today.

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4 minutes ago, The Big Bad said:


You do not treat allies the way your people treated Polar. we were tool you were trying use while barely restraining your distain for us.  NG has people I like in it.  It also has a rot in it that keeps leading it to make the same stupid choices over and over.  

I’m sorry what? Polar has been subverting NG’s FA policies for more than a year now. They asked multiple alliances not to sign or upgrade us, publicly threatened to cancel us in our allies channel, worked behind our backs multiple times with people who tried to roll us recently, and your leader pulled a disappearing act where he didn’t talk in our joint channels for months at a time. EJ has already confirmed they would have canceled the treaty when Stewie left if anyone but me succeeded him. The best part is almost every time they told someone it was because they didn’t want to appear too hostile to NPO. 


Polar has zero respect for NG. We were your rabid dog on a leash and we got tired of being told no whenever we suggested anything mildly entertain for Bob. We knew exactly where you stood and you proved it once again today. 

I should have canceled our treaty 8 months ago (or whenever I can find the date if needed) when Buuyo had his hissy fit but it didn’t make sense coalition wise since you were actively in planning channels with NATO/FTW. 

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13 minutes ago, Rhizoctonia said:

Lmao, embarrassing to see by both alliances.  But Polar takes the cake on this one


Just now, Smitty256 said:


Define embarrassing: "Total Money: $26,865,220,306"

 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

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2 minutes ago, Rhizoctonia said:

Glad to see you at least active enough to post a DoW


Still kicking around. Fancy popping out of peace mode for a quick nuke exchange so I can go hit some smaller fish? 

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3 minutes ago, Blade 619 said:


Still kicking around. Fancy popping out of peace mode for a quick nuke exchange so I can go hit some smaller fish? 



I got my orders...I don't make them anymore.  I'll be out soon enough for you or the various others biting at the bit.  I'll enjoy my ride down though.  That 26 bill your laughing at will come in quite useful 

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Just now, Rhizoctonia said:



I got my orders...I don't make them anymore.  I'll be out soon enough for you or the various others biting at the bit.  I'll enjoy my ride down though.  That 26 bill your laughing at will come in quite useful 


Cool... well... come say hi when you're out. 26bn is easy enough to spend. 

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3 minutes ago, Bionic redhead said:

So Iron have stood back and done nothing while DBDC raided us and now they've declared war on one of our treaty partners. Such great allies they are.



That would be correct.  And the time they could actually seek some payback with help of many...well you see what they chose.  



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6 minutes ago, Bionic redhead said:

So Iron have stood back and done nothing while DBDC raided us and now they've declared war on one of our treaty partners. Such great allies they are.


I mean even Fark stood back and did nothing while DBDC raided them, so the bar shouldn't be so high there probably.

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As someone fairly new to the game (roughly 1 year) I find this all comical at best.


I’ve spent the past year exchanging tech for money, logging in almost daily to make a few clicks and then log out. I’ve been waiting for something interesting to happen and it looks like it finally has…


I’ve played many different games over the years and I’ve been involved in games similar to CN since 2002. When I first created my nation I noticed immediately how stagnant this game looks, it was easy to tell that an alliance (New Pacific Order) has clearly run away with the game.


I understand that there is obviously a lot of history here, a fair portion of you have built relationships that have spanned 15+ years.


My question to you all is this - 

Once this large scale war is over, what is going to change, what will be altered to make CN a “new” more interesting environment ?


From an outsiders perspective, I don’t see any change coming. It seems New Pacific Order has allies running to its aid whenever it feels threatened. Sure, they could roll any alliance on their own, probably 2-3 alliances with ease.


At one point do people log in and dare to be different?

At one point do other alliances say enough is enough?


Throw the treaties out the window, shake the game up and return everyone to a more engaging & level playing field.


I don’t know all the history to this game, I’ve certainly spent a fair amount of time reading up on it though and it seems it’s been quite the ride.


I commend who started this war, clearly they knew it would gain traction on a much larger scale. 

I know my opinion means jack sh!t but I find it laughable to see these other large alliances running to the aid of the largest (by far) alliance in the game.


This seems like it was an opportunity, I’m sure some of these alliances could’ve chosen a side…a side that would “reset” the game to an extent. Instead it seems like they chose complacency.


My apologies for the wall of text, enjoy the wars, this is just a newb rambling on…

Edited by KVaT
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