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4000 Nukes


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Sell off your infra and land and come join the party!  Sitting alone on the top of the hill talking about how cool you are is quite ironic.




That would get him to 11th in the ranks, so add another 10 nations to possibly attack:

252) Fatlordkistan Independent Republic Of Orange Nations
253) Pestilence Valhalla
254) Emmen Non Grata
255) Shogoland The Chaos Brotherhood
256) Sildavia Green Protection Agency
257) Fields of Elysium The Gramlins
258) Ursus Magnus Independent Republic Of Orange Nations
259) Texas Nuevo Federation of Armed Nations
260) Opethia Doom Squad
261) Kamakanioaloha Knights Of Ni
Which ones of the above do you hate?
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That would get him to 11th in the ranks, so add another 10 nations to possibly attack:

252) Fatlordkistan Independent Republic Of Orange Nations
253) Pestilence Valhalla
254) Emmen Non Grata
255) Shogoland The Chaos Brotherhood
256) Sildavia Green Protection Agency
257) Fields of Elysium The Gramlins
258) Ursus Magnus Independent Republic Of Orange Nations
259) Texas Nuevo Federation of Armed Nations
260) Opethia Doom Squad
261) Kamakanioaloha Knights Of Ni
Which ones of the above do you hate?



None.  There are probably only like 2 people in this game that I hate.  Hate's typically wasted on a turn-based game.


But, with ~1k infra (to enable nuke purchasing, he won't run out of tech) and minimal land, within a few wars he'll have lots of potential targets.  The more friends you make, the more friends you can make, etc.

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None.  There are probably only like 2 people in this game that I hate.  Hate's typically wasted on a turn-based game.


But, with ~1k infra (to enable nuke purchasing, he won't run out of tech) and minimal land, within a few wars he'll have lots of potential targets.  The more friends you make, the more friends you can make, etc.


Losing 10k tech and having zero infra and land wouldn't even add 20 targets total.  I think you are severely underestimating the ability to add targets.


Edit: Also, the correct answer was Enderland.

Edited by hartfw
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Losing 10k tech and having zero infra and land wouldn't even add 20 targets total.  I think you are severely underestimating the ability to add targets.


Edit: Also, the correct answer was Enderland.


I can think of a method which would add thousands quickly.  Rerolling.

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I can think of a method which would add thousands quickly.  Rerolling.


And if you want to suggest that as a plausible one, go for it.  The one you suggested above was not.

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And if you want to suggest that as a plausible one, go for it.  The one you suggested above was not.


The one above was a more gentle approach towards immersing oneself in a social atmosphere.  I read somewhere that recluses sometimes get overwhelmed with too many people, all at once.

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I will say Kudos to Polar for not keeping too many in PM.  Ballsy move knowing what was awaiting them.  I'm sure it's part of a longer-term strategy and the realization that wars are won in the mid-tier.  We'd all agree that is where the hard fighting happens. 


As far as dmg stats, last war both NG, NPO, and NoR (amongst others) were heavy dogpiled, worse than Polar is now in the case of NG, and we still managed to do more net dmg than received.  As ZI hits you could see those numbers turn net positive for Polar though so I don't think you can judge war performance just yet.  I'm not sure where NG was a week into the war in Disorder.  I suspect we were neg-negative too. 


What is interesting is all the flak that NSO, TLR got last war when it was really more of a case of just getting dogpiled.  In this war their dmg numbers are really really good.  :wub:

Unlike the NPO, hiding in Peace Mode has never been our strategy.

As for causing more harm than we are receiving. I'm fighting 3 defensive wars:





Dschinghis Khan (Arachosia) of RnR is doing a good job... the other 2 are getting a very expensive vacation at the Polar Resort.

Other than that... like it or not, this war IS about DMDC.... and I don't really get the logic of the Alliances defending them, since they will stab you in the back whenever they have the chance (which is "whenever they want", since they don't need to create a "chance" for doing it).

RnR and NG are cool when it comes to fighting. 
(The case of NG is probably because of that strange Dutch-speaking Alliance that became the core of NG and whose name I can't remember right now, but they were also good).


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This man is right. This war is as much about Polar as the last one was about NSO. Can we stop that nonsense.

Out of curiosity, if it isn't us, what is the point?


I accepted coming back at us for revenge as being the reason for the war, and have no problem with it. There have been numerous provokings over the past few weeks, and many treaties signed to be used in this war. I find it a bit hard to believe it's anything other than us, as none of the other alliances prevent enough of a public face to be explicitly disliked in the way we are.



The original comment that mine was in response to had nothing to do with Polar, nor did mine but nice try halfwit.  It was in regards to the fighting ability of each coalition as a whole and the laughable claim from an NpOer suggesting NpO and NG were the only alliances involved that could war properly. I was engaged in the previous war with some pretty capable and pretty incapable Polars, ive found every alliance has good and bad, but with some its alot harder to find the bad.  I must say I love seeing new players getting involved, but read what your trying to trash on and come up with a half decent sentence so you don't look like an utter dolt. (If not new and a re-roll then no excuse i suppose)


Cheers Deakin, if Polaris and Pacifica do end up engaging I'll be sure to drop down to your range and you can use your fighting prowess to demolish me and my wonders.



I was a bit hurt by tha comment earlier. I thought we had some good battles last time around!

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I was a bit hurt by tha comment earlier. I thought we had some good battles last time around!


Yea it wasnt meant towards Polar whatsoever, the original comment was about the coalitions.  If my memory is correct we traded off damage pretty evenly, one of us most likely had an edge but i cannot recall who it was so it probably wasnt significant.  Other than you I met 3 other Polars, 1 simply turtled, another got an A for effort but needed war guide refresher and I think 1 down declared and gave me a whooping.  In all I'd say that's more than I could have hoped for in terms of hard fought matchups and I cant say I was ever left doubting Polars war capabilities, unlike other alliances ive gone against.

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Actually, I decommed all his military entirely.  But thanks.


Oh jfc. I didn't realize how !@#$@#$ huge he was. 


No wonder everyone wants to suck his dick. They don't even have to get on their knees, they could suck it standing up.


No homo. 

Edited by Unknown Smurf
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Oh, the old classic 'sell everything you've put into your nation and come join us in the lower tiers' is still current. Dear me.


As for causing more harm than we are receiving. I'm fighting 3 defensive wars:

An alliance in a war where it's outnumbered always does more damage in the initial stages. You can send out three nukes a day, but only receive one, and nukes are the main contributor to NS loss. For example I'm taking more damage than I'm causing because I'm not getting to drop my nukes, that doesn't reflect on my real performance or that of my opponents. So if NpO wasn't dishing out more than it received at this stage of the war, you really would be doing terribly. Let's review how you're doing (assuming the war is still going on) in three weeks when your nations have been kept at war and run out of nukes, whereas the other side is able to cycle and restock.


Edit: lolwut 75k tech? That's ridiculous. We truly are in the endgame of CN.

Edited by Bob Janova
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An alliance in a war where it's outnumbered always does more damage in the initial stages. You can send out three nukes a day, but only receive one, and nukes are the main contributor to NS loss. For example I'm taking more damage than I'm causing because I'm not getting to drop my nukes, that doesn't reflect on my real performance or that of my opponents. So if NpO wasn't dishing out more than it received at this stage of the war, you really would be doing terribly. Let's review how you're doing (assuming the war is still going on) in three weeks when your nations have been kept at war and run out of nukes, whereas the other side is able to cycle and restock.


Edit: lolwut 75k tech? That's ridiculous. We truly are in the endgame of CN.

LOL... in short: I am causing more damage than I am receiving, thus: I am not really doing bad.


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Well unfortunately there is no way to burn that much tech and not enough nations floating around to do it. Best to just fall out of range and let those dudes bore themselves to death.


But that's just my strategy! :smug:


If they didn't bore themselves to death getting there, I doubt they'll bore themselves to death staying there.  They, themselves, pose a threat to very few people, it's the toadies that pose the threat to many.  Good strategy though; let the enemy make themselves completely irrelevant except as figureheads :D


EDIT - DBDC has five active wars.  To show exactly what I mean by "figurehead", it's their toadies that are suffering and burning for their misbehavior; they are immune to counterattack and the toadies are not.  Is that really a group you should ally yourself with?

Edited by Nick GhostWolf
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If they didn't bore themselves to death getting there, I doubt they'll bore themselves to death staying there.  They, themselves, pose a threat to very few people, it's the toadies that pose the threat to many.  Good strategy though; let the enemy make themselves completely irrelevant except as figureheads :D

They've also allied every alliance with a significant presence, there. Honestly I am thankful for this war. DBDC will no longer represent a problem to any of our nations, and we can forget about them.

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They've also allied every alliance with a significant presence, there. Honestly I am thankful for this war. DBDC will no longer represent a problem to any of our nations, and we can forget about them.


"Dwemer Solution" we may as well call it.  They went so big, they just vanished from existence; life went on and the Nerevarine/Dovahkiin/Whatever got laid.

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A rare appearance by Bob Janova,...now that is a face I haven't seen in a long while.

Cheers mate glad you are around.


As a note on the topic. War started and escalated thus far as it did. No doubt why Polar could feel as the focal point of this engagement. It is obvious XX is one of the focal points for some. But not the only one.


I know I am here waiting on someone else,....

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If they didn't bore themselves to death getting there, I doubt they'll bore themselves to death staying there.  They, themselves, pose a threat to very few people, it's the toadies that pose the threat to many.  Good strategy though; let the enemy make themselves completely irrelevant except as figureheads :D

I wouldn't say [i]completely[/i] irrelevant. After the war you will rebuild, and for those high tech/big warchest nations it won't take terribly long. Then you will start actively feeling their relevancy again.

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I wouldn't say completely irrelevant. After the war you will rebuild, and for those high tech/big warchest nations it won't take terribly long. Then you will start actively feeling their relevancy again.


Perhaps.  Maybe they'll even use their original name again, then we will see them represented accurately again.

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A rare appearance by Bob Janova,...now that is a face I haven't seen in a long while.

Cheers mate glad you are around.

Nice to see so many of my old nemeses still around ;)


LOL... in short: I am causing more damage than I am receiving, thus: I am not really doing bad.

You're not doing badly, no. But nor are you doing as well as those graphs imply, unless you aren't doing it with nuke imbalance. I'm making a general point about how damage done isn't a very good measurement of battle performance in the first week of a war.

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Maybe if you say it enough times it makes it true! What is between IRON and VE is between IRON and VE, but if you had any idea of what was actually going on, you wouldn't say what you said. You can keep trying to drive a wedge there, but when the world was contemplating rolling IRON, there was VE standong firmly beside them, making sure people knew that it was a failure in leadership that got them in trouble, but that sound leadership by TW would lead them through, just you wait and see. And that's what happened, as we both knew it would.

We didn't target NG, and tried to divert many of the alliances that declared on you onto other alliances, but they just wanted to hit you so badly they refused not to. I have literally nothing against NG, but you guys make it so easy to start hating you again.

Maybe if you say enough sarcastic things people won't realize you are a terrible ally, this war and last war.


The problem is that you validated LoSS's attack.  You defended it and even publicly lied about your secret treaty with them.  If you had just been in IRON's corner and said LoSS pre-empted then it would've gone much differently for IRON.  VE can put the blame on IRON's past-leadership all you want, as classless as that is, but it was primarily VE that ruined IRON's reputation, which they have bounced back form quite well.  You put non-allied people above your own allies. 


And you didn't stop any attack on IRON, lol.  If your TOP-side allies were going to try to roll IRON they would've done so anyway.  You don't hold that much sway, sorry.  It was more likely keeping IRON linked to Fark and US-sphere's that saved IRON along with the fact that IRON has some really good nation building programs going.


Ahh there it is.  The age old, "We keep trying to roll you, but we actually love you."  Sorry if I'd rather interpret your view of NG by your actions and not words.  By thank you for your kind lies.  I'm so so glad VE tried to help out NG last war, lol.

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