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Acts of Terrorism

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First they go for whoever their first target was, nobody does anything. It doesn't effect them.

Then they go for Pax Corvus, nobody does anything. It doesn't effect them.

Then they take out the rest of the neutral alliances, one by one. Nobody does anything it doesn't effect them.

Then they go for you and there is nobody else left to assist you.


I think Doomsphere would welcome some real opposition and a good fight, but when all their detractors are to cowardly to do anything, these are the wars they are left with.


It's day 2 bro

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Rey i used to think you were awesome.
But i relized how butt hurt you are. I will no longer argue with a troll. When i go undertaker on you. You will be very sorry. So have fun raiding with dbdc and sod. For now there is a truce.

Happy hunting rey.
O/ to lph for putting up with you.

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My name is Mister Black and I have no impact on this current situation because I lack war skills. Also, I am the most irrelevant nation in Seers of Doom, but I have the most BS to post on the OWF.




There you go Mister Black, 

A post that can fit into this thread and actually make sense. (No need to thank me)

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There are completely separate issues in this discussion and the line between them should not be blurred as freely as it has been.  


1.  All neutral alliances are not worth anything.  Any alliance that wants to sit quietly in the corner hoping no one notices them whilst adopting the attitude they wont help anyone under any circumstances, even extending the concept to themselves sometimes in case they upset their own notion of neutrality,  deserves everything they get and to be honest, they should get it more often.  If there is any point to tech/land raiding at all, it should be that mamby pampy alliances are fair game and can and should be raided for their assets that serve no actual purpose other than looking pretty.  I am shocked at the oversight of the raiders who have not realized this before now.  Hopefully now we have seen that there is nothing at all to be lost with picking them off at random and stealing their collective chocolates I trust and pray that it will happen all the time both for the good of the Planet and for our own great amusement.


2.  Threatening anyone and everyone to do something about it is also a good thing.  I like the attitude of ''I am big and powerful and you are weak and scrawny and therefore I shall urinate on your leg if I so desire''.  Time has shown that the attitude is received well by others who indeed do like the warm wet feeling in their socks and I applaud the loudmouths from the various scumbag alliances involved or allied to in this latest little charade pumping out their chests like they have some superior skill.  Good for you, we all stand and applaud whilst all collectively waiting for our turn for you to leave your pungent scent in our vicinity.


So there is two issues at hand, if you like you can object to the raiding/warring/clashing of/with neutrals recognizing that whilst they won't ever help you, they are ''entitled'' to be left alone.  Or you may decide, as I have, that neutrals are parasites and need to be culled every now and then to prevent them hoarding all those precious pixels for themselves.  You can of course object to being insulted and belittled, threatened and cajoled by such exciting characters as DBDC, but apparently such objection brings with it the threat of ''being next'', so do be careful.  These guys are especially tough, they probably have more pixels than you pumping their nether regions into legendary status.


This world is a sad sad place, collectively we have allowed it to come to this situation, so please do stop whinging about it, take a look in the mirror and hold yourself accountable.  If you truly cared you would have done something by now, instead you !@#$%* and moan and secretly hope that you are not the next cab off the rank but truly unprepared to do anything sensible about the situation.  Is it fear or complacency that holds you back or both?   I laugh when I hear karma as a concept, there is no karma there is only the commitment and action of a few driving the many weak willed and hopeless who blow like the wind without a principle or standard amongst them.


Piss or get off the pot I have no time for the whinging of people who will do nothing to help themselves and no time for those who would pay lip service to defend them whilst be unprepared the price to do so.   o/ DBDC and their bully boy mates, our ruling party, our overlords, long may they reign.

Edited by AlmightyGrub
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Rey i used to think you were awesome.
But i relized how butt hurt you are. I will no longer argue with a troll. When i go undertaker on you. You will be very sorry. So have fun raiding with dbdc and sod. For now there is a truce.

Happy hunting rey.
O/ to lph for putting up with you.


it's easy really, tell him all of his posts are shit and he shuts up.

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There are completely separate issues in this discussion and the line between them should not be blurred as freely as it has been.  


1.  All neutral alliances are not worth anything.  Any alliance that wants to sit quietly in the corner hoping no one notices them whilst adopting the attitude they wont help anyone under any circumstances, even extending the concept to themselves sometimes in case they upset their own notion of neutrality,  deserves everything they get and to be honest, they should get it more often.  If there is any point to tech/land raiding at all, it should be that mamby pampy alliances are fair game and can and should be raided for their assets that serve no actual purpose other than looking pretty.  I am shocked at the oversight of the raiders who have not realized this before now.  Hopefully now we have seen that there is nothing at all to be lost with picking them off at random and stealing their collective chocolates I trust and pray that it will happen all the time both for the good of the Planet and for our own great amusement.




If only you had felt this way when other unconnected (one might define that as neutrality) alliances had been raided in days of yesteryear. I hereby accept your belated apology to Athens on Londo's behalf.

Edited by Rush Sykes
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If only you had felt this way when other unconnected (one might define that as neutrality) alliances had been raided in days of yesteryear. I hereby accept your belated apology to Athens on Londo's behalf.


Unconnected does not mean neutral but thanks for trying.  Athens was a terrible alliance and no amount of revisionism will fix that.  Also hello Rush

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But they did declare.. in game.

They don't need to announce everything to the OWF..

Hell I didn't announce NG's birthday last month...

So who would of cared?? :ehm:

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Acts of terror? It's naught but a small squabble. A particularly robust child bullying a weakling. While the rest of us climb the ladder, DBDC would cut the top off the ladder. No, not terror... They're the ones who are terrified.


10/10 Read this in littlefinger's voice

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Yeah that's pretty much the only text of value in that whole painfully blue statement.  We have powerful friends and you don't care.  Thanks for stopping by then.

You think to dismiss me that easily, treacherous rapscallion? I am Rebel Virginia, a far better man than you. Long have I been revered as a hero. Perhaps my victories are few, I will not hesitate to admit, but I suppose such is to be expected when one champions the downtrodden and the oppressed. I have been a voice crying out in a wilderness, but though often alone my words are heeded by others. Yours is a story already told. A proud, petty, and cruel overlord, but you will fall as they have all fallen in the past. I see into you, and there is precious little of any true worth. Perhaps you're unworthy cause shall triumph this day. Perhaps Pax Corvus shall suffer greatly. But it will not be forgotten, and one day you shall be made to answer for this and everything else. Rebel Virginia knows. Rebel Virginia has seen this all before.

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Acts of terror? It's naught but a small squabble. A particularly robust child bullying a weakling. While the rest of us climb the ladder, DBDC would cut the top off the ladder. No, not terror... They're the ones who are terrified.


Either I have been on line way to long today or I need a new glasses script, I'm going to go with online to long and get the hell out of here before I loose anymore IQ points

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A clash? What is that even supposed to mean? Why are you fighting them? Because they're there? I have no dog in this fight, and I truly do not care about Pax Corvus at all. But I am not going to drink your piss and praise the vintage. As ever, I will call a spade a spade. You fellows over at DBDC are simply bored, and you get your kicks from kicking around those who are weaker than you and realistically have no chance of hurting you. Oh, you can ramble all you want about how this is an even fight, but I know better. If it comes to it, you always have TOP and IRON and whoever else is licking your boots these days to come through for you. You simply can't be touched, so you strut around as the imperious hooligans that you are and act as if it some sort of impressive feat. Well, bucko, it ain't. Impetuous children such as yourselves have always masqueraded as respectable alliances, but in the past most of us had the good sense (and the ability) to quickly send you back to your corner. These days those with the power are your buddies, and are either indifferent to or amused by your antics.


You may say you want a more dynamic world with greater conflict, and your friends may echo that. But your actions speak louder than your words. What have you done to create conflict? What have you done to challenge the power structure? Nothing. You joined the power structure, and you brought into it anyone who might have been able to oppose it. Those you attack do not have the capability to hurt you. It is a one-sided smack down. There is nothing bold about it. So say whatever you will about your actions, and color me unimpressed.

Never ever thought I would say this ... it's been a long time since I agreed with RV but I thinks he makes sense..  

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DBDC are just bored because they allied everyone in their NS range and only have neutrals left, and nobody cared about Cuba's ridiculous proposal.


Good luck in the fight. Though I imagine in a couple days they will state no more wars will be declared and pretend to be the good guys taking the moral high ground. Don't fall for it too hard. These guys are nothing more than griefers. I hope the alliances that sanction their members attacking neutrals - such as DT, Javahouse League, etc, don't support their participation in this. You are attaching yourself to actions like this. All alliances allied to these clowns are sanctioning their actions as well. I remember when doing stuff like this would get you dropped and isolated by everyone. I guess everyone is so interested in sucking up to high NS nations that we now allow stuff like this.


I'm no fan of neutrals - but just leave them alone.

I think we both know that reavers don't give a $%&@ about anything but themselves and their own entertainment.  Pax Corvus will attempt to resist, since they aren't fighters by nature it won't go particularly well for them, and the reavers will pat each other on the back about what fantastic warriors they are. 


Meanwhile your current nation count on Planet Bob: 9,889 Nations and dropping.


Look at you guys over in DBDC jumping in and causing trouble!  and just when I crossed over the 250 mark in nation rank.

You must have missed the memo...they have "affiliates" now at other NS levels, as evidence by the reenactment of the Woodstock Massacre here, so it doesn't matter.  It's all one alliance of course, but they like to pretend otherwise for marketing purposes.

Edited by ChairmanHal
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CubaQuerida alone has already lost nearly a billion dollars in infrastructure, not counting the loss of nearly 800 land and nearly 400 tech after the first day of nuclear exchange. It is fair to say that the greed that spurred this act of aggression will soon have wiped out the gains of previous raids.

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That is not relevant to this discussion.  TOP played a part in helping us get that resolved.  It was an unsanctioned raid and rather than have it spiral out of control, the alliances involved and their allies worked together to reach a solution.  

Unsanctioned, huh? Then what is the deal with this sort of attitude?


"If I didn't have 4 offensive wars right now, I'd smack the crap out of any Polar nation in my range and you wouldn't do anything about it.  They'd get smashed down to 40k NS, just like last time and take it.


When you wonder why so many Polar nations are anti-DBDC, I'll just have to remind you of this sentiment towards us.




These idiots are currently outplaying your alliance. :o

Is it really that difficult to outplay a neutral alliance? Literally sign one treaty and you are better connected.


Not much of an achievement.


All I have been reading is a bunch of whining from every alliance but they don't have the balls to do anything about anything. Grow up.  If you all have a problem then join in on the fun and  


let's do this !@#$.  The sooner my nation is destroyed the sooner i can quit this game.  However, all you will do is quote a message on here and complain then sit back and be !@#$%*es.

So you discourage political discourse? You didn't start this discussion and nobody forced you to come read it. If you don't have the mental capacity to contribute in any form other than a ill-tempered, jumbled "Do something about it", feel free to not show up next time. We don't need cavemen banging their head against the wall.

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All I have been reading is a bunch of whining from every alliance but they don't have the balls to do anything about anything. Grow up.  If you all have a problem then join in on the fun and  


let's do this !@#$.  The sooner my nation is destroyed the sooner i can quit this game.  However, all you will do is quote a message on here and complain then sit back and be !@#$%*es.

If you really want to quit this world, you can sell down to my level and I'll give you a go...   I'll even drop AA affiliation so we could do this mano-a-mano.

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All I have been reading is a bunch of whining from every alliance but they don't have the balls to do anything about anything. Grow up.  If you all have a problem then join in on the fun and  


let's do this !@#$.  The sooner my nation is destroyed the sooner i can quit this game.  However, all you will do is quote a message on here and complain then sit back and be !@#$%*es.

So boring.


Just delete and save everyone the trouble.  It's easy, and you don't have to listen to us inferior people waste your time every day.

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I'm going to have to keep saying this I'm afraid. :facepalm:


There shouldn't be a single Polar nation spouting off in this thread.  Until DBDC forces disbandments and gov. changes, they will always lightyears better than NpO's and it's past shens.


This is comedy gold coming from Non Grata. Enjoy riding the coat tails of DBDC, that is basically the only relevance NG has left.

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I'm going to have to keep saying this I'm afraid. :facepalm:


There shouldn't be a single Polar nation spouting off in this thread.  Until DBDC forces disbandments and gov. changes, they will always lightyears better than NpO's and it's past shens.

So we're still playing this game, also? I guess anytime a player in NPO or NpO posts this is the cookie cutter response. Please get some new material.

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So looks like the DBDC satellites have joined in the conflict, making this a full blown war.

:facepalm:  No... it's a clash.. DBDC said it's a clash, so it must be a clash. :facepalm:

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