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Cyber Nations Role Play: Beyond Earth

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Could be useful if you want a randomly generated world.

Does this thing also do multi-continent maps?




On the main topic:


Call me a conservative, call me a reactionary, I don't care, but I will frankly state that I'm at this stage going to vote no on any poll that tries to implement this system. Why do I have to stand in the way of "progress" and liberalism? Because I'm not convinced it is necessary, nor is it adressing issues. It's to me just a thing I don't need and which sounds like unnecessary trouble down the road. And the benefits from implementation do not outweigh the perceived costs to me.


I like having some sort of history and culture and have such anchored in a reality that is pre-determined. Having Japanese in Japan, Germans in Germany, Magyars in Hungary, Uyghurs in East Turkestan/Xinjiang, etc. with a certain culture rooted in history is to me a good thing. Sure, it gives value to certain land and makes other parts less valuable, but honestly, that value is subjective, it is up to individual preferences and it allows people to be appreciate their land more. Because it actually is unique and has a history of its own, not just the seventeenth copypaste of Germany in the mid-Pacific. And if such means that some people don't get their first preference, well, maybe they get their second, third or fourth. Most often, people don't mind changing their priorities. Most often, people will consider alternatives and even join in otherwise far less desireable land, if they really deem it worth joining.


I frankly hate the aspect of deleting history, because I love history. Maybe it is my nationality, an identity that is based most of all on a historic development, but I think most cultures have evolved as they did due to history and many things only make sense in a historic context. And what the heck is the point of RPing a country that has neither its typical geography nor history? That's like RPing a person without a biography, an empty shell. Sure, history also gives us conflicts, such as the Sino-Japanese enmity, but frankly, the reason such exist are not because two cultures are predestined to hate each other, but political actors seeing less reason to stop it, than to continue it. In this particular case anyway. Just look at France and Germany, they get along rather well for having had conflicts since pretty much the time the Frankish Empire split apart. And in CNRP too, such conflicts flame up not because two people think they ought to hate each other, but because they see it as favourable in their strategy to escalate, rather than deescalate a conflict. And if you put two people together as China and Japan and they got conflicting interests and you then replace their cultures with Royle and Goldbergian, as long as their conflict of interests remains, they'll be up in arms. Taking away history makes conflicts not go away. But it takes away much of what makes up culture, lots of interesting aspects of our countries and it also takes away much of the historic lessons, which might be worth learning from. How am I to be a post-modern or even just modern nation, without any history that created such concepts?


Honestly, to me, this is just going to make the map look horrible, it's wiping a major aspect of settings, it is in my eyes far too radical in what it does to justify what it achieves. Because, what is it that we get out of this? As it stands, we already got Meihua, Draka, we got Stormlands. What will we get if we implement this? Maybe half a dozen people, and while Euphaia, Tywin and Rota are free to RP here and maybe worth inviting, this goes too far in catering to them. Most of us have a piece of land we find acceptable, there's a lot of ok land still out there, I see little need to create an abomination of a map without history for the limited gains coming from it. It would maybe contribute far more to CNRP, if certain people just post more, instead of taking up space.


Maybe this is just my opinion that history is far more important than you make it out to be, yet far less influential to conflicts. Maybe you think it is injust to roll people for lessons learned from history. Honestly, if there really is a true war that is started just due to lessons learned from history, because we do not want certain things to ever return again, do we really need to cater to the victims?


And as a clarification, I got little issue with making up cultures and worlds. Just, I think that'd be a different RP and should then be a complete break from reality (which I'd still find meh, as it'd no longer be CNRP to me).

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I request replacing the Saint Lawrence, the Great Lakes and the US-Canadian border with 2,000 km of the Laurentine Ocean, so that this person no longer ruins my RP with their meddling.



I don't think we're modifying existing landmasses.




We shouldn't modify RL landmasses and stick with making new ones.


You both are wrong.  Eva a sacrifice proportional to the request must be made, an Ocean of Blood, made to the Old Blood God, and the Crimson Throne on which he sits.  Do this and he shall grant you his favor.

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The problem with incorporating history into these thngs is that once you have someone actually of their nationality who knows history first hand all hell breaks loose. Im Hawaiian and was roleplaying Hawaii and didnt enjoy it all that much with all the threats of nuclear holocaust, imperialism, racist trolling and the like.

What happens when an Isreali and a Palestinian come aboard, or people from Yugoslavia who hate each other?

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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Hey, caps or no dice, imperators. We're not going running back into the bosom of the same old thing. Also Cent, this is a general discussion thread, if you want something specifically about the map post a topic.

Caps are not topic of this debate nor would I even want to have them up for debate.

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Got anything to back that claim up?

Yes. If i was the one that posted the new CNRP map, i guaruntee it would be better. Not to mention that i am one of the most active members of these forums. Which one looks better, the one currently on the new CNRP World Map thread, or this?- This one is bigger, and better quality.


So, when should i start making the map?:)

Edited by Knights111
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I can only assume you are accessing the forums on a cell phone or a tablet in which you cannot click the link in order to make it larger, the ones in the map threads are easily 5 times the size of the image you just linked in this thread.

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I can only assume you are accessing the forums on a cell phone or a tablet in which you cannot click the link in order to make it larger, the ones in the map threads are easily 5 times the size of the image you just linked in this thread.

I am on a computer. I can click the link, but i am talking about just plain, without the link.

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