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A Message from the Emperor of the New Pacific Order

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try living it .. might give ya some incite .. and i am not sure but i thinking being for or against only makes you a fan or not .. not give you insight to our culture


should make tywin joining pacifica one of the terms imo.

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A defeated NPO, even one under terms, does not make Bob unipolar. NPO is the leader of a sphere, not the only other sphere in existence.


Who's to say NpO and TOP aren't planning a preemptive aggressive strike on other spheres once they neutralize NPO? They pulled out some chat logs from 6 months ago to justify this war, no telling who they are coming for next.

Edited by Opportunity
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Who's to say NpO and TOP aren't planning a preemptive aggressive strike on other spheres once they neutralize NPO? They pulled out some chat logs from 6 months ago to justify this war, no telling who they are coming for next.

Is this guy serious? Bob doesn't need more senseless paranoia.
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I'm pretty sure MHA hasn't asked for reps from anyone they're fighting.

The argument has been made by your coalition that supporting your allies is, in fact, endorsing reparations. You can thank Robster, among others, for that.
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IRON, Umbrella, TOP, NpO all on the same side of this war... NPO neutralized. The world is going to be a very interesting place.


One big happy family.

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The argument has been made by your coalition that supporting your allies is, in fact, endorsing reparations. You can thank Robster, among others, for that.

What does that have to do with the fact that MHA hasn't asked for any? People said that MHA owes those who were on the opposite side in Grudge something, but can't quantify what that something is. Should they, by virtue of the fact that one time they lost a war without facing any terms, be against the concept of terms in perpetuity? Or maybe they owe the fact that they didn't get terms to something other than the eternal good will of C&G/NPO/whoever people are saying in their example, and owe them nothing.

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This is why I think NPO should keep fighting this war. I can't see an alliance of IRON, TOP, VE, Umbrella, NpO etc. sticking together for too much longer.

The reason you listed is the exact reason NPO should decide to stop fighting this war.

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Eventually one of those alliances is going to get pissed at another and change sides. NPOs odds look better the longer the war goes on.


Continuing the war has the effect of adding /more/ time those nations can't send aid as they're in peace mode for the duration. Not sure if "better" means what you think it does.

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Continuing the war has the effect of adding /more/ time those nations can't send aid as they're in peace mode for the duration. Not sure if "better" means what you think it does.


Depends on what you think I want to happen globally because of this war. I won't get into that, but I do think the Polar side's resolve in general will collapse far sooner than this side. 

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That's very optimistic. When has anyone ever accepted a losing war and not come for revenge? 

I may be an optimist, but I like to think these circles of revenge can be broken with a gesture of leniency from both sides given similar positions. I think NPO and Umbrella's positions are pretty much reversed this war, but NPO decided against imposing any terms in the previous war.


Also I don't think NPO has really come back for revenge after the Karma War, DH-NPO War and whatever other wars they've lost since then. In the Equilibrium War they pushed through white peace for the other coalition, even though many of their allies were unhappy with it.

Edited by Methrage
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Who's to say NpO and TOP aren't planning a preemptive aggressive strike on other spheres once they neutralize NPO? They pulled out some chat logs from 6 months ago to justify this war, no telling who they are coming for next.

Where did you guys drag this guy from?

You're insane.
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Where did you guys drag this guy from?

You're insane.


Of course YOU would say this. You wouldn't make it public before rolling another sphere.


The terms you want to impose on NPO set you up for the next aggressive, preemptive war very nicely. Other spheres should be paying close attention.

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C&G also pitched a fit when MK tried to ask reps from MHA in the Dave War and threatened to unilaterally leave the war and grant white peace to everyone we were fighting. Funny how MHA didn't pay reps in that war huh?


We proposed tech deals, not reps, primarily as a stalling tactic, with no intention of seriously pushing them.  I'm pretty sure I even told leaders of GATO as much as the time.

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Eventually one of those alliances is going to get pissed at another and change sides. NPOs odds look better the longer the war goes on.


I can't recall one single Global War in which any relevant alliance from the winning coalition changed sides in middle of the war.


Oh, wait, NPO in eQ. Good that they are on the other side this time.



The terms you want to impose on NPO set you up for the next aggressive, preemptive war very nicely. Other spheres should be paying close attention.



And, all of a sudden, keeping under check the guys who were overtly planning an agressive war against you to cover their own faults, turns you into someone plotting aggresive wars yourself.


Where did you guys drag this guy from?


Nordreich, of course. Where else?

Edited by Krashnaia
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We proposed tech deals, not reps, primarily as a stalling tactic, with no intention of seriously pushing them.  I'm pretty sure I even told leaders of GATO as much as the time.

I think whatever terms NPO might of mentioned to Umbrella were likely a stalling tactic rather than serious terms as well. If you offer white peace as soon as the war starts, it ends before it began almost. Although just mentioning terms earlier on in a war, but not actually implementing them shouldn't be reason to receive such terms from that alliance when they get the chance. If they're not implemented in the final peace, they don't count imo.


If NPO really wanted to impose those terms Umbrella keeps mentioning, they could of. Especially if Umbrella agreed to them like they claim.

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You seriously think that we would be seriously involved in plotting to roll another alliance after the target we put on our own backs after EQ? Ask Caliph, Tywinn, whoever you want in your coalition we knew right when EQ ended that we were going to be at least the secondary if not the primary target of the next war to get rolled. Now why would we then go out to scheme to such an extent knowing that everyone who didn't get what they wanted out of EQ wanted our head on a platter?

Thing is though, a sensible alliance that knows it is going to be targeted would try to paint a target on someone else, the coordinated attempt in the later days of eQ and the general post-war moves of blaming Polar for everything that went wrong was a great first move to get the ball rolling. Using newer allies in C&G and NG to turn your former enemies against your new ones would have been a great way to keep NPO shielded at the expense of NpO. So yes, knowing that everyone wanted your head on a platter you'd try to get everyone to attack someone else, you would just do it secretly.

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Thing is though, a sensible alliance that knows it is going to be targeted would try to paint a target on someone else, the coordinated attempt in the later days of eQ and the general post-war moves of blaming Polar for everything that went wrong was a great first move to get the ball rolling. Using newer allies in C&G and NG to turn your former enemies against your new ones would have been a great way to keep NPO shielded at the expense of NpO. So yes, knowing that everyone wanted your head on a platter you'd try to get everyone to attack someone else, you would just do it secretly.

You are giving too much credit to our ability to roll people. We weren't really that capable.
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I can't recall one single Global War in which any relevant alliance from the winning coalition changed sides in middle of the war.
Oh, wait, NPO in eQ. Good that they are on the other side this time.

And at what point in eQ did this happen? NPO didn't move one inch from one side to the other.
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