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Kashmir, Riot Society, and the Javahouse League hereby grant white peace to Kaskus and the Screaming Red Asses.


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The amount of ego and self importance you bring to the conversation is delectable Rayvon. Never change, we never get tired of you.

You're the one who made it about me when I did nothing but reply within the thread like a couple others. I wasn't even the first to respond to their bitching about the wording, just the one worthy of your adoring attention.
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Kaskus will stop whining, your motives will be proven, the words will reflect the discussion that happened before the post and the molehills will be tamped down.

The Kaskus members who are whining are (in my opinion at least - and other people have echoed this) only making themselves look bad. Also, there are plenty of other Kaskus members who are taking this for what it really should be even with the words used - an very good example of what the term "white peace" means - no terms - we're just all agreeing to end the war.

Also, people posted their own wording after his. All these things being the case, I think it actually does more harm than good to change them now. If it was actually such a big issue, it probably should have been discussed in private between the alliance leadership and Sir William could of just quietly edited the wording. Edited by White Chocolate
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Congrats to Kaskus and Screaming Red Asses for their victory!

A member of my alliance pointed out that in fact, it is 100% appropriate for the aggressor alliances (Kashmir on Kaskus and The Javahouse League on Screaming Red Asses) to "give" the white peace exactly because we're the ones that declared in the first place. He also agrees that it's a type of victory for the group receiving the white peace because we're the ones that failed to secure a surrender.

That being the case, yes - congrats to Kaskus and Screaming Red Asses for their victory in receiving white peace.

And Kaskus - since you declared on The Javahouse League...thank you very much :P

Now then, I hope this resolves the matter. Edited by White Chocolate
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A member of my alliance pointed out that in fact, it is 100% appropriate for the aggressor alliances (Kashmir on Kaskus and The Javahouse League on Screaming Red Asses) to "give" the white peace exactly because we're the ones that declared in the first place. He also agrees that it's a type of victory for the group receiving the white peace because we're the ones that failed to secure a surrender.

That being the case, yes - congrats to Kaskus and Screaming Red Asses for their victory in receiving white peace.

And Kaskus - since you declared on The Javahouse League...thank you very much :P

Now then, I hope this resolves the matter.

This thread has broke my brain. Good fight now lets go have a beer and be done with the semantics arguements.

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I've fought many nations since November 4th. All of them, with the exception of Hiro Nakara of SRA, have been gracious in their victory or defeat. For instance, I have earned the respect of Saaremaa of TOP by continuing to give 100% in my fight against him despite being outgunned and at the end of it all, congratulating him for besting me. Though he defeated me in war, I'd gladly crack a beer with him. Others have earned my respect. Xanth of SRA continued the fight despite being outgunned himself. I can only respect a man who continues to fight, even when he knows there can be no other outcome but defeat. My hat off to him.


Hiro Nakara attacked me and was decimated. Then he started calling me an "inept kid" (who crushed him) and bragging about how he's a veteran at the local McDonalds and how he knows "real war". Screaming Red Asses wouldn't lose anything by dropping such douchebaggery.


But that aside, it was a good war. Nations on both sides fought like men. So it puzzles me why there's so much girlish whining about the wording. Kashmir, RS, and tJL grant white peace to Kaskus and SRA and vice versa. There are no surrender terms. Both sides took a fair bit of damage. We can all hold our heads up high in victory as men. Congratulations to Kaskus and SRA for a well-fought war. The Kashmiri squad of War Jesus salutes you.

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The Kashmiri squad of War Jesus salutes you.


As do the Raging Philosopher Kings, aka Kashmir's erstwhile upper tier (yeah let's don't do the whole upper tier thing again, opinions seem pretty well ossified there).


For the most part our opponents on this front demonstrated a refreshing approach: skill in battle coupled with a cavalier approach to the costs thereof.  With few exceptions during this war, there was no whining about pixels or any of that sophomoric claptrap.  What we had was the battle joined, cannon to the right of us, cannon to the left of us, and we took turns being the six hundred.


It was in short a pleasurable sojourn into the Temple of Mars, unsullied by the tears of the uninitiated and replete with hearty congratulations on both all sides.  For some, it was the inexorable denouement to a saga begun long ago, telling tales of Kaskus and Mongols in days gone by.


Let these same sage veterans approach the fact of peace in the manner they accept(ed) the fact of war.  We knew it was coming, we talked about it, when the time came we put words around what we understood to be the case, and we acted accordingly.


This turn of events mirrors that one quite well.


Peace was discussed for a while, the inevitability of its advent was manifest to all, and when the trigger was pulled (or rather the hammer uncocked) and cemented by words, we were all free to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of others not party to the conflict just ended.


It seems pretty clean and desirable to me.  We leave the field of honor still possessed of our honor, both all sides.  Let's recognize the fact that we approached this in an adult manner (Hakai excepted) from first blow to last, and we should applaud ourselves and each other for the manner in which we disposed of this conflict.


Maestro, if you would kindly play a little Benny Hill background tune, I have distilled the following poetic offering:


The war KCP fought with Kaskus

Looked a little like modern Damascus.

  The asses did bray,

  Coming into the fray;

I think in both places they'd mask us.

Edited by Lex Quintus
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^Really just a wonderful post all 'round.
I'll echo SW's shout out to Walsh while I'm at it, great guy to work with.

Don't let his coy personality fool ya, he's a slave driver
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