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NPO Declaration of War and Sing-Along War Report

Lady Red

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Disappointing and anti-Francoist, old comrades.

I'm sorry, who are you? 

You flatter me. Onward Palmettia. Onward Paradoxia. Destroy them.

We're both going to enjoy this, Ardus. 

Wait, you mean the last war was supposed to take out OUR top tiers? ahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahaha
Sorry, couldn't help myself. But otherwise very classy war declaration, one of the best I've seen in recent memory. Best of luck, combatants.

I believe this is where I throw in a COME AT ME BRO. Did I do that right? 

Fixed that for you two. Also, don't make yourselves strangers. It's been too long.

:wub: Staggie 

He's certainly emperor of something, given the CB is based entirely around him.

Emperor of our hearts, I believe is his current title.
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I dont think you should be mudslinging just yet Rush. 


He is correct it is very honest and it is refreshing.  I told you Brehon that peace was a mistake.  Now the wheels have turned, good luck Pacifica, TOPs fighters will give you all you can handle.  I know this because I burned my nation against them last war for nothing.  


TOP enjoy



The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few.   Looking at those words Bud i would think common sense would come to mind during EQ.. a few alliances thought that the last war should go longer and in figuring the needs of the few one could see that if that happened nothing was getting accomplished and not much more damage could be done at that time. When you really look at the numbers what could of been accomplished. The few that would of continued yes would of been a waste of the burn you speak of cause then the logic showed them few would of burned in hell. So it amazes me as you say you should of fought longer to maybe just maybe burn TOP and Umbrella more and then now just justify being on their side shows how you think of just yourself and not the coalition of the time. Yes NPO leadership of the time made a desiciion but we do support our Allies totally regardless and voice what we may think and oppinionate to what we think may be proper. Yes we are in this now and sure some have turned on us and sure we know we may burn but the one thing you can never say is we turn our backs on our allies in time of need. We are Pacifica and we will not lay down cause of the needs of the few.

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The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few.   Looking at those words Bud i would think common sense would come to mind during EQ.. a few alliances thought that the last war should go longer and in figuring the needs of the few one could see that if that happened nothing was getting accomplished and not much more damage could be done at that time. When you really look at the numbers what could of been accomplished. The few that would of continued yes would of been a waste of the burn you speak of cause then the logic showed them few would of burned in hell. So it amazes me as you say you should of fought longer to maybe just maybe burn TOP and Umbrella more and then now just justify being on their side shows how you think of just yourself and not the coalition of the time. Yes NPO leadership of the time made a desiciion but we do support our Allies totally regardless and voice what we may think and oppinionate to what we think may be proper. Yes we are in this now and sure some have turned on us and sure we know we may burn but the one thing you can never say is we turn our backs on our allies in time of need. We are Pacifica and we will not lay down cause of the needs of the few.

Dear god nice try.  I was part of the spear head as were many of my AA mates at the time.  We let it all hang out up declaring to try and bring down nations so we could get them to our better manned tiers.  So spare me the selfish bull shit as I watched many of my friends happily burn to achieve an objective then simply be dismissed because you thought it was right.  NPO did what NPO thought was best for NPO lets not get it confused. It could have been brilliant but as Red stated mistakes post war negated it.  Pacificas agenda was met and Brehon did what he had to do.  I respect it but please dont try and paint it that it was what was best for all.  You are in for a heavy fight one that will gain you glorious casualties i wish you the best of luck. 

Edited by Buds The Man
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Dear god nice try.  I was part of the spear head as were many of my AA mates at the time.  We let it all hang out up declaring to try and bring down nations so we could get them to our better manned tiers.  So spare me the selfish bull shit as I watched many of my friends happily burn to achieve an objective then simply be dismissed because you thought it was right.  NPO did what NPO thought was best for NPO lets not get it confused. It could have been brilliant but as Red stated mistakes post war negated it.  Pacificas agenda was met and Brehon did what he had to do.  I respect it but please dont try and paint it that it was what was best for all.  You are in for a heavy fight one that will gain you glorious casualties i wish you the best of luck. 


You not the only one whom watched freinds fight hard and i even include you into that scenerio .. but if you saying it burdens you that you watched and as well you wanted to burn them to the ground why are you now hailing them you wanted to burn ?

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The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few.   Looking at those words Bud i would think common sense would come to mind during EQ.. a few alliances thought that the last war should go longer and in figuring the needs of the few one could see that if that happened nothing was getting accomplished and not much more damage could be done at that time. When you really look at the numbers what could of been accomplished. The few that would of continued yes would of been a waste of the burn you speak of cause then the logic showed them few would of burned in hell. So it amazes me as you say you should of fought longer to maybe just maybe burn TOP and Umbrella more and then now just justify being on their side shows how you think of just yourself and not the coalition of the time. Yes NPO leadership of the time made a desiciion but we do support our Allies totally regardless and voice what we may think and oppinionate to what we think may be proper. Yes we are in this now and sure some have turned on us and sure we know we may burn but the one thing you can never say is we turn our backs on our allies in time of need. We are Pacifica and we will not lay down cause of the needs of the few.


Had your government made a better decision we wouldn't be standing here on the superior side today. This war and the defeat you will suffer is of your own making.

You not the only one whom watched freinds fight hard and i even include you into that scenerio .. but if you saying it burdens you that you watched and as well you wanted to burn them to the ground why are you now hailing them you wanted to burn ?

Because clearly they think you deserve the hit more than we do due to your actions.

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Had your government made a better decision we wouldn't be standing here on the superior side today. This war and the defeat you will suffer is of your own making.

Because clearly they think you deserve the hit more than we do due to your actions.



We of course always accept responsibility to our actions and yes this is part of it as i can see from your side.. but as you know as the last war ended if it went longer were would it of gone ? .... There was pretty well going to be of equal damage if not more to our side if it continued for ALL invovled .. so what sense would it have made to continue .. the numbers seemed to indicate that most and not just NPO did not want to continue unless there was a all in factor and only a few wanted to continue so the needs of the many were thought of and not just the few whom thought they could carry it all. ... So agian what would of been the benefit ?

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You not the only one whom watched freinds fight hard and i even include you into that scenerio .. but if you saying it burdens you that you watched and as well you wanted to burn them to the ground why are you now hailing them you wanted to burn ?

First I dont recall ever hailing TOP in this war.  They are supporting a mutual ally and there for I have no issue with what is going on.  I believe if you read my post I say I wish you well fighting those very nations that you had the opportunity to neutralize and now you reap what you have sewn.


Cent i wish no ill will on NPO but as you said they allowed this.

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I dont think you should be mudslinging just yet Rush. 


He is correct it is very honest and it is refreshing.  I told you Brehon that peace was a mistake.  Now the wheels have turned, good luck Pacifica, TOPs fighters will give you all you can handle.  I know this because I burned my nation against them last war for nothing.  


TOP enjoy

  k the word telling them to enjoy is not hailing  ... and my comrad is right it is what it is and we accept it .. o/

Edited by brucemania
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The entirety of Pacifica's upper tier was excused from the EQ War as "inactive banks" and for the last weeks of the war NPO fought virtually no wars over 50k NS.  I don't know what you're doing tonight.


Your memory is pathetic then Schat. I was over 80k and in the first day.. as always.. first to the front, first to blood, and first to devour. And this time around you can  counsel Crymson.. tell him the nukes that are hitting him are illusions and he doesn't need to fight back.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Your memory is pathetic then Schat. I was over 80k and in the first day.. as always.. first to the front, first to blood, and first to devour. And this time around you can  counsel Crymson.. tell him the nukes that are hitting him are illusions and he doesn't need to fight back.

Shows how memorable your fighting skills were.

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Shows how memorable your fighting skills were.


Oooh I'm touched. The ones I hit remember me well. The scars still grace their pixels and I proudly still wear theirs. You're in range Cent, if you want a piece, come get it. I could always use another AA heads' bust upon my wall of trophies.


But I predict you're too much of a coward to put your fist behind your words. You have too much to protect. I do love a good grudge match.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Oooh I'm touched. The ones I hit remember me well. The scars still grace their pixels and I proudly still wear theirs. You're in range Cent, if you want a piece, come get it. I could always use another AA heads' bust upon my wall of trophies.


But I predict you're too much of a coward to put your fist behind your words. You have too much to protect. I do love a good grudge match.

There's a mechanic preventing me from declaring on you myself, but feel free to come over and play.

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