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a question of this war.


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You choose to view it as slot filling, that's fine. But when Umb has a clearly stated policy that demands they take the actions they did, your choice is immediately shown to be opportunistic and self-serving. What the nation is question is doing when he leaves is irrelevant to the initiation of attacks under BIBO. AI could have picked up Puppets on the next round, instead they chose to launch a global war over it. That's their prerogative, but playing the victim card is ridiculous. Shouldn't you be reveling in your charge against the evil hegemon?
By the way, I'm in MK.

It is very relevant when you use BIBO to fill slots of your friend so he can maximize the damage on AI, later only to be proved by higher authority.  That was the first shot. You used BIBO as a cover to assist your friend in maximizing damage to AI and later you attempt to impose BIBO on AI so that AI should just sit and take the damage while you and yours sit back and laugh. Hey, at least we're all having fun now ;). Umbrella could have filled or not filled or do whatever they wanted with Muppet's slots after AI was done with him, but instead chose to aid a rogue maximize damage and thus initiate hostilities against AI, also you said do something about it, done, so why change the script now.
Lebubu, I was referring to WC's older posts calling to roll AI, now that he's gotten what he's wanted, he isnt happy about the facts most of the world believes in. 

Edited by shahenshah
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 It is very relevant when you use BIBO to fill slots of your friend so he can maximize the damage on AI, later only to be proved by higher authority.  That was the first shot. You used BIBO as a cover to assist your friend in maximizing damage to AI and later you attempt to impose BIBO on AI so that AI should just sit and take the damage while you and yours sit back and laugh. Hey, at least we're all having fun now ;). Umbrella could have filled or not filled or do whatever they wanted with Muppet's slots after AI was done with him, but instead chose to aid a rogue maximize damage and thus initiate hostilities against AI, also you said do something about it, done, so why change the script now.
I know you're in MK. Also, Lebubu, I was specifically referring to WC's posts a couple or so months ago about our destruction. 


Ugh. If you read what was written we might make more progress. I am saying that it is irrelevant to Umb what Puppets was doing, BIBO is enacted when a signatory leaves, that's how it works. You choose to assign malicious intent to that, when in fact they are consistently applying the terms of BIBO. You say Umb used BIBO as a cover to maximise damage against AI, when in fact AI used BIBO as a justification for their war. If the point of hitting a rogue is to reduce their strength to the point where they are no longer a threat Umb was actually aiding AI by hitting Puppets. By the way, I fail to see how it's slot filling when attacks are being run, but whatever. The point you don't seem to grasp is that AI was never a consideration in Umb's thinking, BIBO is triggered when the signatory leaves, to ignore that would be to render the policy meaningless. AI could have had plenty of fun with Puppets after the BIBO round, instead they threw a hissy fit, and here we all are. I don't remember being involved in pre-war negotiations, could you remind me when I said do something about it?


You didn't seem to know before I pointed it out, as shown by the pre-edit quote. Heh, are you really going back to that quote of mine about Brehon? Keep grasping for those straws buddy.

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This post ^^^ explains the crux of the matter in Spades, anyone arguing against the above FACTS, is just trying to e-lawyer or spin the situation while drooling spittle out of the side of their mouth, kinda of like the words they post come out the side of their neck.


Exactly this. It's what I call "spinning like a TOP."



AI and co. declared war. That is initiating hostilities.


Right. So if we had all just blitzed Umbrella without provocation or declaration, and waited for Umbrella to post the first acknowledgement, that would mean that Umbrella started it? Again, just how stupid do you really expect people to be?


Umbrella initiated hostilities, AI responded appropriately.




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I think the question your non DH allies should be asking themselves about now is how long are they going to burn so you can keep hitting DR. You spent months trying to make this war happen now that it has happened the plan seems to be keep it going as long as possible to wreck DR. Lots of alliances got sucked into this war to defend Umbrella. Some of them said they didnt like it, had no choice or said Umbrella had it coming. These alliances are getting hammered and the only concern of DH seems to be keep it going, keep nuking DR.


How long will your non DH war allies have to soak up nukes so the DH crusade against DR that was months in the making can continue?

spent months trying to make it happen?TIO, AI, NPO and co been planning this for the last 5 months. Umbrella never planned to roll AI or DR because we were tied to IRON amongst few other reasons. It's true that we didn't like AI because they had a antagonistic view towards ourselves.


I'm not sure what point you trying to make through causing damage, what do you expect us to take a beating lying down?we keep nuking DR?DH crusade wtf are you actually banging on about?mate I like a hell of a lot people I'm fighting against, even fought directly against couple of my buds, but you're so full of it it's unreal.  I've had the pleasure of meeting about 3 or 4 self deluded individuals in my time on bob, you're one of them. Enjoy being the village idiot for the rest of your time on bob, your name is like pure dirt even for most on your own side.

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Right. So if we had all just blitzed Umbrella without provocation or declaration, and waited for Umbrella to post the first acknowledgement, that would mean that Umbrella started it? Again, just how stupid do you really expect people to be?
Umbrella initiated hostilities, AI responded appropriately.

ur dum
Furthermore, you know exactly what I mean. Umb acted in accordance with their internal policies, a by-product of which was AI missing out on offensive slots for a round. What a travesty. But AI decided to flip their shit over it and hit Umb. AI initiated hostilities because Umb did not act maliciously towards them.
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Hate to break it to you but DR isn't going to emerge from this war in a very good position no matter what.


I hate to break it to you Marx, but no one is going to be in a "good position" after this war but the neutral alliances...and I'm ok with that.  :)


This is a war of attrition.  It will reset many aspect of foreign policy along with everything else.  The ultimate winners will be those who position themselves to be successful going forward.  That favors well organized alliances.  Who knows, maybe we're here in a year complaining about the new reign of The Orders.  I'm ok with that too.  Your side is clinging to power, mine only seeks change...ok, and to exact several pounds of flesh to wipe that smuge off your faces.  Cost is high, but worth it.

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ur dum
Furthermore, you know exactly what I mean. Umb acted in accordance with their internal policies, a by-product of which was AI missing out on offensive slots for a round. What a travesty. But AI decided to flip their shit over it and hit Umb. AI initiated hostilities because Umb did not act maliciously towards them.


So, Umb has the right to enforce their Internal Policies without regard to how it might impact other alliances? Claiming that Umb was innocent bystander is laughable.

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I'm genuinely unsure how a war that was stared by anarchy inc is a Doomhouse crusade against Duckroll, but I'm sure someone has a long and uninteresting explanation.


I'm genuinely unsure how someone could write a post more full of hot air that appeals to absolutely no one in the rest of the "world," due to Doomhouse's antagonism of pretty much its entirety over the past two years.


Try harder.

Edited by IYIyTh
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You are better than this, use your head.


He is using his head. Hell, you guys have a former non-member in Caliph spinning circles around himself about how the moderation's action of specifically deleting puppets wars for slot filling was indeed not slot filling.


Not that that's a huge shocker to anyone in the audience as we've all witnessed similar happenings with other rogues to other alliances you all now laughably try to pontificate to-- but you got caught this time!


Furthermore -- that isn't even the entirety of the CB. It is, however, something so irrefutable that your focus on it is even more hilarious. Your government members have long paraded about their desire to fight DuckRoll, and it has actively assisted in the destruction of its former allies in two consecutive wars.


Pray do tell thee, who exactly are you trying to convince you aren't full of shit?

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He is using his head. Hell, you guys have a former non-member in Caliph spinning circles around himself about how the moderation's action of specifically deleting puppets wars for slot filling was indeed not slot filling.


Not that that's a huge shocker to anyone in the audience as we've all witnessed similar happenings with other rogues to other alliances you all now laughably try to pontificate to-- but you got caught this time!


Furthermore -- that isn't even the entirety of the CB. It is, however, something so irrefutable that your focus on it is even more hilarious. Your government members have long paraded about their desire to fight DuckRoll, and it has actively assisted in the destruction of its former allies in two consecutive wars.


Pray do tell thee, who exactly are you trying to convince you aren't full of shit?


These are the reasons there are fewer and fewer people every year.

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I'm genuinely unsure how someone could write a post more full of hot air that appeals to absolutely no one in the rest of the "world," due to Doomhouse's antagonism of pretty much its entirety over the past two years.
Try harder.

Ah, so it was a short and uninteresting explanation. I stand corrected.
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People arguing slot filling should stop. Umbrella nuked (when AI weren't morons who nuked before lusitan was online) and sent attacks

This is DR's war. DR wanted this war. To claim DH started this war is pure ignorance, not that I expect anything else from you all.

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Care to say what the rest of your CB is?




Enough is Enough.

Ai was founded on the principles of honor, integrity and respect. In this vein, we don't go around messing with other alliances, and we expect that in return. However, there are a few alliances that insist on trying to push our buttons. This is not acceptable.

On Christmas Day, an Umbrella nation, Masterof9Puppets (Mo9P), decided to stain the good name of Kronos by going rogue under that AA, and declaring an unwarranted war on Ai. While a minor annoyance, Ai understands that rogues are part of life. There has arisen around the phenomenon of roguery many reciprocal understandings: Rogues are not to be aided, sanction requests honored regardless of politics, and the right of refusal to the rogue's defensive slots. This last understanding ensures that the rogue is most completely countered by the party most invested in the rogue's prosecution. While there is no "inter-alliance law" as such, the system of reciprocity in many areas of inter-alliance interaction ensures that non-allied and even competing alliances can handle matters of common interest equitably, without malice, and in the best interests of all involved.

Despite the well-understood norms, Mo9P's friends in Umbrella immediately interjected themselves into the Ai-Kronos situation, taking defensive slots on Mo9P without consulting Ai. Misunderstandings occur on the world stage, and Ai is willing to accommodate. It was made clear to Umbrella by Ai that this action annoyed us, but more importantly hindered our prosecution of the matter. The transgressions of over-eager Umbrella nations have interrupted the important staggers needed to keep Mo9P at war, which will result in his escape to peace mode where he will be able to rebuild, replenish, and set the stage for his own maximum damage to Ai. Despite our protestations during the first round where defensive slots were taken preventing the stagger, Mo9P came out of peace mode and his defensive slots were taken by Umbrella in 4 minutes. This will enable Mo9P to again escape to peace mode and mount another full attack a month from now.

Umbrella's actions are a slap in the face to Ai, and will cause less damage to Mo9P and much more to Ai in the long run. If the situation were reversed and Ai wanted slots on a nation at war with Umbrella, we would have approached the leadership of Umbrella first. If an Ai member were to take a slot on a nation Umbrella was at war with, we would be quick to jump into Umbrella leadership's query, apologize and attempt to make it right by them. Umbrella did not and does not extend this sort of respect to us. Instead, they have offered and stuck by an explanation that Umbrella has its own exclusive right to Mo9P's slots regardless of Ai's security and regardless of established norms. Their flippant dismissal of our stake in this matter adds insult to injury.

For years, Umbrella has grown used to the ability to run roughshod over any party in situations such as these, and for years that is just what they have done with the backing of their allies. They believe that fear and memory of the recent past will cow Ai into ignoring this affront while they giggle amongst themselves at our expense. They are mistaken; that time is over for Umbrella.

PS: Our fantabulous friends heard there were casualties to be had and would like a stake in the restoration of a little respect on Bob... therefore:

The undersigned alliances hereby declare war upon Umbrella.

Any counter attacks as a result of this action will be viewed as an attack upon all. Good luck.


For Anarchy Inc.:
NobodyExpects - Triumvir
Queenhailee - Triumvir
Tron(Equilibrium)ix - Triumvir

Kryievla - Minister of Defense
The Pansy - Minister of Finance
Chefjoe - Minister of Foreign Affairs
Gambona - Minister of Internal Affairs

For the Independent Republic of Orange Nations:
MCRABT, President
Mia, Secretary of State, IRON Councilor
William Blake, Deputy Secretary of State, IRON Councilor
Shan Revan, Minister of Awesome, IRON Councilor
Imran Ehsan, Minister of Internal Affairs, IRON Councilor
Blade 619, Minister of Defense, IRON Councilor
Baron Aaron, Deputy Minister of Defense, IRON Councilor
Queltocz, Minister of the Vault, IRON Councilor
Matt Miller, Deputy Minister of the Vault, IRON Councilor

For the New Pacific Order:
Emperor of the New Pacific Order
Sword of the Order

Mary the Fantabulous,
Acting Imperial Regent of the New Pacific Order
Dragon of the Order

Imperial Officer of Military Affairs of the New Pacific Order
Shield of the Order

For the North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
Sir Humphrey, Secretary General
Devo, Secretary of Defense
Sultan, Secretary of Foreign Affairs
OldSelf, Secretary of Commerce
muwen1234, Secretary of Enlistment
Warden, Chief Justice

For The Imperial Order:
Scorponok, Imperial High Commander
Stagger Lee, External Commander
Klinker, Internal Commander

Apocalypsse, Imperial Officer of Defense
Partisan, Imperial Officer of Foreign Affairs
htmlmaster, Imperial Officer of Finance
wisd0m & Moufassa, Imperial Officers of Internal Affairs


So not only the action which some here still scream at the top of their lungs wasn't illegal, but the moderation has deemed it was -- but the manner in which Umbrella (including those government members in on the hit,) continued to thumb its nose at Ai and the entirety of the game. Its recent bellicosity towards all parties is marked and even those fulfilling their treaty obligations on your "side," would laugh uncontrollably at Tick's suggestion that Doomhouse has actually done more to retain members in this "place,"  through its recent history.

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Probably is, it's just comical how people can really believe what they say. I mean I assume everyone has common sense, but maybe it's not so common.


Are you under the illusion that posting as many words about absolutely nothing will somehow make sense and convince the world that Doomhouse hasn't been bar none a shining example of bellicosity through its existence (this even aside from its aggrieving actions and words of its governments members of recent time) and that we will all suddenly feel sorry for you?


Because you might be here a while.

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OK, I've re-read the war declaration. Unless I'm missing something huge or there's white text, the entire thing seems to be about Puppets. IYIyTh, can you point me to the part that isn't about him?


You must have missed the part about Umbrella thumbing its nose at Ai during the process, including being as unhelpful as possible and in other words telling us to go fuck ourselves for having the audacity to have an issue with them doing what was later deemed to be by moderation -- slot filling.


And the known and stated (in the Declaration,) intent of DH to want to cause harm to Ai and its allies -- which is also indisputable.


You're welcome.

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ur dum
 *at sigrun*

I'm sure that if i read, correctly, this war was started over a rogue. now, say if umbrella didn't warslot file this guy this war wouldn't have started. When i first seen the declaration of war from NPO and the rest of EQ, i must say that i was shocked that five allaince's had to roll umbrella. it was the lamest crap i ever seen. but anyways. onward  with the war. i've done my part.


   i agree with world conqueror. sigrun, you are just a the dumbest person in cn. joke on you now, sir. now calm your titties and leave this thread alone. you can go sit with the rest of C.A. and go be a noob with methrage.

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