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New Year, New Sparta, New War


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Sourcy you realize that the members getting tech had the worst Infra:Tech ratios? And even though most of Government was on the list does it really matter how good our government is at nation building? They get their jobs from how hard they work and you have NEVER in 1500 days in Sparta taken a job. Have fun on your way out, Government vs. Sourcy plus Swatch0 jumped in on him :wub:

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[quote name='Yerushalayim' timestamp='1356995913' post='3069991']
Friends, and enemies, you should not listen to Sourcy. He does what he does to cause discord, not because of any legitimate complaint.

On our forums he declared his intent to rogue due to government being "pixel huggers", yet here he rages that we did not give him adequate chance to hug his own pixels.

He's angry because his only answer to our question of what he'd done for the alliance was to quote his alliance seniority. He tried to demand special treatment, citing [b]having fought in wars as something above and beyond[/b]. Despite what some will say about us, or what was even said by us in the past, [b]fighting for your alliance is not anything special, it is the baseline that should be expected of each and every nation and ruler.[/b]

Sourcy speaks as though he's fighting for freedom for Sparta's membership, but there's no truth to that. Our dasterdly citizenship program is simply a project rewarding Spartans who have held positions within the alliance, and who have served the alliance's interests, with a few superficial benefits. How dare we in government recognize the efforts of those who have actually done something for the alliance. Clearly a revolution must be fought.

Truth is that Sourcy is nothing more than a rogue with delusions of relevance.
[/quote] Oh come on now. [b]This is Sparta[/b] we are talking about.

Edited by ditchboy00
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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' timestamp='1357042657' post='3070106']
Isn't this a bit like the old Grämlins system? With different rights for different members and such? I didn't see much critizism back then

I believe the issue might be that having a system like that implies that some Spartans are less terrible than others and we all know that that isn't true.

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[quote name='Lord Valleo' timestamp='1356982950' post='3069883']
Whatever policy(ies) the Spartan gov has is their business and others should stay out of it. Of course you are entitled to your opinions, but if Sparta wanted them they would have asked. If members don't like it, they can leave as everyone has a choice where to put their alliance allegiance.

Are you suggesting the notion of alliance sovereignty? What a queer idea.

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[quote name='bombuator' timestamp='1357025977' post='3070088']
And even though most of Government was on the list does it really matter how good our government is at nation building?
Thank you for admitting you were using the new system to build MOSTLY gov nations and FRIENDS of government. I saw the list, I know who's pals with who

you have NEVER in 1500 days in Sparta taken a job. Have fun on your way out, Government vs. Sourcy
that's not true

[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1357055035' post='3070136']
I like you Sourcy, you are going to pop my 1M casualty cherry, and for that I am thankful :D

Or I'll just not attack you back and let you get free tech :D

Edited by sourcy
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Actually, we were building those who needed it most. It was irrelevant if they were friends of ours or not. You're just whining because you had a decent tech ratio and weren't chosen to be in the testing of our new aid program. Get over it. Plenty weren't accepted, and even more didn't sign up. There were no shortage of sellers for anyone else. As usual, you threw a tantrum because you didn't get what you wanted.

That's nothing new, and most of the people in Sparta freely state this fact about you. Enjoy your attempted coup, you and all your followers will burn as it is all you deserve as Helots of Sparta.

p.s. The fact you used the most factually incorrect movie of all time to push your propaganda just makes me giggle. Thank you for that.

Edited by DeathAdder
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[quote name='DeathAdder' timestamp='1357066216' post='3070178']
Actually, we were building those who needed it most. It was irrelevant if they were friends of ours or not. You're just whining because you had a decent tech ratio and weren't chosen to be in the testing of our new aid program. Get over it. Plenty weren't accepted, and even more didn't sign up. There were no shortage of sellers for anyone else. As usual, you threw a tantrum because you didn't get what you wanted.

That's nothing new, and most of the people in Sparta freely state this fact about you. Enjoy your attempted coup, you and all your followers will burn as it is all you deserve as Helots of Sparta.

p.s. The fact you used the most factually incorrect movie of all time to push your propaganda just makes me giggle. Thank you for that.

Enjoy your nukes and turmoil. I am not going away. ZI, PZI, deleting wonders, I'll remain in a state of war with the fake sparta until I am in full control of the dominion of Sparta.

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[quote name='DeathAdder' timestamp='1357066709' post='3070183']
Yeah. Good luck with that. As I said, you're perma-banned from the Alliance, and anyone who could reinstate you from that ban, or give you total access to the Royal Dominion knows you're just throwing a tantrum.

hehehe... okay.... keep your perma bans in check.

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[quote name='DeathAdder' timestamp='1357067780' post='3070187']
A fail response from a boy with nothing left to try to trump me. Bye now. x3

It matters not, you guys are going to have a hard time trusting anyone over there at the old sparta, considering I have operatives working within it to relay information to myself. You think this is a joke, but, this coup attempt is real.

EDIT: forgot a "hehehehhehehe"

EDIT2: Just got another message from someone wanting to join the cause, asked them to pass along more screen shots as well ;)

Edited by sourcy
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