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Unknown Smurf

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1354494972' post='3059727']
I suspect that US was being trolled in that way you tell your annoying younger brother that you'll give him a WHOLE DOLLAR if he washes your car and cleans your room.
Ludicrous. Interfering with TPF tech dealing is a major long term goal of MK.

That said, I really have no clue on this.

Edited by flak attack
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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1354496467' post='3059739']

Ludicrous. Interfering with TPF tech dealing is a major long term goal of MK.

That said, I really have no clue on this.
Not that it does any good.

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1354491574' post='3059691']
Actually Os states [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114187&st=80"]here[/url] that the conversation likely did take place, despite not remembering the context in which it did and then spends the rest of the post explaining why the action would be redundant if it did occur.

Ardus' first reaction is that he can't "confirm or deny," that they took place [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114187&st=100#entry3059460"]here[/url], while like Os taking a good bulk of the rest of his post to demonstrate that he we would not have use of anything that would've come from the efforts implied to be directed to Smurf by his surrogates, which is debatable and I'm sure a good deal of people disagree with. To your point -- Ardus states that he can't find the logs but also indicates that he would have to go through multiple hard drives to find them -- which is not a discredit to the implication of Smurf.

I personally would tend to agree with Os and Ardus on the point that any effort Smurf could've provided would have been secondary to their efforts concentrated elsewhere. What I do disagree with is multiple individuals jumping up and down to attempt to discredit Smurf when it is pretty plain that the events as stated likely did occur, within a different context. The problem with flippantly claiming Smurf fabricated the logs despite the two other parties not flatly denying their existence with one party implicitly confirming they happened in some context is that it gives more credibility to Smurf despite the possibility there isn't any at all.
The logs may not be fake, but their context is. US implies he was the one who provided Hereno with the Legion screenshots. I can't speak to the truth of the rest of his claims, but that is 100% false. And this is coming from the person who [i]did [/i]give Hereno (and others) the screenshots.

Edit: And the misleading claim about supplying the Legion screenshots calls into question the rest of his claims.

Edit edit: I'll also take this opportunity to say I resolved my issues with Legion and regret what I did blah blah blah. They handled themselves with dignity and were fairly classy during negotiations. Especially during the VE/MK "intervention".

Edited by Varianz
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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1354494972' post='3059727']
I suspect that US was being trolled in that way you tell your annoying younger brother that you'll give him a WHOLE DOLLAR if he washes your car and cleans your room.

You and I agreeing is a rarity. And it feels odd. :D

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1354496546' post='3059740']
Not that it does any good.

You hush, I have found my jedi mind tricks on both you and Roadie to be 100% effective in interrupting tech flow to TPF. They are, in fact, so effective , that you do not even realize its happening, and you see increasing tech numbers when you look at the stats screen, when in fact, they are decreasing. Dont mess with a jedi!

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1354497775' post='3059747']

You hush, I have found my jedi mind tricks on both you and Roadie to be 100% effective in interrupting tech flow to TPF. They are, in fact, so effective , that you do not even realize its happening, and you see increasing tech numbers when you look at the stats screen, when in fact, they are decreasing. Dont mess with a jedi!
LOL. You hush Savior of the DH-NPO war.

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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1354502491' post='3059777']

Weren't you just threatening war with MK over this a few pages back?
Where? MK doesn't want war with us and neither do you. So scurry along.

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US is trying too hard to become the next [s]Len[/s][Osama bin Panther]. Next time you need cooperation with MK's leadership and real intel to make a global war a reality, not become a c***goblin.

Those logs contradict themselves 5 times over, not least among them are the fact that Varainz, Hereno, Ardus and Osravan all call bull-!@#$. Yes, lets send Smurf over to Legion to take screenshots to star a war with NSO, even though Smurf joined the day that Legion hit Tetris, even though MK had already offered NSO an MDP+ treaty. And worrying about NSO sellers to TPF is just plain comical.

Go home Smurf, and for the record, we await your exit from peace mode. Does the term Zeal come to mind? :D

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1354502762' post='3059779']
Where? MK doesn't want war with us and neither do you. So scurry along.

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"Imagine now. No fantastical numbers advantage is in your favor. What will happen when the Phoenix will fight against even odds? When a year goes by and yet our hunger consumes us in our bloodlust and nobody is coming to your aid? Nobody is coming. All the dongs in the world will only feed us. You trained us too well with your chains of injustice. The Phoenix as always has risen. Know fear."[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Edit: So this is comedy, rather than a threat? Sorry man, got a bit muddled.[/font][/color]

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1354503095' post='3059782']


[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"Imagine now. No fantastical numbers advantage is in your favor. What will happen when the Phoenix will fight against even odds? When a year goes by and yet our hunger consumes us in our bloodlust and nobody is coming to your aid? Nobody is coming. All the dongs in the world will only feed us. You trained us too well with your chains of injustice. The Phoenix as always has risen. Know fear."[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Edit: So this is comedy, rather than a threat? Sorry man, got a bit muddled.[/font][/color]

I distinctly rememebr saying that. Where does t say we plan on attacking anybody? Everyone knows you got a hard on for trying to crush us. Epic fail every time. Haha.

[quote name='hormones74' timestamp='1354503175' post='3059783']

Why would they fear TPF? Actually why would anyone?

Exactly. Now if your done boot licking perhaps a deep and interesting post will be coming forthwith? No? Awww darn.

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1354507941' post='3059823']
TPF's aggressive posturing in this thread is not only priceless, but it'll turn out to be quite funny too, when they decide to put their money where their mouths are and wind up getting their teeth smashed in. ;)

Your right Bob. You might join in on keeping tech away from poor old TPF? Your inane commentary means nothing. If anything TPF has always shown up for a fight and well out performed plenty. My mouth is as always waiting for you to smash my teeth in. Got Milk?

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1354505318' post='3059813']
I distinctly rememebr saying that. Where does t say we plan on attacking anybody? Everyone knows you got a hard on for trying to crush us. Epic fail every time. Haha.
I get it now, hard on, GOONS, dongs etc etc, good one man, very droll indeed

e: 'know fear', great punchline dude

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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You really should read.

[quote]Those logs contradict themselves 5 times over, not least among them are the fact that Varainz, Hereno, Ardus and Osravan all call bull-!@#$.[/quote]
A stretch.

[quote]Yes, lets send Smurf over to Legion to take screenshots[/quote]
I didn't take them, I was told that they were being passed to Varianz in order to lure out the legion.

[quote]to star a war with NSO, even though Smurf joined the day that Legion hit Tetris[/quote]
Already proved to be false. Applied 2 weeks before war was declared.

[quote], even though MK had already offered NSO an MDP+ treaty[/quote]
Ardus already mentioned in this thread he made a point of avoiding NSO when they kept asking for a direct MDP treaty so I imagine MK didn't offer NSO !@#$.

[quote]Go home Smurf, and for the record, we await your exit from peace mode. Does the term Zeal come to mind? :D
Heh, if you can get MKs word that they won't hit me until after I mop the floor with your terrible alliance, I'd love to war NSO.

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1354508735' post='3059832']
Your right Bob. You might join in on keeping tech away from poor old TPF? Your inane commentary means nothing. If anything TPF has always shown up for a fight and well out performed plenty. My mouth is as always waiting for you to smash my teeth in. Got Milk?

i have to agree with him there; the one time I fought TPF was back in noCB, and they weren't slouches. and they've showed up in every other war, even when they were vastly outnumbered. Though the prosy "The phoenix hungers" lines do confuse me; what do you hunger for? You're saying that you don't desire a fight with MK yet you're insinuating the exact opposite. so which is it?

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1354512516' post='3059858']
I didn't take them, I was told that they were being passed to Varianz in order to lure out the legion.

How would you even know screenshots were being taken in the first place?

[quote]Already proved to be false. Applied 2 weeks before war was declared.[/quote]
Your application took 2 weeks? For Legion? Yeah, I'm not going to take your word for that.

Ardus already mentioned in this thread he made a point of avoiding NSO when they kept asking for a direct MDP treaty so I imagine MK didn't offer NSO !@#$.

Ardus was never the one in favor of a treaty, leet was, and Ardus never hesitated to tell us that. MK only started avoiding us once war started.

[quote]Heh, if you can get MKs word that they won't hit me until after I mop the floor with your terrible alliance, I'd love to war NSO.

the real question is who in CN won't hit you.

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1354505318' post='3059813']

I distinctly rememebr saying that. Where does t say we plan on attacking anybody? Everyone knows you got a hard on for trying to crush us. Epic fail every time. Haha.

Exactly. Now if your done boot licking perhaps a deep and interesting post will be coming forthwith? No? Awww darn.
I'm not the licker, I'm the likee. Want to taste my leather?

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1354514100' post='3059874']
How would you even know screenshots were being taken in the first place?[/quote]
Well thats the point isn't it?

[quote]Your application took 2 weeks? For Legion? Yeah, I'm not going to take your word for that.[/quote]
I was accepted well before war started; screenshots earlier in thread.

[quote]Ardus was never the one in favor of a treaty, leet was, and Ardus never hesitated to tell us that. MK only started avoiding us once war started.[/quote]

That treaty was never going to happen. You are delusional if you think otherwise. Maybe it was promised so that you would commit to defending Tetris? Maybe not. Believe what you wish.

[quote]the real question is who in CN won't hit you.
Heh, great dodge. If you want to be GOD to my vlad, please do arrange so. Otherwise continue digging a hole.

Edited by Unknown Smurf
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