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Announcement From The International

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[quote name='Lanore' timestamp='1345115347' post='3022397']
Sad to see this happen INT-RnR.

Sad indeed, I heard your alliance made all the possible to prevent their relationship to not fall apart, but sometimes the fate is unstoppable . :(

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[quote name='dvdcchn' timestamp='1345098458' post='3022365']
Expected, well surprised it was INT who cancelled. Best of luck to both parties, no doubt this will not be the last time you two meet ;)

damn ninjas :)

Well, I would lie if I said I wasn't sad that the last LEO tie was gone. But it was clear enough from the start of last war this treaty was dead anyway, just a matter of seeing who would pull the trigger first.

So goodbye, aufwiedersehen and doei.

Edited by EgoFreaky
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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1345088290' post='3022331']
You know us, always following the advice of the peanut gallery.[/quote]

This would explain some of the umm...breath taking decision making skills you've shown in the past. <_<

RnR you're better off. Good luck.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1345122867' post='3022410']
This would explain some of the umm...breath taking decision making skills you've shown in the past. <_<

Perhaps you're right. Think you could give us some pointers? We could really use the advice of an award winning problem solver.

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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1345125409' post='3022419']
Perhaps you're right. Think you could give us some pointers? We could really use the advice of an award winning problem solver.

That honor was given to me by people who had the common sense to follow common sense advice. You can't afford my fees.

I will however say this...you're the friend that shouts words of encouragement to a drunken buddy who is about to take on a bigger, stronger man in a fight at the bar, then when your friend is getting his ass handed to him, walks off to order another beer, smirking and joking with others about the fight.

Don't think that people have forgotten what you did. They may not tell how they feel about you to your face, but don't be shocked if some day in that not too distance future you're set up for a fall.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1345130442' post='3022429']
Don't think that people have forgotten what you did.

What we didn't do was lead the majority our friends and allies into a foolish beat down for no reason. Most people actually understand that, but you've proven time and time again to be... not like most people, so I guess it's not a shock seeing you here, still angry that you and yours didn't get its way.

[quote]but don't be shocked if some day in that not too distance future you're set up for a fall.[/quote]

I'll be waiting with bells on.

Edited by Ayatollah Bromeini
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[quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1345131568' post='3022432']
What we didn't do was lead the majority our friends and allies into a foolish beat down for no reason.[/quote]

Ahh yes, the classic excuse. Which calls to question your judgment, because you maintained a problematic treaty that had the potential to get you and a lot of other people rolled. On the other hand, if you kept the treaty merely to keep up the appearance of a unified Communist front, that would have made more sense, but then it also brings up the question of what other treaties you are maintaining for appearance sake. When I said congratulations to RnR, I meant it.

[quote]Most people actually understand that, but you've proven time and time again to be... not like most people, so I guess it's not a shock seeing you here, still angry that you and yours didn't get its way.[/quote]

A variation on the "he's crazy/stupid/probably both" insult so popular on your side of the fence. At least you are predictable.

[quote]I'll be waiting with bells on.[/quote]

No you won't, should Anarchy Inc. engage in a hostile takeover, you'll be calling in every favor anyone ever did for you since you landed on Planet Bob...and you should. Mark your time.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1345135425' post='3022447']
Ahh yes, the classic excuse. Which calls to question your judgment, because you maintained a problematic treaty that had the potential to get you and a lot of other people rolled. On the other hand, if you kept the treaty merely to keep up the appearance of a unified Communist front, that would have made more sense, but then it also brings up the question of what other treaties you are maintaining for appearance sake. When I said congratulations to RnR, I meant it.[/quote]

The treaty wasn't problematic, just the situation. Paint it however you'd like, but looking at the track record of your old alliance, claiming that had the shoe been on your foot anything would have went differently is quite amusing.

[quote]A variation on the "he's crazy/stupid/probably both" insult so popular on your side of the fence. At least you are predictable.

And it seems to be especially popular in regards to you specifically. Hmm... coincidence? Probably. :rolleyes:

[quote]No you won't, should Anarchy Inc. engage in a hostile takeover, you'll be calling in every favor anyone ever did for you since you landed on Planet Bob...and you should. Mark your time.

Heh. In case you haven't noticed, your alliance and mine seem to get along pretty well. I don't think Anarchy Inc. as a whole and INT have anything against each other, as we've always maintained quite a friendly relationship with BAPS and Oly. So have fun being a vocal minority among your own ranks, that does ever so much seem to be your forte.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1345135425' post='3022447']
No you won't, should Anarchy Inc. engage in a hostile takeover, you'll be calling in every favor anyone ever did for you since you landed on Planet Bob...and you should. Mark your time.

You've been merged for, what, about three weeks now, and already you're making these ~really subtle~ threats that are in reality somewhat off base with the reality for everyone else? Sure did go to your head quickly.

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[quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1345137921' post='3022458']
You've been merged for, what, about three weeks now, and already you're making these ~really subtle~ threats that are in reality somewhat off base with the reality for everyone else? Sure did go to your head quickly.
you mean the alliance your friends in MK were discussing rolling and acknowledged was potentially a major threat on their forums weeks before AI was announced? We'll see if Leet delivers in the next few weeks I suppose. The only positive I see from this is perhaps CnG is actually going to look out for the bloc and not continue to go to bat for DH wars, or at least some in your bloc have figured that out. (I just realized this next war may end up with a Coward's Coalition a la Karma, it would certainly be amusing to watch history repeat itself.)

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[quote name='Gingervites' timestamp='1345141648' post='3022464']
Disappointing to see this treaty cancelled but understandable considering the position you were put in Int. Good luck to both parties in the future.

Curious statement..

Please elaborate, what situation was Int put in?
- We offered to help out if they decided to help LSF.
- We didn't complain about their allies hitting us.
- We didn't complain about them hitting our allies.
- We didn't request their help, we did however state we understood they wouldn't be able to back us up this war (Even though technically we were at war before any other Int ally (apart from LSF of course).

Don't get me wrong, it's not about the cancellation, for me this was inevitable the moment Trotsky tried to manipulate us clumsily into making a decision we had made anyway... But I am curious about what position Int was supposedly put in.

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This is all Trotsky's fault. Last night I went to go criticize him for being a dirty, smelly communist, and caught him out at the lake drowning puppies by the dozen. I'm pretty sure he was also smoking methpcpheroinaids cigarettes as well. You know, that new drug that's getting all the kids at the orphanage hooked. Roll INT.

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