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Pacifica's 401k Becomes Fully Vested

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1343015456' post='3013443']
Bud, you've always had the weakness of pride, and that pride is allowing you to rationalize the decisions your alliance has made. Your post here is a perfect example by way of the wrong headed arguments you make to justify your past.[/quote]

Bud was probably Val's best Vice Regent who worked his ass off for a couple of years to take Valhalla out of the Karma mess and move us forward. Never once has his pride come in the way of making decisions that Val needed to be done to move forward in one direction.

[quote]Who were the allies you had on the other side? Now list the allies that were on MCXA's side.[/quote]

It doesn't matter. We weren't going to enter that mess and you knew that when you went in. To get rolled and then whine we left you out cold is stupid. That was our direction and we made it clear to every ally including DT/NoR/Olympus/SNAFU/ML and anyone else who got into that war. Further it was a conscious decision by most of DR ( at that point I believe BAPS/IRON/TORN/Val) sat out while ML activated their treaty with TPF and not the DR treaty. They knew where DR as a whole stood and respected it. Interesting fact though, after that war none of our allies were whining at our lack of support apart from MCXA :v:

[quote]As was explained to me you guys were upset that NPO treatied an ally of yours, and did not come talk to you. In other words your issues with NPO were a bruised and petty ego.[/quote]

I do believe we sat out that war because of Polar and not Pacifica. Pretty sure that was our reason and it wasn't because of Pacifica :v: ( I've stated Polaris always though if you have logs to show any gov member saying otherwise feel free to inbox it to me :v: )

[quote]MCXA never received any aid.[/quote]

Did you send us a list? I'm pretty certain we aid dropped a few allies afterwards including BTA and paid of some of DT's reps I think.

[quote]Valhalla seamed to be the only alliance that has ever looked at a non-chaining clause and decided it would be its first inclination to use it to avoid war, and coincidentally you found this new attitude towards your non chaining clauses in a war you would have likely lost.[/quote]

Its hilarious that you think Valhalla was scared of losing. We weren't. We did fight Bi-Polar and Karma and the former really cemented our direction for the next war. We weren't going to fight on the same side of Polaris ever again and we followed that. That was our choice as an alliance and we followed it through.

[quote]I don't buy it, I don't think this is about someone laying groundwork, or slates becoming clean. I think it is because now you stand to gain from a new relationship with NPO while in the past you had a new attitude that allowed you to save your alliance damage and leave out "friends" out in the field to burn.[/quote]

Actually sometime last year NPO got us on their boards and we did sort out of most of our issues including having their former Emperor apologizing to us for the incidents of Karma and we decided to put that behind and work on a NPO relationship. That mess was cleaned up on Val's side. Val had no problem with NPO and when we merged with Oly/BAPS/BTA and the NPO review came up for discussion ( I wouldn't be privvy to all the tri discussions over this ) but I'm pretty sure the treaty was discussed as any other treaty is currently being discussed at the Gov level :v:

[quote]You might want to think of things as a dichotomy between the past and future, but the past is what we look to learn, and see the actions that define the people around us. Instead of seeing things as the past or as progress I choose to see things as virtuous, honorable, or lacking thereof. I'm not questioning Valhalla's honor, I'm denying its existence. I don't think you suddenly had a change of heart about Pacifica, I think two years ago you found a way to weasel yourself out of a war, and this treaty just revealed what had happened in the past.[/quote]

Valhalla has more honour than you folks, thats for sure and Valhalla sure as hell doesn't need your approval on whether that honour exists or not.

Also this treaty was discussed between Ai and NPO and Valhalla's opinions had 0 influence because she doesn't exist anymore ;)

Edited by Sir Keshav IV
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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1343055854' post='3013643']
Wait, how did NPO get their strings back? Who gave them permission to have lapdogs..

Oh dear. Civil war is coming.

The Geppetto Wars.

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[quote name='Nobody Expects' timestamp='1343046981' post='3013611']
BAPS in over 5 years of existence never ever held a treaty with NPO, what is this criteria you use for your sweeping and ill-informed generalisations?
Implying that indirect servitude due to your Stockholm Syndrome isn't a form of servitude.

[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1343047206' post='3013613']
That says a lot about you, but nothing about the situation at hand.
Actually it says a lot about you guys!

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1343062733' post='3013669']
Actually it says a lot about you guys!
Yes it says: "NPO is willing to approach this world with a level head and work with trustworthy people."

The alliances making up Anarchy Inc all had great rulers. Olympus in particular has also been there for the NPO. BAPS and Val, while not formal treaties were able to treat NPO of today as a new face and be willing to communicate honestly, the same cant be said for a lot of alliances out there. The NPO would have been a fool to let a great relationship with all these people go away.

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1343040816' post='3013559']

Never mind! I found something even more delusional,[b] implying that members don't carry baggage with them to new alliances[/b]!

The above is what your leader has been trying to spout ever since GOONS 'reformed', you finally admitting he is lying and the GOONS of now is just like the GOONS of old? :rolleyes:

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1343077742' post='3013768']
The above is what your leader has been trying to spout ever since GOONS 'reformed', you finally admitting he is lying and the GOONS of now is just like the GOONS of old? :rolleyes:
Bit hard to be like the GOONS of old with a completely different set of policies, procedures, treaty partners, and less than 3% of a common membership. :rolleyes:

It's an accusation that has always rang false, never more so than in this late age.

Congrats on your treaty, I do hope you won't be abusing NPO's trust with the lack of a non-chaining exemption and all.

Edited by Sardonic
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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1343077742' post='3013768']
The above is what your leader has been trying to spout ever since GOONS 'reformed', you finally admitting he is lying and the GOONS of now is just like the GOONS of old? :rolleyes:
Haha what

Are you serious? Like Sard said, very few of us were in the new GOONS, for various reasons. The thing we have in common is our recruiting pool, if you would call it that. It's not like we merged the predecessor straight into us.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1343078826' post='3013775']
Late stage? Are you guys going away or something?
3 years is a long tie for people to be balancing "you're just like old GOONS!" and "you guys are impostors!"

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1343078749' post='3013773']
Haha what

Are you serious? Like Sard said, very few of us were in the new GOONS, for various reasons. The thing we have in common is our recruiting pool, if you would call it that. It's not like we merged the predecessor straight into us.
Just earlier you made a comment on Alterego being delusional for supposedly thinking if an alliance has former members of another alliance they don't have all the baggage of the old alliance, so its funny to see you now arguing GOONS shouldn't have the baggage of GOONS despite taking the acronym and having a lot of former members of the other "GOONS". Hypocrite much.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1343080646' post='3013810']
Just earlier you made a comment on Alterego being delusional for supposedly thinking if an alliance has former members of another alliance they don't have all the baggage of the old alliance, so its funny to see you now arguing GOONS shouldn't have the baggage of GOONS despite taking the acronym and having a lot of former members of the other "GOONS". Hypocrite much.
NPO and NpO are the same alliance, aren't they?

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1343080964' post='3013815']
Because their acronym is the same just like GOONS and GOONS are the same. :lol1:
It would take a very fresh face to be unable to comprehend the difference between either set of alliances.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1343080964' post='3013815']
Because their acronym is the same just like GOONS and GOONS are the same. :lol1:

Let it be noted Methrages 6,000'th post was made in this thread ^_^

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1343078749' post='3013773']
Haha what

Are you serious? Like Sard said, very few of us were in the new GOONS, for various reasons. The thing we have in common is our recruiting pool, if you would call it that. It's not like we merged the predecessor straight into us.

I agree, the old GOONs could build an alliance. Today's GOONs is a joke of an alliance made up of usless nations good for nothing but selling tech to MK. There is no way both alliances are connected.

If you walk down the road you see many dog turds littering the footpath. They all look similar, have the same colour, are called turds and all come from a dogs arse but they are different. I'm in no way saying you are turds Im just trying to find a fitting analogy.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1343084112' post='3013842']
If you walk down the road you see many dog turds littering the footpath.
And you, Alterego, are one of them. I feel bad for AI having you in its ranks.

Grats again on the treaty.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1343084112' post='3013842']
I agree, the old GOONs could build an alliance. Today's GOONs is a joke of an alliance made up of usless nations good for nothing but selling tech to MK. There is no way both alliances are connected. [/quote]
Oh man that's a good one! We sell tech to Umbrella okay

[quote]If you walk down the road you see many dog turds littering the footpath.
Like the logic Alterego uses.

[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1343084306' post='3013848']
SA is SA is SA
I don't see much difference and I was here before the original GOON rush
Because every SA member is the exact same. Sure.

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