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Clarification of Umbrella Policy

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1341246962' post='3001818']
If that was my intention and I wanted to see my plan succeed then I wouldn't be trying to do it on the OWF would I? It's actually a lot simpler than whatever hair-brained scheme you think I've concocted; I just don't like the cut of your jib.

Hiding your upper tier from people in your own coalition is not "pre-emptive strategy" or whatever other flowery wording you want to give it, it's called being really paranoid.

We still have other allies on other fronts and in the off chance they find themselves in need, it may be nice to have some upper tier nations available (ie not otherwise engaged)

Nothing more to it than that.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1341246858' post='3001817']
You talk like if Umbrella cared about their allies who are in the losing side.

And if you prefer to close your eyes to the big picture it's your choice and I can just pity you, as someone once said "The worst blind is the one who doesn't want to see."
I'm not "closing my eyes" to the big picture. I realize it that in the end, our actions support MK's actions. But at the same time, you are ignoring the little pieces that form the big picture. I don't think Umbrella immediately appreciates VE being pummeled, whatever you may say about them.

[quote]If that was my intention and I wanted to see my plan succeed then I wouldn't be trying to do it on the OWF would I? It's actually a lot simpler than whatever hair-brained scheme you think I've concocted; I just don't like the cut of your jib.

Hiding your upper tier from people in your own coalition is not "pre-emptive strategy" or whatever other flowery wording you want to give it, it's called being really paranoid. [/quote]
The same "paranoia" argument can be made about pre-emptive attacks. You're being "paranoid" because you think the enemy is going to get the jump on you before you can get them first. It's a pointless argument that you're bringing up, and in the end, the only thing you are doing is spinning something that is intrinsically ambiguous.

And the reason I brought up your "half-brained scheme" is because you seem to twist every one of our words to being something anti-our-allies, as if you know anything about the relationship between our allies. This isn't the first time you've done this in this war.

[quote]You sew a pretty dress. Seeds? you sow those.

Also, there was a lot of when we heard about the bank nations. Olympus will be pulling the ol' puppet strings and making this better soon. [/quote]
Heh, you got me. :P

Edited by Jrenster
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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1341250845' post='3001841']
how dare they intend to defend their allies, what monsters... what [i]fiends[/i].

I wasn't being sarcastic, that is actually what I thought. I gave Jrenster such a hard time over his claim that TPF were hiding from us because it just seemed so absurd that they'd do that.

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1341251119' post='3001844']
I wasn't being sarcastic, that is actually what I thought. I gave Jrenster such a hard time over his claim that TPF were hiding from us because it just seemed so absurd that they'd do that.
We can definitely agree it's absurd, I sincerely doubt they would give a $%&@ who is on the the side of the battlefield, they're going to fight.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1341246858' post='3001817']
You talk like if Umbrella cared about their allies who are in the losing side.

And if you prefer to close your eyes to the big picture it's your choice and I can just pity you, as someone once said "The worst blind is the one who doesn't want to see."
This is just one example that shows you don't know what you are talking about, throwing around wild theories like its going out of style.

It is true that there is none so blind as those who refuse to see, but there is also a saying "beware the shadow you chase is not the one you cast". You are chasing shadows here.

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[quote name='Enamel32' timestamp='1341257796' post='3001885']
It's unfortunate Umbrella didn't have this policy in the last war.
Yes they did. While I might disagree with their decision not to enter on VE's behalf (and, let's face it, I'm more than a little biased on the subject) it's certainly no different than how they've acted previously, nor, to be honest, is that different from how most alliances act in a coalition war. As a Spartan, I'm sure you can understand the necessity of picking some allies over others in a large-scale war.

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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1341258692' post='3001900']
Yes they did. While I might disagree with their decision not to enter on VE's behalf (and, let's face it, I'm more than a little biased on the subject) it's certainly no different than how they've acted previously, nor, to be honest, is that different from how most alliances act in a coalition war. As a Spartan, I'm sure you can understand the necessity of picking some allies over others in a large-scale war.
This declaration reads to me as unequivocal declaration of war on anyone that attacks your allies.

[quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1340601581' post='2995453']
Any declaration of war on any of our allies and/or by any nation sizeable enough to be attractive can and probably will be met by our full dedication.
I guess it does say "can", but then why post an announcement..

Edited by Enamel32
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I read the OP as "we reserve the right to mulch the top tier of anyone who enters on MK or ODN, and we don't have to post a !@#$@#$ declaration of war each time we do it". (MK and ODN, I believe, being their allies who were in combat at the time.) Seemed like more of a streamlining announcement than anything else.

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[quote name='Max Power' timestamp='1341260491' post='3001917']
I read the OP as "we reserve the right to mulch the top tier of anyone who enters on MK or ODN, and we don't have to post a !@#$@#$ declaration of war each time we do it". (MK and ODN, I believe, being their allies who were in combat at the time.) Seemed like more of a streamlining announcement than anything else.
Or most of Umbrella is bored because they grew out of range and want a piece of this war before peace is achieved.

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[quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1341181954' post='3001378']
If you think Umbrella or even all of Doomhouse combined could take on NPO-sphere I'd say your highly delusional. Yes they did it in the PB-NpO war (EVERYTHING. MUST. DIE.) but that was only able to be acheived by keeping SF and XX alliances on side. Those bridges have now been burnt repeatedly and DH has run out of "Nominal" plan B FA-Clusters to swing in to overpower NPO even if they desperetly needed to. This is also the reason why DH was so keen to create a diversion war away from LSF. They know they are on the edge and can not afford to fight anyone outside of previous recent enemy lists otherwise they wont have the numbers to win.

Simply fact is right now DH needs NPO-sphere more then NPO-sphere needs them. And it's in that line that I think we've witnessed something small change in this place. It's probably not so evident now but it's there. In time you will see the theory tested, may take 6 months to a year but I think the changing of the guard is already in motion.
You're cute. MK, TOP or NG could go toe to toe with the entire upper tier of XX/SF alone. The idea that they could take out Umb is laughable.

Edited by flak attack
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Too bad that doesn't work here. Is a good emote.

Anyway this just goes to show you how you can't !@#$%foot around a coalition. If you get into a war, expect to get smashed. If NPO wants to say something they know where to find us.

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1341594773' post='3004855']
Too bad that doesn't work here. Is a good emote.

Anyway this just goes to show you how you can't !@#$%foot around a coalition. If you get into a war, expect to get smashed. If NPO wants to say something they know where to find us.

Whats the problem here and what did I miss?

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Nevermind I saw it.

Listen if you want to get !@#$%* and taunt things can spiral nice and quickly. I realize its fun having the big NS to swing around and say look at me, but really there is no need to push a situation. I don't like taunts and I don't like threats and unlike you I am not just a member. So I am not going to take your words as anything other than frustration because your ally is getting hit and you are on two sides. Beyond that, you should talk to Domisi and not show your ass here.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1341595933' post='3004875']
Nevermind I saw it.

Listen if you want to get !@#$%* and taunt things can spiral nice and quickly. I realize its fun having the big NS to swing around and say look at me, but really there is no need to push a situation. I don't like taunts and I don't like threats and unlike you I am not just a member. So I am not going to take your words as anything other than frustration because your ally is getting hit and you are on two sides. Beyond that, you should talk to Domisi and not show your ass here.

Taunt successful, holding aggro for another five seconds.

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[quote name='Tick1' timestamp='1341598159' post='3004903']
Taunt successful, holding aggro for another five seconds.
Brehon, these are the sort of people you are defending.

Edited by Ogaden
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