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3 strikes, and you're out

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1340251147' post='2991188']
You know the NPO cannot support you on one side and TLR/GATO/NG on the other. This is why I asked you to stay out. I understand your want, but this is the wrong move. We, NPO, put out our statement. This would allow our allies to stay on a side, even if it meant staying out.

Simply put, as you already know, I am disappointed. Not because you are doing what you want, but because you are falling into a death trap that could be avoided. Directly you have caused us to have two M levels in the same conflict.[/quote]

How the mighty has fallen, Brehon since taking control you have aggressively pursued in allying yourself to MK's power base and that above statement implies your allies who stood by you through thick and thin should abandon/ignore their allies to follow your new CnG "buddies" and become MK meat-shields/tools of war.

Get off your hands and knees and stop kissing the boots of those that don't care one iota about you. You have sold your moral integrity for the illusion of safeness at the cost of becoming a satellite follower alliance. You're a disgrace to any past Pacifican.

Edit: It also wouldn't surprise me that NATO is next on the chopping block, for cancelling on.

Edited by the rebel
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[quote name='muwen1234' timestamp='1340264508' post='2991637']
$%&@ you.

Apparently the default government for MK nations is Anarchy.

I don't always post on the OWF.

But when I do, it's to concede to my enemies' wit and strength.

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[quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1340294004' post='2991868']
I don't always post on the OWF.

But when I do, it's to concede to my enemies' wit and strength.

when herding cats down the road, one slips into the gutter ever now and then

I'll be clarifying NATO posting etiquette to my fellow natoan very soon ;)

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[quote name='muwen1234' timestamp='1340264508' post='2991637']
$%&@ you.

Apparently the default government for MK nations is Anarchy.

Only of the nuclear variety. Gotta give our citizens what they demand.

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[quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1340294004' post='2991868']
I don't always post on the OWF.

But when I do, it's to concede to my enemies' wit and strength.

I don't usually give a :thumbsup: to MK, but MK posters are rarely this witty.

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Never change, HoT55. Allow me to correct you.
[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1340253367' post='2991334']
1) Your alliance acts essentially as a giant bully in the world,
Not particularly. They are aggressive in pursuing those they dislike, but they are never unfair about it.
2) They curbstomp the same parties every 6 years simply because they can,
This wouldn't be a good point even if it was true, who knows if the world will even last another 6 years? The war on NPO was for a variety of reasons and not "simply because they could". In fact, everything MK does is for a reason, agree with it or not.
3) They have no respect for the rights of other players,
Oh I'd [b]love[/b] to see you defend this one. What rights are we talking about here? Who guarantees that anyone should have rights at all?
4) There was no CB this war (at least, there was only a very thin one that MK openly acknowledges was a joke),
CBs have been dead for a long time now.
5) The CB-less Doomhouse-NPO war spearheaded by MK,
Actually it was spearheaded by Roquentin, MK was kind of just along for the ride.
6) General oppression and mayhem, like the extortion of NSO for I forget how much, because some guy in a trade circle deleted or something dumb,
You're calling some token reps from a NSO member for doing economic damage to 'MK general oppression and mayhem'? That's pretty weak evidence. Yes they pushed the boundaries, but they were never in the wrong.
7) Other extortion practices, typically at the end of BS wars,
Wars such as ____? The last non-token reps I remember them receiving were from TOP. In recent years I've not seen 'other extortion practices' at all from them, just getting what they deserve.
8) Ghosting other alliances, including alliances within their sphere of power, without permission, to achieve... Well, to achieve nothing really, it was just to be a dick, and otherwise not having respect for the boundaries of [i]anyone[/i]
They freely admitted that it was a mistake.
9) The "bio-dad" incident, where Hoo and Kait, two well known alliance leaders, also married IRL, were literally run out of the game via endless OOC and IRL harassment, threats, and the like - all while [i]their daughter was missing and they were scared for her life[/i] - to which Archon turned a blind eye to, until legal threats were leveled, at which point his response was to delete the incriminating evidence and do nothing else. More information on this event is available [[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=655&showentry=3458"]Here[/url]], and I highly recommend it because this is one of the more important reasons,
10)The bros 'hacking' incident. Bros runs a hosting service, which a number of alliances used, and bros then probed those alliance databases for intel. MK did nothing to rectify the situation, another case of "we can do whatever the hell we want because we own the world."
OOC: MK was morally in the right in that situation. We probably ought not to be talking about that though so I'll leave it at that.

OOC: No action was required on MK's part to rectify the situation, if people didn't like being on bros' hosting, they can move their forums to other servers.
There is a multitude of other things that I am forgetting, including MK's general hostile and abusive attitude towards... Well, just about everything. The list could go on for miles if I really had time to do research, this is just stuff off the top of my head.
You have a lot of nitpicks and negative reactions to aggressive policies of theirs, but I see no evidence of MK acting like a bully or being anywhere near the morally defunct power you think they are. They are nowhere near the pre-karma NPO which you would so love to paint them as. They are aggressive, but never dishonest unduly. I, for one, stand with them.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1340295774' post='2991892']
OOC: MK was morally in the right in that situation. We probably ought not to be talking about that though so I'll leave it at that.
Are you !@#$@#$ kidding me?

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1340295774' post='2991892']

Actually it was spearheaded by Roquentin, MK was kind of just along for the ride.

Um, considering there was a significant desire to attack NPO for the lulz(or the SirPaul thing, which Archon entertained as a viable idea contrary to Ardus' assertion) before I came up with the actual implementation for a war, "along for the ride" is kind of a joke. That basically just means MK gov wasn't particularly active during that time, but "along for the ride" is a huge stretch.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1340296620' post='2991906']
Um, considering there was a significant desire to attack NPO for the lulz(or the SirPaul thing, which Archon entertained as a viable idea contrary to Ardus' assertion) before I came up with the actual implementation for a war, "along for the ride" is kind of a joke. That basically just means MK gov wasn't particularly active during that time, but "along for the ride" is a huge stretch.
Meh, they had the desire but you did most of the planning/execution, not MK, which is what HoT55 is trying to say. There's no real denying that. Moreover, it's not like they were the only ones who wanted to roll NPO at the time.

The SirPaul thing was never put forward as a serious suggestion, to my knowledge.

Edited by Sardonic
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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1340254523' post='2991405']
Alright, fine.

Any of MKs "CB-Less" wars simply pale in comparison to the move NPO (an alliance that you fervently supported) and friends pulled on GPA. At least they had a real political goal behind their movements, rather than simple bloodlust. So forgive me if I don't find your tears very convincing.

Also, (and we threaten to go into dangerous territory here) the Kait/Hoo situation was under no circumstances what you presented it to be. It was nowhere near as nefarious In nature or execution. I'd reccomend you read a little more into the situation and talk to the actually involved parties before using that spiel for political gain. Not to mention that you are just as disgusting to use OOC events in order to chastise an alliance as the people you are so critical towards.

Hmmmm, the people outraged that you sold out your ex-friends to gain political favor with the power structure at the time are equally as bad as those who used a terrible OOC situation as a reason to attack those they didn't like. Sounds like sound logic to me.

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[quote name='Mr Vicarious' timestamp='1340297311' post='2991912']
Hmmmm, the people outraged that you sold out your ex-friends to gain political favor with the power structure at the time are equally as bad as those who used a terrible OOC situation as a reason to attack those they didn't like. Sounds like sound logic to me.
If you criticise a murderer for killing people, it makes you a murderer, too!

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1340295774' post='2991892']
OOC: MK was morally in the right in that situation. We probably ought not to be talking about that though so I'll leave it at that.

OOC: No action was required on MK's part to rectify the situation, if people didn't like being on bros' hosting, they can move their forums to other servers.
Yeah... no.

Edited by James Dahl
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[quote name='Mr Vicarious' timestamp='1340298124' post='2991920']
Ah, the old "he who smelt it, dealt it" rule of ethical reasoning.

Get a room you two, it's getting too steamy in here.

Edited by tamerlane
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[quote name='Ravnica' timestamp='1340261926' post='2991619']
Could you please step off the soap box then? Thank you. You said you have forum access, you can discuss your grievances with the Kingdom.
How 'bout no. My soap box is my home. It's where I belong.

[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1340290681' post='2991828']
your theme is a tv show for small children. perspective
And yet I'm the mature one in this exchange.

makes u think

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