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[quote name='JT Jag' timestamp='1329282807' post='2920908']
I actually know the answer to this, and I know how they did it too. But there's no point in telling you. The point is that bros isn't the admin at CNTel and you are completely on the wrong track here.
No one has to be the admin of CNtel to control it. Any moderator(s) can control CNtel because the admin hasn't been there in months.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329283180' post='2920912']
Yes, instead of changing things, let us preserve the status quo. Thanks, DK!
You're calling people out for things that you did yourself. When and if things change, you won't be involved except as a shared recipient of the punishment.

Edit: really leaving now.

Edited by Duncan King
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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1329283521' post='2920914']
You're calling people out for things that you did yourself. When and if things change, you won't be involved except as a shared recipient of the punishment.

Why do people keep saying this? I said I accept my fate if that's the case. I've offered my head to the parties I actually wronged. Saying it for the millioneth time just makes you look dumb. I'm willing to go down with MK if that's what it takes.

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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1329283521' post='2920914']
You're calling people out for things that you did yourself. When and if things change, you won't be involved except as a shared recipient of the punishment.

Edit: really leaving now.
This is a pretty dumb cow position to take, DK, and I think you know it. The idea that a person can't ever move beyond one frame of their existence and into another is silly, otherwise I'd be talking about what a tool of the machine you are-were. Even the extrapolation that Roquentin as a DH leader using intel provided to him by bros is the same as bros stealing the information is just goofy. Right up there with "NPO did worse."

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1329283785' post='2920917']
This is a pretty dumb cow position to take, DK, and I think you know it. The idea that a person can't ever move beyond one frame of their existence and into another is silly, otherwise I'd be talking about what a tool of the machine you are-were. Even the extrapolation that Roquentin as a DH leader using intel provided to him by bros is the same as bros stealing the information is just goofy. Right up there with "NPO did worse."

While I haven't necessarily embraced anything Schatty over the years, he's right. You just don't join an AA and forget the rest of your existance.
Unless you're Bob Janova.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1329283785' post='2920917']
This is a pretty dumb cow position to take, DK, and I think you know it. The idea that a person can't ever move beyond one frame of their existence and into another is silly, otherwise I'd be talking about what a tool of the machine you are-were. Even the extrapolation that Roquentin as a DH leader using intel provided to him by bros is the same as bros stealing the information is just goofy. Right up there with "NPO did worse."

Read my earlier post in this topic, a few pages back. Roquentin conveniently ignored it.

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You've also admitted total complicity in their acts while sounding like something between a street preacher and a raving loon. You'll excuse me if I don't think people are lining up in the streets to rally behind you.

EDITED TO ADD: Just so we're clear, it's some pretty heinous stuff that Roq's brought to light, and people are more than right to be questioning MK over it. But it's silly to go "Hey, here's what ME and them did that was awful, and now I'm totally different and you should all line up behind me to roll them."

Edited by trimm
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[quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1329277665' post='2920856']
MK wants us dead? No kidding. Imagine that. We never guessed. We're well aware of the situation, and we have been for quite some time.

I wouldn't say we as a whole want you dead. Yes, some members do, as individuals (Seerow comes to mind here), but MK as a whole doesn't dislike you enough to want you dead. If you got squished, few would care, but it's far from being something we actively want to do.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329267322' post='2920702']
D34th raises a good point. TOP is sticking by MK for no apparent reason. Their transgressions are known. I just can't understand it. MK even tried to paint me as some anti-TOP crusader to them and they're brushing it off. The libel never ends.
Not sure if you've noticed but PF is our #1 priority. The bloc votes on what to do and we're just 1 vote out of 4.

Edited by Feanor Noldorin
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[quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1329277665' post='2920856']
MK wants us dead? No kidding. Imagine that. We never guessed. We're well aware of the situation, and we have been for quite some time. Know who we hate? SPARTA. (there are others, but SPARTA still holds a special place in many of our hearts, sorry, Tyga)

Hmm, you could have let me down gently rather than in public like this. I'm so embarrassed...

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329283586' post='2920915']
Why do people keep saying this? I said I accept my fate if that's the case. I've offered my head to the parties I actually wronged. Saying it for the millioneth time just makes you look dumb. I'm willing to go down with MK if that's what it takes.

Most people don't read before posting. They jump in with comments that have been posted a number of times before as though they are making some sort of groundbreaking assessment. Either that or it is easier to say what they have said compared to actually thinking about the greater topic at hand. Laziness, I guess.

Edited by Tygaland
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[quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1329279290' post='2920869']
I'm inclined to believe you are mis-remembering that war. I know I declared on you at least once. So that discredits your "only one counter" assertion. And having a easier time getting into peace mode, yet only getting there twice in four months doesn't exactly make sense.

I have no memory of fighting you at all, but if you say you did I believe you. If that's the case, you, a GOON that I can't remember but he went on to form an offshoot rogue alliance I believe, and Drai were my counters for 3 months of war. Serious question...did you actually fight or did you turtle? I honestly don't remember. Most of the MK I fought just sat there doing nothing.

And what I mean by having an easy time getting to PM is I was never staggered at all after the first round. It wasn't even attempted and it was to the point where I was actually filling staggers on MK nations to keep them from hitting PM.

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lol Derwood comes in with a ballcup. I don't think you realize the !@#$ you've landed in.

MK takes advantage of OOC situations they know about to make a post-facto enemy and everyone conveniently ignores it.

How's this for malice, Azaghul?

Edited by Roquentin
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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1329288394' post='2920958']
Since this is a free-for-all thread, Krack, we're still waiting on more information about TOP spying on the SuperFriends because none of us have any idea what you were talking about.

I've already issued a double dog dare. Not really sure what else we can do.

Edited by Feanor Noldorin
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1329283785' post='2920917']
This is a pretty dumb cow position to take, DK, and I think you know it. The idea that a person can't ever move beyond one frame of their existence and into another is silly, otherwise I'd be talking about what a tool of the machine you are-were. Even the extrapolation that Roquentin as a DH leader using intel provided to him by bros is the same as bros stealing the information is just goofy. Right up there with "NPO did worse."
Since when did "stealing information" become something you were against? You basically built a career out of rewarding and using stolen information (with characters like Francesca who you constantly lauded).

I thought the stigma around spying ended in 2009. This topic is so incredibly rife with hypocrisy. I find myself agreeing on certain talking points with Chefjoe and Krack.

Also what makes Roq worse is that he is claiming he was a victim in all of this. If he found it morally objectionable (nothing at the time suggests he did) why didn't he stop it? More importantly, what makes him worse is that after the fact he's throwing ex-friends under the bus for something HE WAS COMPLICIT IN. Then to top it all off he has the nerve to call other people scum.

Sparta sure can pick 'em.

Edited by Blacky
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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1329288055' post='2920956']
I have no memory of fighting you at all, but if you say you did I believe you. If that's the case, you, a GOON that I can't remember but he went on to form an offshoot rogue alliance I believe, and Drai were my counters for 3 months of war. Serious question...did you actually fight or did you turtle? I honestly don't remember. Most of the MK I fought just sat there doing nothing.

And what I mean by having an easy time getting to PM is I was never staggered at all after the first round. It wasn't even attempted and it was to the point where I was actually filling staggers on MK nations to keep them from hitting PM.
I fought, and there was some back-and-forth via PM throughout. That's mostly what I remember. And I was not alone in attacking, though I forget who else was paired with me at that point. It might still be on the Athens boards, and is probably in IRC logs on a backup drive.

For the staggering, I think that's more because after a few rounds you stuck to rebuying to 1k infra, and we didn't have that many wrecked nations that could do the stagger and still fight.

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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1329285348' post='2920937']
Not sure if you've noticed but PF is our #1 priority. The bloc votes on what to do and we're just 1 vote out of 4.
Thank goodness OMFG's vote doesn't count... Wait, they're the AA that has no vote, right?

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1329288394' post='2920958']
Since this is a free-for-all thread, Krack, we're still waiting on more information about TOP spying on the SuperFriends because none of us have any idea what you were talking about.


The non-denial denial ("Oh, we didn't realize you were talking about [i]those[/i] instances. We don't consider [i]that[/i] spying, we call it something else." Or, alternatively, "I wasn't [i]personally[/i] involved at the time and, since the other's never denied in the thread, we weren't really [i]lying[/i] per se."). Are you saying it never happened? Either TOP members were reading private threads on SuperFriends' forums or you were not.

It's very simple, call me a liar. Definitively state it never happened. Better yet, get the group that was running TOP a year ago in here to call me a liar.

MK, Umbrella, Goons - you're free to chime in too.

[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1329289491' post='2920963']
I've already issued a double dog dare. Not really sure what else we can do.

You could issue the coup de grace of all dares; the triple dog dare. And then I will still continue to ignore you.

Edited by Krack
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