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Worst Leader Ever 2012


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I remember being in the trenches in STA wondering what in Admins name you were doing as you peaced out as we were getting the crap nuked out of us. I stand corrected. You are far worse than Ramirus.

edit- BiPolar

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[quote name='masterbake' timestamp='1328769225' post='2917192']
I remember being in the trenches in STA wondering what in Admins name you were doing as you peaced out as we were getting the crap nuked out of us. I stand corrected. You are far worse than Ramirus.

edit- BiPolar

You are short on facts and desperately separated from reality... but that isn't really that surprising. Vote 1 for Grub of you are so confident, I am sure he wont give a toss win or lose ;), but do try to keep a sense of reality about you before you shoot your mouth off too much... You couldn't have been in that trench too long given the peace agreements involving your alliance. Selective memory is a wonderful thing, I see you have your on narrow mode.

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TBH, Polar's entire history is pretty much exclusively about them dicking over their allies.

If you factor in the context, then, Grub wasn't really a terrible leader. He was just doing what any good leader of Polaris would do.

Might not make sense to you or me, but who are we to criticize the direction Polaris wishes to take? It's their prerogative. If they want to perpetually run their alliance into the ground, that's their choice to make. And Grub was damn talented at it, truly a natural leader as far as Polaris is concerned.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1328778439' post='2917227']
TBH, Polar's entire history is pretty much exclusively about them dicking over their allies.

Hmmph, that's pretty much horse !@#$.

Can you dig through some history and find incidences where NpO's actions might not have been the best for themselves or their allies? Sure, but that's the case with everybody. !@#$ happens.

But to say their "entire history is pretty much exclusively about them dicking over their allies" is well over the top. NpO has an excellent diplomatic team and the reason they have such steadfast allies like STA and the Legion and the like is that they work with them to further their mutual goals and posses genuine interest in them.

As an enjoyer of hyperbole, I must say that it needs to be served with panache, but your dish is a bit insipid this time, sir.

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[quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1328796413' post='2917270']
Does no one else see that Myth is attempting to subtly campaign in this thread. For shame.
I fear it will come down to between he and Grub, unless the other leaders need a chance to campaign

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1328778439' post='2917227']
TBH, Polar's entire history is pretty much exclusively about them dicking over their allies.

If you factor in the context, then, Grub wasn't really a terrible leader. He was just doing what any good leader of Polaris would do.

Might not make sense to you or me, but who are we to criticize the direction Polaris wishes to take? It's their prerogative. If they want to perpetually run their alliance into the ground, that's their choice to make. And Grub was damn talented at it, truly a natural leader as far as Polaris is concerned.
I am interested in which of my actions over the entire period of time I was Emperor you personally have any direct knowledge of that you find to be systemic destruction of Polaris.

It seems someone I personally regard as a complete ^&*(whomper and somewhat socially inept has formed an opinion but I am not sure what exactly it is based on.

What exactly do you object to from my July 4, 2008 – March 5, 2010 period of leadership? Perhaps you would like to consult the actual facts surrounding that period before replying? Please provide some actual dates to this systematic destruction, you get bonus points for a timeline.

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1328819508' post='2917401']
I fear it will come down to between he and Grub, unless the other leaders need a chance to campaign

That would truly be the most objective matchup ever, imo.

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1328824956' post='2917435']
Lillith's WoTs made this thread amazing. Glorious to see the facade crumble, really.

What facade? [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif[/img]

Was it too "shifty," or "untrustworthy," for your eyes?
It might be insightful for those who can't think for themselves but there's only context to be gained from it, the bulk of it isn't really a secret.

Is there something you didn't understand or were you just on the +1 train?

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[quote name='Ryuzaki' timestamp='1328763090' post='2917134']I don't think you understood my comment or the context it was made in.

The context was another player complaining in this OOC forum for the lack of a nice community, and you said that being nice is boring as hell. I think I understood very well the context and the comment you made, although I acknowledge that you later explained that you had actually intended to mean something else.

I am happy - no sarcasm - that we agree that there's no need to be nice about other peoples' characters, and that getting upset for attacks against fictional characters doesn't make sense. This is not [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=108959&view=findpost&p=2916867"]what lewin was talking of[/url], anyway, as the point is whether this contest is an "In Character" event, or a way to attack other players.
Mind you, I am not here saying that it is one way or the other - I had already hinted to my opinion and I don't feel the need to repeat myself - I am just saying that when someone says/implies that this contest is a RL offence, you need to address [i]that[/i] argument. Pointing out that IC conflicts are OK is fine and dandy, but it doesn't really address the point that was being made.

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[quote name='King Penchuk' timestamp='1328832676' post='2917503']
It takes a special type of moron to say that the entire NpO history has been about us backstabbing our allies. I can not think of a single incident where we have ever betrayed a friend, whereas we have been betrayed by quite a few.
I liked that time when you attacked a blocmate of your ally, one who would have gone to pretty far lengths to bat for you. (Attacking GOD back when RoK was in SF).

Or that time when you sat back and let your allies take the brunt of the pain while your upper tiers sat in peace mode, all for things caused by members of your government.

Or that time one year later, when you sat back in peace mode and let your allies burn again. It's a lot of recent history, but with Polaris it always is, because the habits haven't changed.

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[quote name='King Penchuk' timestamp='1328832676' post='2917503']
It takes a special type of moron to say that the entire NpO history has been about us backstabbing our allies. I can not think of a single incident where we have ever betrayed a friend, whereas we have been betrayed by quite a few.
What about the Unjust War, where you orchestrated an attempt to destroy the political position of your closest ally Pacifica?

How about BiPolar, where you reached a hand out in false friendship to TOP, IRON, and company, and then blatantly betrayed them just for !@#$% and giggles?

And these are just the big items on the list.

It utterly boggles the mind that you continue to live in a world where Polaris has done no wrong in it's history. Perhaps that is why you are kept down like dogs. You've made no attempt to clean your name and your reputation, instead doing the same old, same old, and pretending it's perfectly acceptable.

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[quote name='King Penchuk' timestamp='1328832676' post='2917503']
It takes a special type of moron to say that the entire NpO history has been about us backstabbing our allies. I can not think of a single incident where we have ever betrayed a friend, whereas we have been betrayed by quite a few.

It would take an even more special type of moron to claim that Polaris will ever admit to any wrongdoing. Denial of responsibility appears to be a vital facet of Polaris's culture.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1328836983' post='2917533']
It would take an even more special type of moron to claim that Polaris will ever admit to any wrongdoing. Denial of responsibility appears to be a vital facet of Polaris's culture.
I have never said Polaris has not made mistakes, otherwise we would not be in this position. It is nonetheless ridiculous to say we have a history of betraying our friends, as we never have.

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[quote name='King Penchuk' timestamp='1328839772' post='2917580']
I have never said Polaris has not made mistakes, otherwise we would not be in this position. It is nonetheless ridiculous to say we have a history of betraying our friends, as we never have.

I suppose you could say that TOP were never your friends.

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[quote name='enderland' timestamp='1328840758' post='2917591']
I suppose you could say that TOP were never your friends.

That would be my assertion. Friends don't continually lie to you because it would make them look bad.

Polaris, under my leadership, did plenty of things it shouldn't have. So what? Every alliance does things that it shouldn't to further its own goals, it is just the support you have at the time that makes all the difference.

I thought I had some support that it panned out I didn't... or I would be writing history now and you would be trying to revise it to suit your goals.

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[quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1328796413' post='2917270']
Does no one else see that Myth is attempting to [b]subtly [/b]campaign in this thread. For shame.
I do not think that word means what you think it means.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1328842397' post='2917610']
I do not think that word means what you think it means.

You should be on this list too. 8 months? Eight months?!?! More?! How many blown logdumps?!!!!

What was that ratio? .5 really dumb log dump of try hards for every month? Christ. Just for making the world wait you should get nominated.

Probably every one of Mjolinor alliance's government should be on there, and Ilyani for sure. He basically did half of your work for you and knew the gun was turning right around with/without the cult of Hoo sneaking back up.


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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1328844327' post='2917627']
You should be on this list too. 8 months? Eight months?!?! More?! How many blown logdumps?!!!!

What was that ratio? .5 really dumb log dump of try hards for every month? Christ. Just for making the world wait you should get nominated.

Probably every one of Mjolinor alliance's government should be on there, and Ilyani for sure. He basically did half of your work for you and knew the gun was turning right around with/without the cult of Hoo sneaking back up.


I could go on and on.

I [i]was [/i]nominated. I'm a 12 seed up against (5) mhawk in the first round.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1328844808' post='2917632']
I [i]was [/i]nominated. I'm a 12 seed up against (5) mhawk in the first round.

Well !@#$. Tough draw. Hard sixes

Edit: Who am I steamrolling in the opener?

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1328844840' post='2917634']
Well !@#$. Tough draw. Hard sixes

Edit: Who am I steamrolling in the opener?
(14) Cortath. You're in a weak bracket, imo.

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