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I'm not getting the NPO hate at all. True, I was not around for their period of dominance. But still, one would think a couple years divorced from those days would be enough for people to realize times have changed. Or am I the only who notices since I'm not burdened with the knee jerk desire to fight old battles?

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1. I don't know what you NPO trip is. No matter how you or anyone shakes this up light terms have been offered through the whole process. Something the group you have pointed out (aka the NPO leadership of that time)would never have done nor even considered.

2. You have specifically pointed out Mary who at the time wasn't Emperor and towed her line most proper. As Emperor she has not been anything like you are pointing out, which has been shown by action over and over again.

Considering that I would greatly appreciate if you would knock it off. Many of your posts in the past have been intelligent so... whats your play here?

Edited by Brehon
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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1327082444' post='2903666']
2. You have specifically pointed out Mary who at the time wasn't Emperor and towed her line most proper. As Emperor she has not been anything like you are pointing out, which has been shown by action over and over again.

Cut the !@#$%^&*, Brehon, there's a world of difference between changing the way you behave because you don't have the manpower to be a dick anymore and changing because you don't agree with NPO's modus operandi of times past. Don't try and feed us the line that Mary just towed the line out of fear or some crap. Roq is highly intelligent and doesn't bear patronising to. Everyone knows how governments work and NPO leadership collectively played the bad guy because it was fun. That's the way NPO works, it's a highly collectivist alliance with a paranoid ruling elite that think the same way. I mean, Mary was Moo's #2 for God's sake.

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1327098655' post='2903869']
Cut the !@#$%^&*, Brehon, there's a world of difference between changing the way you behave because you don't have the manpower to be a dick anymore

We kinda do have that.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1327082444' post='2903666']

1. I don't know what you NPO trip is. No matter how you or anyone shakes this up light terms have been offered through the whole process. Something the group you have pointed out (aka the NPO leadership of that time)would never have done nor even considered.

2. You have specifically pointed out Mary who at the time wasn't Emperor and towed her line most proper. As Emperor she has not been anything like you are pointing out, which has been shown by action over and over again.

Considering that I would greatly appreciate if you would knock it off. Many of your posts in the past have been intelligent so... whats your play here?

Oh, the issue is, that making them have to admit to it being a moral mistake is contradictory to NPO's own line from the start. The other stuff is mostly that actions from government's years past who "just towed the party line" with Grub are being used against them, yet somehow the privilege of being reduced into ash for past crimes is limited exclusively to NpO more or less.

I will knock it off since I was finished with it.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1327102454' post='2903909']
I have been a critic of the NPO at many points since Karma, but I cannot see any reason why their behavior in this war merits any sort of criticism.

Other than the term where an apology is asked for, it doesn't.

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Also the thing with Grub's moralism is I've always found it odd because he taunted critics of BLEU's NADC attack even after it was revealed NADC wasn't responsible for the spying of nukes by saying he had stopped caring about morality the day NAAC disbanded. I've struggled to find the post since he made it while he was Minister of Peace(ooc:forum doesn't allow for searching beyond a certain date), but I remember it vividly.


That still makes him look really bad anyway.

Crymson: since you're here, remember when you told me that Grub didn't agree with the CB for the TPF war and would only defend RoK from attack? The truth of the matter was that they were planning on oAing onto you no matter what with MK. I didn't really find out until after BPW, though.

Edited by Roquentin
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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1327098655' post='2903869']
Cut the !@#$%^&*, Brehon, there's a world of difference between changing the way you behave because you don't have the manpower to be a dick anymore and changing because you don't agree with NPO's modus operandi of times past. Don't try and feed us the line that Mary just towed the line out of fear or some crap. Roq is highly intelligent and doesn't bear patronising to. Everyone knows how governments work and NPO leadership collectively played the bad guy because it was fun. That's the way NPO works, it's a highly collectivist alliance with a paranoid ruling elite that think the same way. I mean, Mary was Moo's #2 for God's sake.

I suppose you learned precisely how the NPO leadership works back when you were in Pacifica? And you were so well able to follow all those rules and principles you understood so as to have a productive career in Pacifica? Hmmm?

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To be honest, it was a dumb move of Francesca to join NPO anyway. People who usually join alliances because they want to be with the underdog are doing it for the wrong reasons, like Merrie Melodies.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1327108853' post='2903958']
Crymson: since you're here, remember when you told me that Grub didn't agree with the CB for the TPF war and would only defend RoK from attack? The truth of the matter was that they were planning on oAing onto you no matter what with MK. I didn't really find out until after BPW, though.

The revelation that Grub is a pathological liar came long ago.

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[quote name='Cortath' timestamp='1327112894' post='2903985']
I suppose you learned precisely how the NPO leadership works back when you were in Pacifica? And you were so well able to follow all those rules and principles you understood so as to have a productive career in Pacifica? Hmmm?

Yes actually Cortath, that is exactly when I learned how the NPO operated.

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In addition, I don't really like the fact that the alliances that oAed onto Fark are being called bandwagoners. If you don't think NPO wanted them to come in, you should think twice. You signed a bloc that enables coalition warfare in a legalistic sense, and being critical of others doing the same thing except without a bloc is hypocritical.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1327017525' post='2903131']
There was no treaty justification for GATO to hit MHA either if we adopt your line. NPO must condemn that action as well if they wish to demand an apology for the attack on them by Fark. They must also condemn DH-Chestnut, DT/Rok/Legacy on CSN, and other preempts I haven't thought of. They must also condemn an attack on the New Polar Order without any traditional cassus belli. Oh wait. Their DoS explicitly stated that they would be involved in the war if it expanded past its initial combatants. The justification for the TOP/IRON declaration is that they were in the right to preempt C&G and that NpO was wrong for using it to peace out and later declare on them. Consequently, no preemptive attacks can be condemned. I was in #nsa the night Fark declared on NPO and Mary even said "we recognize this as a preemptive attack opening up a new front in the existing conflict."

I do not believe ive seen a more better statement of words that could 100% sum up my opinion of this war then this right here.

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It is the desire of people to try make people into heroes when they're in reality golden calves that leads them into !@#$ like BPW

[quote]Second with my interactions with people I believe in my personal quote "People do not change, they simply become more of who they really are". I have never found this to be wrong or incorrect.[/quote]

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