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For the Prisoners of Azkaban

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haha GOD accusing us of not playing it fair :P

I love GODs excuses from this war:

"Oh their all bandwagoning"
"Their using disgracefull tactics"

Its a sudden change from the abuse GOD members were dishing out in our IRC the night before our DoW.

GOD gets angry when the tables turn. When were not the underdog its not so fun?

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[quote name='cheezy' timestamp='1323691519' post='2875148']
haha GOD accusing us of not playing it fair :P

I love GODs excuses from this war:

"Oh their all bandwagoning"
"Their using disgracefull tactics"

Its a sudden change from the abuse GOD members were dishing out in our IRC the night before our DoW.

GOD gets angry when the tables turn. When were not the underdog its not so fun?
We're actually glad you joined in, to tell you the truth.

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We just didn't think that BN/NEAT/SC POW had that certain ring to it that we were looking for. So we took this one instead.

[quote name='Striderwanabe' timestamp='1323671164' post='2874941']
As GOD has always been an irrefutable defender of all that is decent and moral in the Cyberverse, I'm sure that BN, NEAT and SC have been shamed into reconsidering their terms.

Indeed. If anyone from the Global Order of Darkness wants to share a POW AA name that is so flattering to GOD members that they will fall over each other trying to surrender to us just so they can too can have it - please, make the suggestion. We might consider it :awesome:

Seriously, I don't understand why anyone would want to leave their alliance and take an AA with POW as part of it ever. At least this one is more creative.

Edited by White Chocolate
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[quote name='Jack Shepard' timestamp='1323667773' post='2874825']
The PF bloc, along with SC and NEAT, will endeavour to protect the Prisioner of Azkaban AA for the duration of the conflict.

So would you consider yourselves to be dementors?

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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1323671936' post='2874964']
Nordreich are cute cuddly bunnies compared to some alliances on this godforsaken planet.

why yes, we ARE cute cuddly bunnies. provided you can ignore the switchblade.

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This was an issue that has been addressed and dealt with in the past but it is apparent that the community needs a reminder. Just because you know the offsite origin of an alliance does not mean you get to use it to harass them in game. Change the terms to remove the reference and do not continue this theme of behavior.

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[quote name='Darth Revan' timestamp='1323714892' post='2875366']
Just because you know the offsite origin of an alliance does not mean you get to use it to harass them in game.
You have to be kidding me. The offsite practices of players has been used to wage an entire war and the mod team was completely silent.

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[quote name='Darth Revan' timestamp='1323714892' post='2875366']
This was an issue that has been addressed and dealt with in the past but it is apparent that the community needs a reminder. Just because you know the offsite origin of an alliance does not mean you get to use it to harass them in game. Change the terms to remove the reference and do not continue this theme of behavior.
I, for one, welcome the removal of these individual surrender terms and support the continual rolling of GOD :ehm:

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[quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1323715723' post='2875374']
You have to be kidding me. The offsite practices of players has been used to wage an entire war and the mod team was completely silent.
2 things, first this is OOC harassment. making fun of people's personal hobbies through this game have never and will never be acceptable.

Second this is not the venue to discuss moderation issues. I have an inbox and the OP has an appeals forum he is welcome to use if he feels t needed.

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[quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1323715723' post='2875374']
You have to be kidding me. The offsite practices of players has been used to wage an entire war and the mod team was completely silent.

Your in game symbolism uses some pretty clear references.

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