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free tech! (really.)


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So yeah, I’m quitting. I was tempted to go rogue but I was rogued myself recently by a guy substantially larger than myself and I can't be bothered putting the effort into rebuilding enough to hit the people I want to hit. Furthermore, I decided I wanted to do something unique on my way out, so rather than causing damage to everyone I dislike which has been done hundreds of times before, I decided to give something to friends and enemies alike. Thus, if you want free tech (and possibly money when I can collect outside of nuclear anarchy) make a post and ask for it in this thread, regardless of whether I like you or not, and I'll shoot you some aid (yes, this means I'll be around for another two or three cycles sending out aid. You'll have the pleasure of my acerbic wit and insightful posts until then.) Oh and just so everyone knows, you'll have to wait for my slots to open as well, but I'll get my current sellers to help me send tech.

I’ve meant to delete for a while actually but things kept getting in the way or friends talked me out of it. I've never been one for shoutouts. I liked some of you and frankly didn’t like most of you. I won’t list every friend I’ve ever had. If I liked you, you probably knew it, and if I didn’t like you it’s likely you knew that too. Gatherum and Arsenal were, however, particularly close to me.

I was always kind of disappointed people never gave me a second chance having been Francesca. I made many mistakes on that character but they were for a plethora of complicated reasons. People like Omni have frankly weird political views but it doesn’t mean they are stupid or bad people, it just means that they have a complicated history which leads them to have views which don’t fit neatly into ‘the C&G opinion’ or ‘the SF opinion’. In retrospect I should have just picked an opinion and gone with the flow, but I didn’t. I suppose the most positive way to describe that is simply that I’m a freethinker, but it was the reason I flip-flopped back and forth between different political perspectives, and never adopted opinions merely because they were held by most people in my alliance, which did not make me popular.

You also have to bear in mind that real life also affects people’s gameplay, and it certainly did for me. A lot of people who play this game are screwed up in real life.. they’re depressed or unemployed or whatever... and CN is a form of escapism, because here they can be an elite spymaster or government member and are not limited by their circumstances in real life. When you pour your time into CN it helps you cope. This is one of the reasons I was so active on the OWF in 2009.. people thought I was out for attention when in reality I was running away from some serious problems in real life. But hey, I’m trying to persuade a bunch of people on the internet to be less judgmental. How far am I realistically going to get.

People seem to think I'm still bitter towards NPO. I'm not. I forgave them a couple of months ago and even sent a PM to Cortath to apologise for how bitter I had been. However, our experiences in this game shape our opinions. I believe I was burned by NPO for no good reason and I retain a negative opinion of them. This is perfectly reasonable.

I don’t know precisely which ODN members interfered with my application to MK. What you did is pathetic.

I won’t reroll. I’m weary of CN.

Much love to my friends.


Edited by Kalasin
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[quote name='NoMercy' timestamp='1323002821' post='2862186']
Also, goodbye. Let's bet 500 tech, you'll be back.

No, I won't. When I rerolled last time I made it clear I would come back under an alias. If I was going reroll, I would say so. That has been my modus operandi for the past year or so: to say exactly what I think. I really have no intention of wasting my time on a dying game when I could be having a life.

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I did not have the honour to know you.

Nevertheless, best of luck in everything! A peaceful exit is the right way to exit.

Of course, I fancy a patch of tech also. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Kharon the Ferryman
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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1322997489' post='2862137']
But hey, [b]I’m trying to persuade a bunch of people on the internet to be less judgmental[/b]. How far am I realistically going to get.[/quote]

Through seeing your posts in the debate sections here, I find the bolded humourous :P anyways so long Francesca.

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