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A Joint Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom and the Viridian Entente

Leet Guy

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[quote name='MisterShadow' timestamp='1320449595' post='2838958']
So lets say hypothetically we offer white peace to Tetris, and NSO on a public forum and then it is rejected you are still going to come after both alliances despite admitting that NSO has lost and white peace is like the nicest thing they could possibly gain.
Except that NSO ain't gonna tap out. Why should they, when their buddies will do for them what they couldn't do for themselves?

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[quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1320449888' post='2838961']
No idea why any alliance would refuse a white peace offer in the first place but okay. (Unless they don't want to exit until all their allies are out)

Well, said alliance (NSO) is about to see their enemy get kill, if they reject wp-offer! What would you do?

Edited by GoddessOfLinn
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NSO is not going to accept any peace terms now that they know Legion will be rolled in 3 days. Whoever came up with this plan was high on something. Now all NSO has to do is nothing at all. Should have just announced that you were coming to the aid of Tetris and NSO...instead of making this excuse. Knowing NSO, they are crying victory over this nonsense.

Edited by illusion
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[quote name='GoddessOfLinn' timestamp='1320450129' post='2838966']
Well, said alliance (NSO) is about to see their enemy get kill, if they reject wp-offer! What would you do?

Regardless, I don't believe NSO would refuse a white peace offer. :)

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[quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1320450277' post='2838968']
Yes, we're helping NSO by threatening to declare war on [s]them[/s] Legion. :rolleyes:

You mean the ones that are out of peacemode and the handful of slots left open? OHHHHHHHHH that's a huge part of their alliance.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1320450277' post='2838968']
Yes, we're helping NSO by threatening to declare war on them. :rolleyes:

You're ignoring the fact that there's nothing left to declare on.

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[quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1320450277' post='2838968']
Yes, we're helping NSO by threatening to declare war on them. :rolleyes:
[/quote][url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106450&view=findpost&p=2838950]Pretty much the conclusion I came to here[/url] and others have come to elsewhere.

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[quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1320450277' post='2838968']
Yes, we're helping NSO by threatening to declare war on them. :rolleyes:

I know better to think you are actually this ignorant and you have missed every single page that has detailed why this makes no sense and why it's a bad idea for peace.

So, I have nothing else to say to you other than you should be ashamed of yourself.

Edited by Hyperonic
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[quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1320450277' post='2838968']
Yes, we're helping NSO by threatening to declare war on them. :rolleyes:
Considering they already know you can't reach them cause we got them all sewed up, they're laughing their asses off at this.

Congratulations, you just handed them the war.

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You're supposed intent to assist Tetris is as farcical as it is transparent.

It's quite clear that you only see an opportunity to bandwagon into a war where the combatants have already been engaged for weeks. Either your intention is to escalate this situation, since you can't seem to find a war of your own, or simply beat down other alliances.

Your opportunism has been noted.

If you truly had Tetris's interests in mind, you would be working in diplomatic channels, and while I'll give a nod to the use of the OWF to put your message out, this display only proves that your true intent is grandstanding for the world to see.

Attempting to use threats of violence to force our diplomatic process is overstepping your bounds. Stay out of it.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1320451201' post='2838982']

You're supposed intent to assist Tetris is as farcical as it is transparent.

It's quite clear that you only see an opportunity to bandwagon into a war where the combatants have already been engaged for weeks. Either your intention is to escalate this situation, since you can't seem to find a war of your own, or simply beat down other alliances.

Your opportunism has been noted.

If you truly had Tetris's interests in mind, you would be working in diplomatic channels, and while I'll give a nod to the use of the OWF to put your message out, this display only proves that your true intent is grandstanding for the world to see.

Attempting to use threats of violence to force our diplomatic process is overstepping your bounds. Stay out of it.


Take this and wash your mouth out, Sir!

The only intention here was a fair a reasonable end to this war so peace may, once again, reign over the Cyberverse. To read anything more sinister into this announcement is highly offensive.

Good day!

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[quote]Yes, we're helping NSO by threatening to declare war on them. [/quote]

There is nothing left of them to attack and most of their nations are hiding in peace mode. Your helping NSO by coming to their rescue. All they have to do is sit on their hands and refuse any peace offer that comes their way, and they win. This is a joke. If you were helping them, you would let them learn to swallow their pride and accept defeat like any honorable alliance would do. Or even better, pressure THEM to accept the terms that have been offered to them so far. The Legion are acting no different than any other alliance out there would act, they won the war and have the right to dictate terms for peace. You have no right to deprive the clear winners of their prize.

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1320451427' post='2838985']
I got kind of curious at people saying "NSO has no slots to take," so I ran some numbers. For anyone who is as curious as I, but lazier, [url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuR-T25B6QjTdDZEMTlwVF9TVThQa1JsYVBHN0NOMFE&hl=en_US#"]here ya go[/url].

Yes, that 70 to 493 looks like Legion will take the brunt of the the attacks before we even consider how many of the 70 NSO slots are within range of MK/VE.

Edited by Tygaland
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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1320450456' post='2838974']
[url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106450&view=findpost&p=2838950]Pretty much the conclusion I came to here[/url] and others have come to elsewhere.

You can keep thinking that one, but NSO's allies for the most part have spent their time at the negotiating table. NpO knows this at least to some extent. A MK-VE war vs. NSO + Allies might not be "fair" exactly, but it would be a heck of a lot more fun than Legion-NSO-Tetris has been. Never underestimate fun.

Painting this announcement as anti-Legion is pretty hilarious actually, but I've heard sillier claims in this war to be sure.

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[quote name='Phaedron' timestamp='1320451787' post='2838991']
Painting this announcement as anti-Legion is pretty hilarious actually, but I've heard sillier claims in this war to be sure.

Actually, the case for this being more detrimental to Legion than NSO has been quite reasonably demonstrated. Perhaps you could counter those arguments directly rather than an blanket dismissal based on, well...nothing.

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