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[quote name='Spaarlaamp' timestamp='1311815382' post='2765707']
I don't like one of them, I thought another one had died, and that another one was a micro alliance, I don't care about another one, and I once liked the remaining one.

Who knows which I mean by which discription?

Dunno, dun care, cause none of us like you.

[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1311816429' post='2765746']
Either way, i'd still hit it : P


Ding ding ding...the winner

Prostitute Fetish is born!

Edited by Chalaskan
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Hooray for Prancing Faeries!

[quote name='Drai' timestamp='1311817098' post='2765761']
Truly an age of bloc politics.

This is actually a very respectable bloc though. I love BN getting into the thick of things.
You have no idea how thick BN is.

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[quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1311818004' post='2765782']
I'm looking forward to sleepovers inside this vaunted Pillow Fort and I'm especially happy for my friends in TOP.

Congrats guys.
Not invited. :P

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If anyone is interested...

Stats as of 7/27 for PF:


I didn't do them for the other blocs, the most recent stats you *could* compare them to however, are here:


Yay for bloc politics.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1311818066' post='2765786']
PF stands for Polaris Fans! Can we join this bloc, please? :awesome:

Blood in, blood out is how we are admitting people going forward. What's your schedule like?

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1311818066' post='2765786']
PF stands for Polaris Fans! Can we join this bloc, please? :awesome:

I doubt you'd survive the initiation rites, but if that doesn't put you off, you're welcome to give it a try :)

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[quote name='MrHiott' timestamp='1311818357' post='2765794']
If anyone is interested...

Stats as of 7/27 for PF:


I didn't do them for the other blocs, the most recent stats you *could* compare them to however, are here:


Yay for bloc politics.
Considering our total nations, I like how we match up. Cheers.

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Bloc stats from yesterday
[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1311739413' post='2764751']

took me a few hours to compile that and re-edit them....if there is a problem with any of the 6 pages please let me know

hopefully it proves useful for you bunch :)

updated to include DH

[quote name='MrHiott' timestamp='1311818357' post='2765794']
If anyone is interested...

Stats as of 7/27 for PF:


I think we set the standard for not to be $#%*ed with.

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