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Non Grata Declares War on the NAAC


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I don't know what's cuter here: berbers getting butthurt because he's getting his ass handed to him after an open challenge for a 1v1, or nutkase trying so hard to be edgy and stick it to NG by aiding berbers.

Edited by SirWilliam
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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1310998182' post='2758423']
I don't know what's cuter here: berbers getting butthurt because he's getting his ass handed to him after an open challenge for a 1v1, or nutkase trying so hard to be edgy and stick it to NG by aiding berbers.

I saw the NG nation getting sent aid, so I thought all is fair if berbers got some. :awesome:

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[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1310965793' post='2758226']
Your logic does not make sense, why would you sell something considerably worth more and harder to achieve to buy something that is not?

All you achieved was going around in a giant circle. For future engagements maybe a bigger then usual warchest might me a consideration.
Malone's never had a decent warchest. Ever.

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Ohhh lots to reply to, best get started eh?

[quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1310983606' post='2758352']
So I suppose you will reject the aid offer submitted to you by nutcase then eh?

It's already declined, you see I gave my word that if he attacked me it would be 1v1, and since I'm not a pre-pubescent little girl (which is giving NG to much credit, and an insult to little girls everywhere)I am going to stick by my word regardless what Mr. Malone does.

[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1310983709' post='2758353']
I offered it on my own accord, berbers did not ask or know of my intentions.

Thanks buddy, much appreciated but I had to decline :(

[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1310983783' post='2758354']
Good luck with that berbers, its not going to end like you think though.

I have no expectations, I was attacked and will fight back until Mr. Malone surrenders or I cannot attack anymore. If he chooses to involve his AA or flee to peace mode after 7 days than it proves my point and I'm ok with that.

[quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1310987423' post='2758367']
How would it not be their choice? Lets picture this, pretend I am a higher level government official in The Last Remnants (triumvir or minister), and let's pretend that you were attacked by a member of my alliance instead of Non Grata because he got called out by you in this thread to do a 1v1 with no alliance help. Would of been perfectly fine with me. The war would of lasted a week, and you both would of went your separate ways. This is completely acceptable to me.

But then you make statements noting your intentions of re declaring war upon my member until he surrenders to you regardless of the amount of time it would take to achieve your goal. To me, this is unacceptable and that is when I would of pushed for our alliance to become involved in the situation and settle it once and for all. With force if it was necessary. An alliance always has the choice to back a member. Always.

He attacked me for OWF posts, I made no aggressive move towards him or his AA. I stated quite clearly it would remain a 1v1 should he attack me. I never once said I would attack him. I never once said this was a 7 day duel, nor was it sanctioned I do this by NATO. Like I said, I choose how long this war goes on, if NG feels like treating me as a rogue after 7 days that's their issue. Also, if NG needs to send him aid to beat me down, that's fine too.

As a matter of fact, NG should probably have two more members attack me. That way they can guarantee I am out of range and maybe if you added all 3 warchests together they would have a decent one between them. I mean that by the way, no matter how much NG shows dishonour, I will not request aid from my AA. There are no rules here, simply men and little girls. You decide who is who.

[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1310988795' post='2758369']
He could just, you know, [b]nuke[/b] you if you try that. If he wanted to, you would be destroyed in a week of fighting. he might not have any money left, but you sure wouldn't be in his range.

1250 NS in tech damage (assuming he does 50 each hit), then 2700 NS in infra (assuming he does 150 per hit), plus his already 7k advantage.. you aren't going to be sticking around to attack him next round if he so chooses. I wouldn't suggest trying that.

I can donate and rebuy 3999.99 infra from 0 with my cash on hand. Hell, I could buy up to 4999.99 and still have multiple times his WC. I could start winning GA's tonight if I so desired to spend my money that way. However, my main thought at this point is to simply turtle and spy his cash, lob CM's and dogfight. Once 7 days are up, he should be at or close to 0 dollars on hand, at which point I will buy alot of infra, re-declare and have every advantage but tech.

Of course if he hides behind his AA or keeps receiving aid from outside, this plan becomes moot. I didn't really think someone who talked such a tough game would do either of the two, but you know, internet tough guy syndrome.

[quote name='fant0m' timestamp='1310990398' post='2758379']
I sent the cash because he will need it to rebuild after, he didn't ask me for it and he doesn't need it to beat you. Good luck attacking our AA after this [i]agreed to[/i] duel though. I don't think you're going to get away with painting this as some kind of rogue attack.

I would listen to Bob as well and realise he can just nuke you back to the stone age if he likes before throwing threats around.

You mean he can nuke me until his money runs out, which would be fairly quickly. I knew he had nukes when all this started, it didn't deter me before, why would it now?

[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1310991250' post='2758384']
The problem is you start whining when you're being pwnd to pieces. Twas liek... anarchy after the first GA?

1) How am I whining? I want to continue this war past 7 days...also I don't care if he nukes me, receives more aid or even calls in reinforcements.

2) Anarchy after the first GA is pretty easy when the following are at play: 20% soldiers, defcon 5, no tanks or aircraft, no guerilla camps or barracks. You see I figured he would give me a heads up before attacking, not that I mind, sneak attacks are certainly fair game. However, I did think I would get a PM arranging the fight. No worries though, I kinda thought I would be getting nuked, so I was expecting anarchy.

[quote name='fant0m' timestamp='1310992454' post='2758394']
Do you really think he'll need more than he has to last a week? I just happened to have a tech deal expire that allowed me to send him some cash. That slot wouldn't have been there if I'd waited, gotta keep my slot usage up. :ehm:

lol, cute. See above description of NG's gender and age.

Edit: Ahahaha, you sent him 3M and [b]2000 soldiers[/b], was he going to use his soldiers as labour in his rebuilding?
[quote name='Micheal Malone' timestamp='1310995300' post='2758406']
You have it wrong, I got a defeat message first GA, didn't even get to GA until after update when I gave him another Defeat, then redeployed to get my precious tech. All in all this will be fun. And as I said, I was never really an econ type of guy. Week is really all it should take and as was stated already, if you intend to be spiteful I'll oblige you.

Not spiteful, just going to have fun :D Also, just for the lulz, my wonder clock is up soon and I can buy an MP, 25 nukes and still have a bigger WC than you...

Edited by berbers
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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1310998182' post='2758423']
I don't know what's cuter here: berbers getting butthurt because he's getting his ass handed to him after an open challenge for a 1v1, or nutkase trying so hard to be edgy and stick it to NG by aiding berbers.

1v1 is what this should have been. Instead Malone ran to his alliance to get 9 millions and 6K soldiers in war aid. What a coward, what a disrespectful AA. When war was declared, despite being the one declared on, Berbers specifically asked us not to intervene and to let the two of them solve their problem. I didn't expect you guys to fall this low NG. No honor, no balls, no grata :gag:

Edited by bedeur
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[quote name='bedeur' timestamp='1311017858' post='2758592']
1v1 is what this should have been. Instead Malone ran to his alliance to get 9 millions and 6K soldiers in war aid. What a coward, what a disrespectful AA. When war was declared, despite being the one declared on, Berbers specifically asked us not to intervene and to let the two of them solve their problem. I didn't expect you guys to fall this low NG. No honor, no balls, no grata :gag:

It's ok Bedeur, I appreciate the sentiment but I was pretty sure some shenanigans like this would happen from the start. Casualties is the only stat worth collecting after all, so I get a jump on the rest of you before the next big war :D

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1310998182' post='2758423']
I don't know what's cuter here: berbers getting butthurt because he's getting his ass handed to him after an open challenge for a 1v1, or nutkase trying so hard to be edgy and stick it to NG by aiding berbers.

My butt is 100% painless, I'm having a blast :D

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[quote name='bedeur' timestamp='1311017858' post='2758592']
1v1 is what this should have been. Instead Malone ran to his alliance to get 9 millions and 6K soldiers in war aid. What a coward, what a disrespectful AA. When war was declared, despite being the one declared on, Berbers specifically asked us not to intervene and to let the two of them solve their problem. I didn't expect you guys to fall this low NG. No honor, no balls, no grata :gag:
Gosh, nothing makes me feel worse than getting a finger wagging from NATO. Please continue so I can continue to bathe myself in this cloud of shame.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1311020302' post='2758623']
This is about two impotent failures waving their penises at each other and thinking it makes them look big and clever. Sending bailout money to someone who's supposed to be taking on a 1v1 is not good sportsmanship, either.

Pssh, mine's so big it waves me. :smug:

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[quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1311024771' post='2758702']
If you go nuke rogue berbers I take that as a direct nuclear attack upon Non Grata by NATO.

Exactly how would me nuking a nation that attacked me be going nuke rogue? Also, wtf why are NG such retards, I mean ffs I don't even care if he nukes me, it's a war, people get nuked.

whaaa, whaaa we aren't going to let this go beyond 7 days.

Whaaaaaa, I don't have enough money, aid me guys,

Whaaaaa, don't nuke him Berbers, pretty please?

You guys are pathetic, and I was called a whiner.

He attacked me ffs, take whatever I give and enjoy it.

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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1311026073' post='2758715']
Exactly how would me nuking a nation that attacked me be going nuke rogue? Also, wtf why are NG such retards, I mean ffs I don't even care if he nukes me, it's a war, people get nuked.

whaaa, whaaa we aren't going to let this go beyond 7 days.

Whaaaaaa, I don't have enough money, aid me guys,

Whaaaaa, don't nuke him Berbers, pretty please?

You guys are pathetic, and I was called a whiner.

He attacked me ffs, take whatever I give and enjoy it.

the backpedaling starts

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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1311024370' post='2758697']
itt we see berbers decide to go nuke rogue


I'm no deciding anything, I'm just stating a fun fact about the differential in our WC sizes.

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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1311026315' post='2758721']
the backpedaling starts

I really don't understand how I'm backpedaling with that post...

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[quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1311026745' post='2758726']
I'm not sure who to blame for the fact that this has all lasted 20 pages worth so I'm just going to go ahead and blame arexes.
Not a hope, I am taking full responsibility for this train wreck.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1311006592' post='2758475']
Malone's never had a decent warchest. Ever.
See Haf knows me. I never roll with a warchest, ever. I'm just that way.

[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1311026073' post='2758715']

Whaaaaaa, I don't have enough money, aid me guys,

You are incorrect here. I never once asked for aid. Sure I accepted it, I'm not an idiot. You see, I'm quite like that awkward kid in the family. The one that always lands himself into stupid sitations, and then my siblings and parents just simply roll their eyes and go "Again??".

And I'm fairly sure I haven't whined or insulted you at all here. In fact, I really haven't said much of anything at all here.

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[quote name='Micheal Malone' timestamp='1311027108' post='2758729']
See Haf knows me. I never roll with a warchest, ever. I'm just that way.

You are incorrect here. I never once asked for aid. Sure I accepted it, I'm not an idiot. You see, I'm quite like that awkward kid in the family. The one that always lands himself into stupid sitations, and then my siblings and parents just simply roll their eyes and go "Again??".

And I'm fairly sure I haven't whined or insulted you at all here. In fact, I really haven't said much of anything at all here.

I apologize for my 2nd "whaaa" comment, I believe you when you say you didn't ask for it. The other 2 stand however :D

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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1311027294' post='2758732']
I apologize for my 2nd "whaaa" comment, I believe you when you say you didn't ask for it. The other 2 stand however :D

What can I say, we like each other a lot here in Non Grata. Pretty protective etc. So the question is, are you going to insist this goes beyond 7 days? Just asking for clarification.

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