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An Announcement From Dos Equis

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1304896745' post='2708756']

I wasn't talking about TOP. I was talking about NPO.

Is that a threat?

You really make no sense. You said "It worked well for MK", of course you were refering to NPO. I pointed that MK differently than others, reached to other former foes and assemble a formidable force. They were able to focus in what they perceived that was their enemy.

Which brings to my next statement. If you make a lot of enemies, don't be surprised if someone pay you a visit.

If you perceive this as a threat? I could care less about it....

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1304896745' post='2708756']
I wasn't, frankly I didn't really think much of them. I certainly didn't dislike them.'

Indifference, followed by a single event that you seem to have perceived as catastrophically negative, will certainly do that. This was then followed by a complete lack of desire or effort to know the modern alliance, and to find if it differed at all from the alliance that you despised two years ago. I have found on more that one occasion, in my experience, that the opinions I've formed based on events long in the past are often inaccurate and in dire need of revision.

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[quote name='Trinite' timestamp='1304899297' post='2708773']
You guys stop replying to Damsky. He might catch on to the fact that XX was actually only created in order to counter the BoS threat.

:( . You just gave away our only advantage.

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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1304888311' post='2708697']
Um...no we weren't. GtG may have been King, but he was a piss poor King who rarely, if ever, agreed with the rest of government. He is a great guy, but was not a great leader, and his constant spouting off about random crap publicly is great evidence of that. We don't take him seriously, and neither should you.

We didn't switch sides, Q hit our allies. What did you think we would do.

Ensuring the military victory of your allies by any means necessary isn't being a puppet, it's being an ally.

Except helping everyone else win wars for the last 4 years. Just because we back friends doesn't mean we aren't independent, it just means we are loyal to those who are loyal to us.


Why...when the King of Sparta at the time says they'd been in back channels with GOD and others plotting war vs Pacifica should that not be taken seriously? Q hit your allies?? You were in Q up until what...a couple of days before the war started? Violating the intelligence clause in Q for months at the time no less.

And yes....when Umbrella is saying "you go here and do this" with no regard for the massive PR fallout or terrible beating your alliance took for making the move, and you go blindly along, that's leaning towards puppet status.

I just crack up at the last statement. You back people whom are sure to win and in exchange give up all independence. You spent a long time in Q lending political and military strength to it's actions. You've never "lost" a war because you and MHA have both gotten out of dodge when the fire was ready to fly. MHA ignored a treaty with a year long cancellation clause in Karma and watched NPO burn, then ignored a treaty with no cancellation clause and watched Gramlins be crushed into a micro alliance.

The day either of you stand by someone and get stomped in a losing war and don't bail is the day that will change mine and a lot of minds on Sparta. There is a reason why so many people from both sides think you are a terrible alliance, it's not just because you took a major beating in a winning war either.

I would love to be proven wrong and see this be a truly independent bloc. I will be extremely surprised if it ever comes to pass given the current treaties of individual members and their direct ties to the PB/DH/SF/CnG sphere.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1304920783' post='2708947']MHA ignored a treaty with a year long cancellation clause in Karma and watched NPO burn
NPO was hardly MHA's only treaty, nor was it their highest level treaty. It was an optional aggression, non-chaining treaty for a reason.

[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1304920783' post='2708947']then ignored a treaty with no cancellation clause and watched Gramlins be crushed into a micro alliance.
Would you really have rather them kept IRON at a state of war instead of leaving the front? That's what you just said. I can see why IRON dropped you, if that's what you think.

Edited by flak attack
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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1304920783' post='2708947']
Q hit your allies?? You were in Q up until what...a couple of days before the war started? Violating the intelligence clause in Q for months at the time no less.[/quote]
Us being in Q a few days before the war started doesn't mean it's suddenly okay to hit our allies and expect us to just sit there. Q was delusional if they thought we would sit that out.

[quote]And yes....when Umbrella is saying "you go here and do this" with no regard for the massive PR fallout or terrible beating your alliance took for making the move, and you go blindly along, that's leaning towards puppet status.[/quote]
So we're a terrible alliance because we were willing to take a political and military hit for our allies? You are confusing puppetry with dedication to friends. As a member of TPF, you of all people should understand that.

[quote]I just crack up at the last statement. You back people whom are sure to win and in exchange give up all independence. You spent a long time in Q lending political and military strength to it's actions. You've never "lost" a war because you and MHA have both gotten out of dodge when the fire was ready to fly. MHA ignored a treaty with a year long cancellation clause in Karma and watched NPO burn, then ignored a treaty with no cancellation clause and watched Gramlins be crushed into a micro alliance. [/quote]
1 - We thought that IRON, TOP, and NPO would all be on the same side during Karma when we jumped in to help GOD. We honestly thought our side would have been crushed just based on their stats alone (IRON and NPO each had 4k nukes, which was unheard of at the time, and TOP was...well...TOP). Luckily for us, Fark and GRE took care of business and neutralized the hardest front of the war.

2 - When we hit IRON in cluster$%&@, we again thought there was a good chance of supergrievances getting overwhelmed due to Polar being on the other side. Again, lucky for us, Polar screwed over half the world and allowed our side to win the longest and most painful fight of our CN careers (Feanor's nukes still hurt to this day).

3 - Just because people on the other side have lost three straight wars doesn't mean we always back "the winning side". We've rolled with generally the same group of allies (pre-XX) for over two years now. It's not as much as us always winning wars so much as it's you always losing them. You screwed the pooch when NPO hit OV early, TOP got set up to lose when Polar betrayed them, and Polar got screwed when PB found a suitable CB (legit or not, this isn't the place to debate that) to roll the living crap out of them. We had the same allies in every single war, and every single war the other side found a way to make themselves lose. You shouldn't be blaming us my friend, you should be blaming yourselves.

[quote]The day either of you stand by someone and get stomped in a losing war and don't bail is the day that will change mine and a lot of minds on Sparta. There is a reason why so many people from both sides think you are a terrible alliance, it's not just because you took a major beating in a winning war either.[/quote]
I still don't understand this misconception that no alliance is respectable until they lose a war. We like winning, and we're going to keep trying to win until the day Admin turns off the lights. Maybe if ya'll stopped finding ways to keep yourselves from winning every single war the story would be a little different.

[quote]I would love to be proven wrong and see this be a truly independent bloc. I will be extremely surprised if it ever comes to pass given the current treaties of individual members and their direct ties to the PB/DH/SF/CnG sphere.
Those ties go both ways, my friend.

Edited by Hyperion321
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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1304884398' post='2708682']
That's the problem with this entire bloc. None of you have ever used your massive strength for any kind of independent actions. As of now this entire bloc looks like another PB/DH colony bloc. If you ever prove differently I will come on here and apologize.
You keep bashing on MHA and Sparta, but what about Fark and R&R? I'm pretty sure both of our alliances are members of this bloc, so what do you think of them? Have we only ever been puppets?

[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1304923934' post='2708962']
I still don't understand this misconception that no alliance is respectable until they lose a war. We like winning, and we're going to keep trying to win until the day Admin turns off the lights. Maybe if ya'll stopped finding ways to keep yourselves from winning every single war the story would be a little different.
This should make Fark one of the most respectable alliances on the planet :v:

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[quote name='fireguy15207' timestamp='1304938564' post='2709011']
You keep bashing on MHA and Sparta, but what about Fark and R&R? I'm pretty sure both of our alliances are members of this bloc, so what do you think of them? Have we only ever been puppets?

This should make Fark one of the most respectable alliances on the planet :v:
Everyone knows FARK is just R&R's puppet...R&R is just Spartas puppet and MHA runs the whole thing...or at least thats what Myth wants you to think >_>

o/ MHAil this already

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[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1304881855' post='2708664']
That feeling within the bloc was the result of all of us. We all had our issues and none of us handled it like we should have. I'm not saying Sparta had absolutely no hand in the deterioration of relations (We [i]all[/i] said and did dumb stuff, even us), but we certainly weren't planning your demise as Damsky is saying.
Damsky's crazy, and yeah that stuff really is ancient history, but revisionism does not suit you well.

[quote name='George the Great' date='Jul 6 2009, 01:24 AM' post='1668743']Sparta had been on the "karma" side of this war for months before it even happened, back when the war looked like it was going to be dead even (More NS on the Hegemony side, but more nukes on the Karma side).[/quote]
[quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1304881855' post='2708664']
It sucked, but we're over it, and so is Pacifica. If any other people who weren't involved have any issues with it (Damsky), then they really are behind the times. XX is the here and now, and obviously Karma is in the distant past, both in strength and in character.
Yep, this part is true.

[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1304884398' post='2708682']
Your latest fiasco was this past war when you very strongly appeared to be Umbrella's hand puppet and declared on Nueva Vida without any treaty.

That's the problem with this entire bloc. None of you have ever used your massive strength for any kind of independent actions. As of now this entire bloc looks like another PB/DH colony bloc. If you ever prove differently I will come on here and apologize.
You should be reading their posts, especially MHA, more closely, I think.

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[quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1304940836' post='2709018']
Everyone knows FARK is just R&R's puppet...R&R is just Spartas puppet and MHA runs the whole thing...or at least thats what Myth wants you to think >_>

o/ MHAil this already
Jeez, just tell the whole world, why don't you? :mellow:

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1304952866' post='2709056']

You should be reading their posts, especially MHA, more closely, I think.

Post as they will, their latest action was aiding PB/DH in this war. That's what we all have to go on. They've never put themselves on the line yet. Maybe now after most of the non-neutral planet has taken a big beating they will consider flexing some of their muscle.

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[quote name='fireguy15207' timestamp='1304938564' post='2709011']
You keep bashing on MHA and Sparta, but what about Fark and R&R? I'm pretty sure both of our alliances are members of this bloc, so what do you think of them? Have we only ever been puppets?


I have very little opinion one way or the other on Fark and R&R. Never stabbed in the back by them like with Sparta. Never had a friend stabbed in the back like MHA did to NPO.

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1304921779' post='2708953']

Would you really have rather them kept IRON at a state of war instead of leaving the front? That's what you just said. I can see why IRON dropped you, if that's what you think.

I have nothing against IRON at all. But as Gremlins closest ally, yes, I expect they should have stayed on IRON rather than sit it out again. They stayed out because staying in would have cost them political capitol and nation strength. But that shouldn't matter. You shouldn't let your friend and eternal ally be pounded to microdust if you can do anything to help.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1304969003' post='2709154']
I have very little opinion one way or the other on Fark and R&R. Never stabbed in the back by them like with Sparta. Never had a friend stabbed in the back like MHA did to NPO.
So what you're saying is that the "problem" with Dos Equis is only two of the member alliances, instead of, and I quote you, "this entire bloc?" Got it. Just making sure you weren't over-exaggerating.

Anyway, citing the Karma War for reasons why you dislike them? Come on now, that was two years ago, which is an even longer time on Bob. Your panties, unbunch. Grab a beer (or beverage of choice) and relax, for goodness sake.

Edited by fireguy15207
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[quote name='fireguy15207' timestamp='1304970099' post='2709160']
So what you're saying is that the "problem" with Dos Equis is only two of the member alliances, instead of, and I quote you, "this entire bloc?" Got it. Just making sure you weren't over-exaggerating.

Anyway, citing the Karma War for reasons why you dislike them? Come on now, that was two years ago, which is an even longer time on Bob. Your panties, unbunch. Grab a beer (or beverage of choice) and relax, for goodness sake.

You must not get life on Planet Bob. We've been fighting a war the past 3 months for stuff that happened 4 or 5 years ago that we've been rolled 2 or 3 times/paid reps for already. Sparta/MHA haven't been touched for anything pre-Karma, during Karma etc.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1304969003' post='2709154']
I have very little opinion one way or the other on Fark and R&R. Never stabbed in the back by them like with Sparta. Never had a friend stabbed in the back like MHA did to NPO.
[quote]Alliance Name:The Phoenix Federation [/quote]

Yeah it must suck to be stabbed in the back.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1304969003' post='2709154']
I have very little opinion one way or the other on Fark and R&R. Never stabbed in the back by them like with Sparta. Never had a friend stabbed in the back like MHA did to NPO.

You know, to say such a thing implies MHA are a bunch of bad back stabbing people. Now why would you want to imply something like that? :smug:

Edited by Mastermind
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