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Rating Alliances


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Rating based on my experiences with them. Lord knows if I went off owf posters the list would be quite different. If I don't know you, you get a neutral (5).

Mostly Harmless Alliance - 5
Green Protection Agency - 5
Fark - 5
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 5
Sparta - 5
World Task Force - 5
Orange Defense Network - 3
The Order Of The Paradox - 5
Umbrella -7
New Pacific Order - 10
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 7
Viridian Entente - 8
The Democratic Order - 5
New Polar Order - 2
FOK - 5
R&R -5
Mushroom Kingdom - 3
Nordreich - 1
LoSS -5
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 5
The Legion - 6
Valhalla - 8
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 5
Nueva Vida - 5
The Foreign Division - 5
Federation Of Armed Nations - 5
NATO - 7
Global Order of Darkness - 5
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 5
Legacy - 5
The Templar Knights - 5
The Order Of Light - 8
Asgaard - 5
iFOK - 5
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 5
Athens - 5
World Federation - 5
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 8
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 5
Global Democratic Alliance - 5
Argent - 5
Guru Order - 5
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 5
Ragnarok - 5
The Phoenix Federation - 10
Random Insanity Alliance - 5

Edited by Brehon
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  • Replies 209
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Top Posters In This Topic

Mostly Harmless Alliance - 1
Green Protection Agency - 5
Fark - 9
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 1
Sparta - 1
World Task Force - 1
Orange Defense Network - 1
The Order Of The Paradox - 0
Umbrella - 1
New Pacific Order - 2
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 3
Viridian Entente - 1
The Democratic Order - 1
New Polar Order - 10
FOK - 1
R&R - 1
Mushroom Kingdom - 1
Nordreich - 3
LoSS - 1
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 1
The Legion - 1
Valhalla - 1
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 1
Nueva Vida - 1
The Foreign Division - 1
Federation Of Armed Nations - 9
NATO - 1
Global Order of Darkness - 1
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 1
Legacy - 1
The Templar Knights - 1
The Order Of Light - 1
Asgaard - 1
iFOK - 1
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 1
Athens - 1
World Federation - 1
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 0
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 1
Global Democratic Alliance - 1
Argent - 1
Guru Order - 1
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 1
Ragnarok - 3
The Phoenix Federation - hard 6
Random Insanity Alliance - 1

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Mostly Harmless Alliance - 3
Green Protection Agency - 1
Fark - 7
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 8
Sparta - 4
World Task Force - 1
Orange Defense Network - 4
The Order Of The Paradox -10
Umbrella - 9
New Pacific Order - 4
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 3
Viridian Entente - 6
The Democratic Order - 1
New Polar Order - 1
FOK - 7
R&R - 6
Mushroom Kingdom - 9
Nordreich - 6
LoSS - 4
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 5
The Legion - 4
Valhalla - 3
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 2
Nueva Vida - 3
The Foreign Division - 3
Federation Of Armed Nations - 9
NATO - 3
Global Order of Darkness - 1
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 3
Legacy - 3
The Templar Knights - 3
The Order Of Light - 3
Asgaard - 3
iFOK - 7
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 2
Athens - 3
World Federation - 3
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 9
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 3
Global Democratic Alliance - 2
Argent - 9
Guru Order - 3
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 2
Ragnarok - 2
The Phoenix Federation - 2
Random Insanity Alliance - 4

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Mostly Harmless Alliance - 0
Green Protection Agency - 8
Fark - 0
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 5
Sparta - 5
World Task Force - 0
Orange Defense Network - 4
The Order Of The Paradox - 2
Umbrella - 0
New Pacific Order - 5
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 3
Viridian Entente - 1
The Democratic Order - 1
New Polar Order - 5
FOK - 1
R&R - 0
Mushroom Kingdom - 0
Nordreich - 3
LoSS - 2
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 1
The Legion - 5
Valhalla - 4
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 4
Nueva Vida - 6
The Foreign Division - 0
Federation Of Armed Nations - 0
NATO - 1
Global Order of Darkness - 0
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 1
Legacy - 1
The Templar Knights - 1
The Order Of Light - 3
Asgaard - 0
iFOK - 0
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 0
Athens - 4
World Federation - 2
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 0
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 1
Global Democratic Alliance - 0
Argent - 0
Guru Order - 0
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 10
Ragnarok - 0
The Phoenix Federation - 3
Random Insanity Alliance - 0

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5's are either I don't knwo you or neutral towards you

Mostly Harmless Alliance - 5
Green Protection Agency - 5
Fark - 5
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 9 :wub: allies, you've been with us thru thick and thin,
Sparta - 7 lots of good people in here
World Task Force - 5
Orange Defense Network 7 - OS keep the quotes coming ;)
The Order Of The Paradox - 10 :wub: my home for over 3 years
Umbrella - 7 lots of good people in here
New Pacific Order - 3
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 5
Viridian Entente - 8 Before a few months ago I didn't know anything about you but since then that has changed, also with Goldie,Janova and agnu whats not to love
The Democratic Order - 5
FOK - 6 re-establishing the friendship hopefully
R&R - 5
Mushroom Kingdom - 9 :wub: allies
Nordreich - 5
LoSS - 5
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 5
The Legion - 5
Valhalla - 3 Will go up when you guys ......
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 5
Nueva Vida - 5
The Foreign Division - 5
Federation Of Armed Nations - 8 resilient
NATO - 2
Global Order of Darkness - 5 i dont know yet
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 5
Legacy - 5
The Templar Knights - 5
The Order Of Light - 3
Asgaard - 5
iFOK - 5
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 5
Athens - 5
World Federation - 5
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 7 Sir William :wub: you guys are awesome
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 5
Global Democratic Alliance - 5
Argent - 9 :wub: allies
Guru Order - 5
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 5
Ragnarok - 5
The Phoenix Federation - 3
Random Insanity Alliance - 5

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[quote name='AtheistRepublican' timestamp='1304131531' post='2702314']
Hm. In that case...

Mostly Harmless Alliance - 10
Green Protection Agency - 10
Fark - 10
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 10
Sparta - 10
World Task Force - 10
Orange Defense Network - 10
The Order Of The Paradox - 9
Umbrella - 10
New Pacific Order - 10
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 10
Viridian Entente - 10
The Democratic Order - 10
New Polar Order - 10
FOK - 10
R&R - 10
Mushroom Kingdom - 10
Nordreich - 10
LoSS - 10
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 10
The Legion - 10
Valhalla - 10
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 10
Nueva Vida - 10
The Foreign Division - 10
Federation Of Armed Nations - 10
NATO - 10
Global Order of Darkness - 10
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 10
Legacy - 10
The Templar Knights - 10
The Order Of Light - 10
Asgaard - 10
iFOK - 10
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 10
Athens - 10
World Federation - 10
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 10
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 10
Global Democratic Alliance - 10
Argent - 10
Guru Order - 10
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 10
Ragnarok - 10
The Phoenix Federation - 10
Random Insanity Alliance - 10

...You win this round. :ph34r:

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Mostly Harmless Alliance 1
Completely useless as an alliance. With no political strength and a dull, at best, membership.

Green Protection Agency 5
Neutral on Neutrals.

Fark 6
They stand up for what they believe in. Good alliance.

Independent Republic Of Orange Nations 10
Great allies.

Sparta 1
See MHA.

World Task Force 5

Orange Defense Network 4
Oh how can some forget the days of your political face palming days.

The Order Of The Paradox 10

Umbrella 7
Cool alliance over all.

New Pacific Order 1

Global Alliance And Treaty Organization 4

Viridian Entente 3

The Democratic Order 5

New Polar Order 1
Worst alliance in this world.

R&R 8
Cool and solid alliance.
Mushroom Kingdom 10
Great alliance. An aquired taste though.

Nordreich 10
<3 Great allies <3

LoSS 8
Any alliance that NoR allies must be p. good.
Nusantara Elite Warriors 1
ZDP incident.

The Legion 1

Valhalla 9
You guys are cool.

Multicolored Cross-X Alliance 3
SCY is a bad detractor.

Nueva Vida 10

The Foreign Division 8
Cool allaince.

Federation Of Armed Nations 9
Solid alliance that knows what it's doing.


Global Order of Darkness 1

The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons 7
Solid alliance.

Legacy 5

The Templar Knights 4

The Order Of Light 3
I love you Bama

Asgaard 10
Great alliance.

iFOK 2
Steve Buscemi

Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations 1

Athens 4

World Federation 1
Hey, I heard Enrage was a bad leader.

Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism 2
Sardonic is pretty cool.

Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics 7
Cool guys.

Global Democratic Alliance 5

Argent 10
Unicorns > Dragons

Guru Order 5
Alright I guess.

Christian Coalition Of Countries 4

Ragnarok 9
Solid alliance. Hoo, Bob and Mykep are all great people.

The Phoenix Federation 1

Random Insanity Alliance 7
I give much respect to anyone who defends both of their allies when they're on different sides of a war.

Edited by Believland
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I'll play. Even though I'm a bit dissapointed in the Valhallan scores, too many middle of the road scores, needs more 2's and 8's.

Mostly Harmless Alliance - 4 - Don't care much either way, not sure where they're going, but not really happy with what I'm hearing.
Green Protection Agency - 5 - They're still here?
Fark - 4 - Needs to make a stand somewhere
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 9 - Decent chaps, maybe a bit too naive at times.
Sparta - 2 - Not worthy of trust.
World Task Force - 5 - No real opinion
Orange Defense Network - 4 - Still being dragged down by their past (not that that's unusual here)
The Order Of The Paradox - 4 - I should like them, but i can't. Seems to think the world should revolve around them.
Umbrella - 7 - Seem to play us pretty straight, i can respect that.
New Pacific Order - 3 - Failure of leadership. See what happens under the new regime
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 5 - I want to rate lower, but I still have some loyalty
Viridian Entente - 2 - Just don't like them.
The Democratic Order - 5 - shrug
New Polar Order - 1 - See Sparta, just worse.
FOK - 5 - Indifferent really
R&R - 4 - Dragged down by certain allies
Mushroom Kingdom - 6 - I don't think they understood the weight of the post Karma spotlight, they aren't cut out for the role they find themselves in right now.
Nordreich - 8 - Stand up crew who found themselves in a tough FA spot.
LoSS - 5 - Indifferent these days, not really sure what they're up to.
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 2 - Dumb.
The Legion - 3 - Better than Invicta
Valhalla - 8 - Lead by a short order cook, like a waffle house knock off in purple paint.
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 5 - Sad, we're allies, but I don't know where they stand.
Nueva Vida - 6 - seem like decent people in what little contact I've had, would likely rate higher with more contact
The Foreign Division - 5 - Indifferent
Federation Of Armed Nations - 7 - Rub some people the wrong way, but that's part of the charm.
NATO - 6 - we've moved on, doesn't mean i need to dislike them
Global Order of Darkness - 1 - Lead by an egomaniac with reality issues
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 6 - Heard good things, but I've no direct experience myself
Legacy - 6 - Would rate indifferent, but i kinda like Sarm in what little contact we've had.
The Templar Knights - 4 - Dislike some of their choices more than the alliance itself
The Order Of Light - 6 - Shame
Asgaard - 7 - Maybe it's just the name
iFOK - 6 - always good for some lulz, still wish we signed that MDP way back when to piss off Invicta
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 1 - So much recent fail, where to begin?
Athens - 5 - Can't rate an Athens sans Londo
World Federation - 5 - Indifferent
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 3 - The whole GOONS vs GOONs issue bugs me as much or more than some of the stances they make.
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 5 - Not indifferent, just not sure
Global Democratic Alliance - 5 - Indifferent
Argent - 5 - really don't know enough to rate
Guru Order - 5 - indifferent
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 3 - Dislike this specific mixing of RL and CN more than anything they've done.
Ragnarok - 7 - Wish things stood differently over the last couple years of CN politics
The Phoenix Federation - 6 - Still like them, not a fan of blind loyalty though. See what happens in the future.
Random Insanity Alliance - 5 - would be a 6 but even getting a 5 with associations to CSN and GOD is an accomplishment.

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[quote name='Xavii' timestamp='1304118973' post='2702221']

Christian Coalition Of Countries - 3 : Fought one nations this war, not much brag. Changed AA's and bio to something hilarious (for me at least) every few days. + for that.

O.... were you on eof the members of Umbrella who attacked us with MK, without declaring war? ;)

Edited by wes the wise
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Mostly Harmless Alliance: 8 Haven't heard anything bad about them.
Green Protection Agency 10 Neutrality is perhaps one of the most consistent and ethical ideologies out there.
Fark: 8 They keep to themselves
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations: 8 Nothing much to dislike
Sparta: 9 I have had many pleasant interactions with their former members.
World Task Force: 10 Neutrality is perhaps one of the most consistent and ethical ideologies out there.
Orange Defense Network: 8 They seem harmless enough
The Order Of The Paradox : 8 I love Paradox Interactive
Umbrella: 8 I like Umbrellas
New Pacific Order: 8 Long history
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization: 9 I like cats.
Viridian Entente: 9 Dedicated and loyal bunch.
The Democratic Order: Neutrality is perhaps one of the most consistent and ethical ideologies out there.
New Polar Order: 8 Nice people
FOK: 7 Haven't heard anything bad about them.
R&R: 8 Great pip
Mushroom Kingdom: 8 I like Mario.
Nordreich: 6 I don't like Germany or its history.
LoSS: 8 They have a decent flag.
Nusantara Elite Warriors: 9 I like Indonesians
The Legion: 8 I like purple
Valhalla: 8 I like purple
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 9 Not really multicolored
Nueva Vida: 8 fun guys
The Foreign Division: 9 Very fun guys
Federation Of Armed Nations: 7 I don't like guns very much.
NATO: 8 They have an interesting history.
Global Order of Darkness: 8 I like bacon.
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons: 9 I sold tech to a guy that may have been in GLOF.
Legacy: 7 For a relatively new alliance they certainly don't have much legacy.
The Templar Knights: 6 I hated the Templars. They were mean to Altaïr
The Order Of Light: 7 What do hammers have to do with anything?
Asgaard: 8 Great people
iFOK: 7 Not so great people
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations: 7 Not really a Commonwealth but whatever.
Athens: 8 I like everything Greek.
World Federation: 8 Baloney!
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism: 7 Not really oppressive, nor negligent, nor sadistic.
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics: 7 They have 'Of Elite' in their name.
Global Democratic Alliance: 10 Almost best alliance ever.
Argent: 1 I would give them a 0 but they have that beaver thing.
Guru Order: 5 I am neutral on this subject.
Christian Coalition Of Countries: 7 They don't really do a lot of Christian things...
Ragnarok: 8 I like Nordic mythology
The Phoenix Federation: 9 I like Phoenixes.
Random Insanity Alliance: 1 What?

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[quote name='Janosik' timestamp='1304208879' post='2702807']
FOK - <_<
NPO - :huh:
GPA - :v:
NpO - :lol1:
OBR - :blush:
FAN - ^_^
GOD - :gag:
Nebula X - :nuke:
MK - :awesome:

TOP - :ph34r:

Everyone else - :/

Bad rating aside, we should do next years thread entirely in this format.

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Mostly Harmless Alliance- 5 wish they would do more
Green Protection Agency- n/a
Fark- 7, impressive alliance I can’t ever get a read on. If that’s by design they deserve that rating, if it’s by inactivity then that should be a 4
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations- 10 my brothas. Much love
Sparta- 4, still haven’t forgotten the way they dropped us. Great diplomat over at our boards though, definitely making me soften up.
World Task Force- n/a
Orange Defense Network- 5, they don’t really do anything for me. I used to care, but not really anymore.
The Order Of The Paradox – 7, quality alliance, tough as nails, and great to have by your side in a fight. Democracy is makes communication difficult though.
Umbrella- 8, unbelievable stats, great leader/communicator in Roq. They do what they do, and they do it well.
New Pacific Order- 2, for obvious reasons. Still self-centered, hugely melodramatic, and frankly uninteresting FAwise. Has done nothing to pull itself out of its hole.
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization – 4, always silly choices. Frequently pulled into many directions which is sad for an alliance of your size which should be the one doing the pulling.
Viridian Entente – 6, no real opinion. Made a war. Would be a 5, but they attacked polar so +1
The Democratic Order- n/a
New Polar Order – 2, :D
FOK – 6, quality alliance. Don’t make a huge bang, but you get the sense that they have some good strategists
R&R- 6, 1 point for having DVD
Mushroom Kingdom- 6, quality alliance, whether you love them or hate them they are good rulers
Nordreich – 8, Impressive military machine and dedication. Generally seem like cool guys. Val’s allies
LoSS- 5
Nusantara Elite Warriors- 5, your war was stupid, but you’ve picked a solid friend in FEAR
The Legion – 3, worthless
Valhalla- 10, just so thick
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance- 5, meh, I like SCY but don’t really know the rest
Nueva Vida- 6, impressive alliance, did work last war.
The Foreign Division- 6, see NV
Federation Of Armed Nations- 7, dynamic. Know what they’re doing. Got the FAN mystic going on
Global Order of Darkness- 2, ugh
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons- 7, steadfast allies, nice guys, and easy to work with
Legacy- 5
The Templar Knights - 5
The Order Of Light -4, get well soon?
iFOK-5, colony alliance
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations- 3, gain a sympathy point for being so pathetic they thought they came up with those DT terms themselves
Athens- 4, used to have a swagger, lack it now
World Federation- 4, a little full of themselves for having done nothing
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism- 5, meh
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics- 9, quality allies. You can always count on FEAR
Global Democratic Alliance- 5
Argent- 8, see Umb, same good traits
Guru Order- 5
Christian Coalition Of Countries-5
Ragnarok- 5, cool guys, but this war demonstrated some serious internal conflicts. Get your house in order and understand reality, (hint: you can say you lost, don’t act like children)
The Phoenix Federation- 4, being a martyr doesn’t get you points. Being a more competent martyr does.
Random Insanity Alliance- 4, same political !@#$%^&* as GOD/CSN, but you manage not to come off like total tools like they do. Points for having that level of competence

Edited by Lord Curzon
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[color=#1C2837][size=2]Green Protection Agency - 4
Fark - 8
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 6
Sparta - 6
World Task Force - 5
Orange Defense Network - 7
The Order Of The Paradox - 7 [well run machine]
Umbrella - 6
New Pacific Order - 7
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 5
Viridian Entente - 5 would have been a 7/8 a while back.
The Democratic Order - 5
New Polar Order - 9 [awesome alliance and friends] Would go to ZI for them all over again!
FOK - 7
R&R - 7 [Would have been an 8 or 9 before reading this thread and seeing how quick some of their members can turn from superfriends to dislike. Still an awesome alliance with quite a lot of great members.
Mushroom Kingdom - 6 [my dislike has turned into meh. Didn't like their attack on Pacifica at all.]
Nordreich - 7
LoSS - 5
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 7 [good fighters]
The Legion - 6 +1 for wenulu [always liked this alliance for its friendly members and its personality. ]
Valhalla - 7
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 5
Nueva Vida - 6
The Foreign Division - 6
Federation Of Armed Nations - 7
NATO - 6/7
Global Order of Darkness - 6
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 5 [dont know anything about you]
Legacy - 5
The Templar Knights - 7
The Order Of Light - 5
Asgaard - 8
iFOK - 6
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 7
Athens - 6
World Federation - 4
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 5
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 6
Global Democratic Alliance - 5
Argent - 6
Guru Order - 7
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 5
Ragnarok - 8 [we know we're not [i]there[/i] yet] But there's nowhere else on Bob i'd rather be
The Phoenix Federation - 6[/size][/color]
[color=#1C2837][size=2]Random Insanity Alliance - 8 [/size][/color]

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Mostly Harmless Alliance - 2
Green Protection Agency - 5
Fark - 6
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 9
Sparta - 2
World Task Force - 5
Orange Defense Network - 6
The Order Of The Paradox - 10
Umbrella - 2
New Pacific Order - 5
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 4
Viridian Entente - 6
The Democratic Order - 5

FOK - 0
R&R - 5
Mushroom Kingdom - 8 (get rid of deltev and get a +1)
Nordreich - 3
LoSS - 3
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 6
The Legion - 5
Valhalla - 7
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 4
Nueva Vida - 3
The Foreign Division - 5
Federation Of Armed Nations - 7
NATO - 5
Global Order of Darkness - 2
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 5
Legacy - 5
The Templar Knights - 5
The Order Of Light - 6
Asgaard - 5
iFOK - 1
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 3
Athens - 5
World Federation - 5
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 7
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 6
Global Democratic Alliance - 5
Argent - 9
Guru Order - 5
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 5
Ragnarok - 3
The Phoenix Federation - 7
Random Insanity Alliance - 5

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[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1304219462' post='2702892']
Bad rating aside, we should do next years thread entirely in this format.

I disagree. A thread should never be obligated to contain so many of that damn :lol1: emote.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1304219462' post='2702892']
Bad rating aside, we should do next years thread entirely in this format.
I'd require each participant to actually post a video of them making each face, in under one minute.

[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1304230673' post='2703025']
Olympus- +10 for having Aboooe in it, - 5 for having Wickedj and -5 for having Pansy. :awesome:
This sort of logic applies to a lot of alliances... 'pretty cool guys, cept that guy <_< '

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[color="#800080"]Valhalla - 8
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 8
The Phoenix Federation - 8[/color]

[color="#008000"]Ragnarok - 7
The Order Of The Paradox - 7
World Task Force - 7
The Legion - 7
Nueva Vida - 7
The Order Of Light - 7
World Federation - 7[/color]

[color="#00FF00"]Green Protection Agency - 6
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 6
New Pacific Order - 6
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 6
Legacy - 6
The Templar Knights - 6
Asgaard - 6
Fark - 6
Random Insanity Alliance - 6
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 6
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 6
The Foreign Division - 6
NATO - 6[/color]

[color="#0000FF"]Orange Defense Network - 5
Mostly Harmless Alliance - 5
The Democratic Order - 5
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 5
Global Democratic Alliance - 5
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 5
Guru Order - 5
Athens - 5[/color]

[color="#FFFF00"]Federation Of Armed Nations - 4
Viridian Entente - 4
LoSS - 4
New Polar Order - 4
Umbrella - 4
Global Order of Darkness - 4
R&R - 4[/color]

[color="#FFA500"]FOK - 3
Sparta -3
Mushroom Kingdom - 3
[color="#FF0000"]Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 2
Argent - 2
Nordreich - 2[/color]

[color="#8B0000"]iFOK - 1[/color]

[color="#C0C0C0"]Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 0[/color]

I decided to rate them all, as well as give different colors to those I gave different ratings. Some I might of been a bit generous in their rating, but overall I think my ratings are pretty accurate for anyone looking for a easy to understand color coded chart of the deserved ratings of many alliances.

Edited by Methrage
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Mostly Harmless Alliance: 5
Green Protection Agency: 5
Fark: 6.5, I don't know you guys too well, but I hear great things and you're funny.
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations: 6, I used to dislike you guys, but you're not too bad.
Sparta: 8, good allies
World Task Force:5
Orange Defense Network: 10, obviously :smug:
The Order Of The Paradox: 6, see IRON
Umbrella: 8
New Pacific Order: 3, Think you guys have a 'tude problem.
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization: 7, allies, but I need to get to know you better :P
Viridian Entente: 5, Positive and negative thoughts about you guys that cancel out
The Democratic Order: 5
New Polar Order: 2, used to have mad respect for you guys, but not anymore.
FOK: 6, good people overall, but you've done some stuff that's rubbed me the wrong way.
R&R: 6.5, very good people.
Mushroom Kingdom: 9.5 :wub:
Nordreich: 5, meh
LoSS: 5
Nusantara Elite Warriors: 4, dumb move attacking DF
The Legion: 3, Just don't respect you.
Valhalla: 2, just blegh.
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 5.5, you guys seem ok, but after fighting you and hearing from other ODNers in their wars with you, I just feel like I need to help you, like a child.
Nueva Vida: 5
The Foreign Division: 6, good peeps.
Federation Of Armed Nations: 5.5
NATO: 2, never impressed me. Used to be NPO stooges, and haven't done much to improve their image IMO.
Global Order of Darkness: 5, see VE.
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons: 3.5, you guys really annoyed me in BiPolar
Legacy: 5
The Templar Knights: 5
The Order Of Light: 6, have had a lot of trouble, but they're good people.
Asgaard: 5
iFOK: 6.5
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations: 4, didn't agree with their rep shens.
Athens: 0, duh. Seriously, 9.
World Federation
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism: 6.5
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics: 6, Good people to fight, repeatedly.
Global Democratic Alliance: 5
Argent: 6, good people.
Guru Order: 5
Christian Coalition Of Countries: 5
Ragnarok: 5.5, I used to have fun on your spam boards :P
The Phoenix Federation: 5
Random Insanity Alliance: 6

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Mostly Harmless Alliance - 6
Green Protection Agency - 1
Fark - 6
Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 6
Sparta - 6
World Task Force - 1
Orange Defense Network - 9
The Order Of The Paradox - 7
Umbrella - 10
New Pacific Order - 3
Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 3
Viridian Entente - 7
The Democratic Order - 1 lol
New Polar Order - 2
FOK - 8
R&R - 5
Mushroom Kingdom - 7
Nordreich - 4
LoSS - 3
Nusantara Elite Warriors - 4
The Legion - 2
Valhalla - 3
Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 2
Nueva Vida - 5
The Foreign Division - 2
Federation Of Armed Nations - 5
NATO - 3
Global Order of Darkness - 6
The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 3
Legacy - 4
The Templar Knights - 4
The Order Of Light - 3
Asgaard - 3
iFOK - 6
Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 6
Athens - 5
World Federation - 4
Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 7
Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 5
Global Democratic Alliance - 1
Argent - 6
Guru Order - 3
Christian Coalition Of Countries - 2
Ragnarok - 4
The Phoenix Federation - 1
Random Insanity Alliance - 5

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