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Everything posted by berbers

  1. Is anyone else impressed that Mi6 lost 8 score and 0 members? Normally at this point of a curbstomp, members are fleeing for their lives. I just thought that was worth noting.
  2. Well umm...this is awkward, but you do know that it isn't up to you when this ends anymore
  3. I read this whole thing and still do not understand what is going on
  4. That spread between 1st and 12th
  5. Well I think the point is this time last year TPF also had a treaty with NPO. So the point they are trying to make is that if ODN/GATO sign treaty NPO doesn't like post war, who is to say this doesn't happen to them. That's their point anyway, I know for a fact that there was more to the TPF cancellation than Mi6, signing Mi6 was the catalyst of the cancellation, but it was either that or some other thing since relations had soured to the point where a cancellation was essentially imminent. I still don't agree with preempting TPF, but saying all of NPO's non-occulus allies are in the crosshairs is baseless propaganda.
  6. You know how ridiculous this is? If Kashmir even came close to getting into trouble, it has so many friends, both AA's and individuals who would jump in to help. Especially a rogue like you who anyone could literally jump in on if Kashmir got bored and left a slot open.
  7. Ohhhh Yeahhhhhhh I've always wanted to be allied to FTW, great stuff!
  8. I feel like this post isn't getting the attention it deserves. Also I have good friends and people I hate on both sides of this conflict, so equal measures burn in a nuclear fire and good lucks to both sides
  9. Nice group to join Vikings, R&R will treat you well :D
  10. Back in my day, such an egregious pre-empt would have garnered at least 40 pages by now, not this measly 8 :( We need some sort of shyamalan twist to kick this up a notch. Maybe Mi6 was in Occulus all along and this is really a plot to take down ODN.
  11. Heh, cool Mi6 got off a few offensives, that's pretty impressive considering the crazy amount of pain coming at them :/ Also lol at BEazy and Voodoo in the first wave :P
  12. Loves me some wolves <3
  13. Now that the world knows about code Bert, it's time to initiate the snuffleupicus protocols. Begin the 12 second countdown.
  14. Damn, you found us out. We asked NADC to spy Mi6 and then share the intel through the PIAT. One more dastardly plot foiled by Mogar.
  15. yeah, my AA goes from 1 to 2 members and I'm suddenly the best? :P
  16. Oh man, you should have let me know you were leaving, I'd have gone bear force 2 with you :(
  17. No Methrage posts declaring he actually was the winner? Something ain't right
  18. I always thought NEW would suicide into some big AA on their way out :(
  19. I like DS and I like FTW, excellent :D
  20. I feel like this was a serious comment but I can't conceive of any way this PIAT would do that :/
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