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Everything posted by berbers

  1. lol Xanth those logs make you look just as bad as Sigrun :/
  2. That must be a new joke because I've never heard that :D
  3. Definitely the scales. Game.set.match.
  4. NPO are on a crazy tech rampage, they will consume us all
  5. That's actually quite a dick move. Totally unnecessary.
  6. I feel like Hershey would be a great CN overlord, I vote for him :D Edit: I meant to post this in the crazy conspiracy thread, move along :|
  7. Well it has less to do you with you and more who you are fighting. For example, everytime you fight GOONS I like you. When you fight Kashmir/SRA I do not like you. Pretty simple really.
  8. I was going to see if I could chain in via the SRA non-consensual one-way ODP with R&R but if NG is protecting Sigrun then I can't cuz I loves me some NG (Caustic excluded cuz fuck him :P)
  9. Pfft, that cat isn't even that long
  10. Yay NG! A future without Grata is no future at all!
  11. Man if I was a senator and got sanctioned twice and attacked on my color sphere, I'd be sanctioning everybody :P Not that I support Methrage in any way, i'd have probably hit him again if he was in range,but you have to admire his self-restraint
  12. Oh man the temptation to wreck all of III% trade circles must be so strong right now :P This is hilarious and hope it remains a thing for the forseeable future.
  13. Rock solid CB for Kaskus against Mi6 right here
  14. Congrats to our friends in LSF, Nor you just picked up one amazing ally!
  15. So I guess we aren't doing the forum pip thing?
  16. Finally the tyranny of the New Pacific Order is at an end. Rejoice everyone at the bravery of our animalz saviours.
  17. If it pleases the courts, I'd like to submit that NATO has been sanctioned for nigh on a few months at this point and would kindly request to have the below pip added muchos gracias http://i.imgur.com/5a1RL8h.png
  18. Goood....goood.... /evil insect from family guy
  19. Agreed...reading and writing is not a good indicator of literacy
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