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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. Shakin' off a little rust here. o/ MelonFarmers!
  2. I was not aware that goons wrote their own DoW's. I always thought Umbrella wrote them & MK signed them. Heh. You learn something new every day.
  3. Wait. It's called Purple hell, but there is a Pink Elephant in the sig? I say, "If your afraid of pink, then poke the stink."
  4. I am just back in country and late to the party, but it is great to be allied to NATO again! o/ Turkey Portugal France (NATO countries for the under educated...) o/ NATO
  5. Happy Birthday to my Bro's in SNAFU! Now for some of Warmongrel's strippers?
  6. It's crazy that this has turned into a 3 ringed circus over us cancelling 2 treaties. In fact, treaties that we still have ties into both spheres with. Oh wait. The three ringed circus has nothing to do with our damn cancellations! It's just drama trolls rolling on through arguing with each other and showing the usual complete lack of, well, anything resembling intelligence. Thanks to our former allies for maintaining a modicum of dignity as many have tried to bait reactions out of anybody that will give them. To Neo Uruk. You should really take your head out of your @#$ a little more often to see what TPF has done, rather than to just spew those same few turds you always do and everybody is tired of. Thank you and carry on with the plan of the day. That is all.
  7. Sorry I'm late to the party. Congrats to you guys. o/ STA o/ UPN(not that TV station that went out of business)
  8. I was thinking PITA as in Pain In The Bloodfurry, but then again... I do like hummus.
  9. Well this is truly a PITA to be sure. p.s. Anything Bloodfury hates is likely good.
  10. I would say, "Open Raiding alliances" are those that have tech raiding in their charter and tech raid at least on an off and on basis.
  11. An obvious subject target as I think that there are only 4 of us open raiding alliances. Now if GOONS would do NEW and NEW would retaliate by attacking GOONS, er I mean reply with a thread of their own.
  12. Luckily this change goes through shortly after I get my WRC. I wonder just how low of an NS I can get for idiots. Anybody that thinks this wasn't needed hasn't been here a day for the last 7 or so years. Anybody who is William Bonney had too much fun typing out something that long and then not posting a tl;dr... TPF also allows raiding and has raids from time to time. o/ TPF
  13. Best of luck to the Ninjas of the North Atlantic.
  14. Closing a book on an era can be a heavy thing in the hearts of those who have put the ink on the paper, but it can also be good in that a new book can be written. Good luck to all moving forward.
  15. As much as Caustic needs some Milk of Magnesia, rogues are getting sickening. It belies the lack of willingness to work towards the goal of crushing your enemies through alliance warfare or political warfare.
  16. I see how you feel about your longest allies. When others were chaff in the wind of war. Those who claim the darkness yet run after 2 weeks of war. You are truly a double dealer. Your stepping down will not keep the NPO from the costs of your actions.
  17. I'm pretty sure this sums it up. Constantly crying on the OWF looks exactly like this Ubuntu. A bit of direct diplomacy goes a long ways with Sardonic.
  18. The disparity of our unit cohesion has once again caused a fracture. The whims of self preservation will continue to breed weakness. How long before the final remnants of Light are bathed in the darkness completely?
  19. Is that nostalgia? The days of yore calling to your blood from the vast recesses of time? TPF will stand by it's allies in this time of need. Vultures can keep their grimy hands to themselves.
  20. Come on your not being Politically Correct, PC as it were, :awesome: , with this! Keep our privates and our business quiet. Edit: Oops. Came here to support this and boom, got side tracked. o/ Alternian Empire o/ TPF
  21. Congratulations on Embassy Proliferation. Carry on with the plan of the day.
  22. Sad to see Tony go, but good luck to him in that strange place. Onward and upward NADC!
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