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Judge X

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Everything posted by Judge X

  1. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1358816156' post='3082719'] Although there have been a few hiccups along the way, MK has always remained a close friend to us and will continue to be one long past the events we are facing today. It's only fitting we go down with them once again and pretty much against the same alliances as last time. :v [/quote] Wait. I do take issue with the phrase, "go down with once again,". When have they gone down in the last 5 years? I would also like to point out that the isn't by any means against the same alliances. There are alliance that are no longer on your side, there are new alliances, & there are old alliances that have paid their penance and remade themselves internally and externally. Sorry that I can't let you escape that misnomer. By the grey balls of Rushsykes it is the truth.
  2. The priesthood has traveled to UCoN territory. Congrats.
  3. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1358815212' post='3082704'] Why don't you attack them? Apparently an attack on one is an attack on all. [/quote] Your a better friend than they deserve. How many times are you going to bail them out? o/ TLR( & Athen's warriors by extension)
  4. [quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1358814837' post='3082696'] i have never understood CN when it comes to insults were going ti !@#$%* and moan and blah blah blah blah and then eventually were gonna fight side by side and be buddy buddies. you act like their is going to be an eternal grudge . sorry you dont have that honor. so just hush up enjoy the war and tell your little kittens TPF and SHang to please be quiet and go help your allies in the bigger conflict and let us 3 (NPO,NSO,KASKUS) have our fun <3 [/quote] No! You have been naughty and now will be stuck not fighting the war you want to because you chose to interfere with business that happened outside of your alliance and was dealt with amicably(sort of) by that crap talker while he was not even in your alliance. He has used you, but you have also stolen his masculinity by not allowing him to man up. Now he tromps around like the little boy that he is and tells tall tales and you guys' keep enabling him. So stay on your corner until the NSO finds pity for you or you man up yourselves. Don't hold your breath, they aren't Sith for no reason.
  5. What's the matter MK? Not enough balls to preempt TPF anymore? EVERYMK. MUST. FAIL.
  6. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1358813047' post='3082670'] [color=#0000ff]I strongly suggest you reevaluate your stance on the funniness of our jokes. This is your only warning.[/color] [/quote] Yes. Do it or RV will reply to every post you ever post and you will wake up and nothing...
  7. Can't we all just get along and nuke the Marshmallow Kingdom? It's what everybody wants to do. To shove nukes down their lying, conniving, tasteless, backstabbing *ahem* throats. No Vaseline. o/ MK
  8. Read the OP. I'd read it again too, but that's because Idk what the Hell "THEY'RE" smoking. I am assuming that it took so long to enter because you probably can't find "smoke" good enough to believe that OP in just a day or two.
  9. Good luck to NATO. Give em Hell. o/ NATO o/ ODN
  10. I am pretty sure rhat Kaskus has ne received a no release from this war to fight the other war sentence. You had your chance. Side note: I know sardonic. They didn't even get it.
  11. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1358734703' post='3081443'] Anybody would think smurf is a one man wrecking machine instead of being a liability the way he is carrying on. [/quote] He is a one man wrecking machine. To whatever alliance he is in at the time.
  12. So you surrendered to GOONS & you hate them, but you won't surrender to NSO because they are on the same side & you feel you can extort their want to fight alongside their other allies? Please correct me with what your trying to accomplish if I am wrong.
  13. I'd have loved, "A mudslide"! o/ to both
  14. 1) There we better things to fight for. 2) It has not been one single member of Kaskus that has gone overboard,but just about all of them. 3) Pride kills and the only way to mend the wound that pride has opened is by owning up to it. 4) It's only fun if it is for a good reason. Just war is fine, IF that were truthfully the reason. In reference see #3. Kaskus has been played and has too much pride to man up and admit it. There, the war with NSO is on the verge of being over. You have fought a friend over an idiot and now Kaskus is going to miss out in fighting those they truly hate for it and so no longer wishes to stop this war. Suck it up, man up, and admit you were wrong. Nobody has anything personal against you.
  15. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1358726483' post='3081316'] Yeah sorry buddy this isn't DH-NPO part two. There will be little to nothing holding up peace negotiations this time most likely, as neither side has enough of an advantage to force things down the other's throats. [/quote] I miss you Sardonic. When I get ZI'd I'll try and drop by for a visit. Good luck bro.
  16. [quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1358727082' post='3081324'] I have been in Umbrella for 2 months so whatever bro. And who cares how your alliance gets its warchests? That doesn't really impact anything. [/quote] So your thumping your chest like cyber-jesus for what reason?
  17. [quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1358725774' post='3081302'] I know one thing for sure, we would outlast TPF. [/quote] Ha! I lasted all but the last 6 weeks off of umbrella aid. We are used to the long fight with little cash. Guess what? Two years without a beat down does a lot for the war chests. I shall mention that there is no Athens to save you this time either. We got love for CnG and understand the eg they have to stand on.
  18. Perhaps TPF can step in and help NSO with any needed aid. Our coffers are open to our allies. Gantan X & Tan have had plenty of chance to end this amicably. Kaskus has turned from good warriors that can be respected into flaming, spamming drivel. You have accomplished nothing, but to tarnish NEW. Too much trash and trash talk has been allowed and I for one am sick of it.
  19. [quote name='Umar ibn Abd al&#045;Aziz' timestamp='1358724079' post='3081285'] A 6 month war, eh? Are you positive that you can sustain something like that? [/quote] Are you a joke or an idiot? DH-NPO war last a week or two short of 6 months. The hard truth is that it's not in your favor this time. Are you positive you can last half that time with no bail out coming?
  20. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1358713548' post='3081158'] The inconsistency was that you didn't declare on the alliances who previously "slot filled" his war slots. By doing so you sent out the message it was ok to do it at the very least. [/quote] Was he a rogue from those alliances or a rogue from umbrella?
  21. [quote name='Lord Gobb' timestamp='1358713030' post='3081147'] I don't really care about the ~validity of a casus belli~ but it's always lovely to see the original reasoning completely fall apart. The war is not two days old and already the eloquently typed arguments in the DoW have made way for the real reason of "idk I want a war". [/quote] Sorry this isn't as rock solid as, 'Everything. Must. Die.' Or 'Dave93', but I javent seen anybody digress into, "idk, I want a war". I am pretty sure that's loose interpretation of the whole thing in a, "spin it however I like" kinda way. Drink the KOOL-AID much?
  22. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1358712418' post='3081142'] [color=#0000ff]Try and break this thought into smaller sentences, please. I believe that this concept might be a bit too advanced for AI to understand.[/color] [/quote] Perhaps you could try to kiss ass a little harder in public you've only started to tickle his brain from the posterior.
  23. I can respect Lions, and Tigers, and GATOs, and now they've all had announcements. Congrats to Lion.
  24. [quote name='pd73bassman' timestamp='1358703891' post='3081039'] LOL, you are a 9k nation, Umbrella has like 1 nation that can hit you if I am correct. I also think you need to [b]first[/b] declare a war before you can get countered,GOONS west should take notice of this one [/quote] I am sure he'll still be there waiting in a month.
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